Best Beginner Build in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2

Discover the best beginner build in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 including some best tips and tricks that will help you in the starting region.

best beginner build in kingdom come deliverance 2

Starting as a new player in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 can confuse you on where to go, what things to acquire, and so on. Although the game will guide you in the early hours of the game and will provide you with tutorials on all of its mechanics, it still can put you in a tough situation of which perks to acquire first. As your gear, skills, and perks play a major role in defining your play style, you must start in the best way possible to face the challenges. Moreover, playing cautiously will keep you away from danger and it affects your main stats as well. Increasing the main stats helps build your character’s strength, mobility, and knowledge which are crucial for the world of KCD2.

In this guide, we will discuss the best beginner build in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 including the best strategy, gear, perks, potions, and more.

Beginner Build Overview in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

beginner build overview in kcd2

Our Beginner Build in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 is all about how you can make Henry (protagonist) viable for facing all early game challenges. Whether it is combat, stealth, or persuasion, this build guide will help you survive in the first region of the game.

For a brief overview, a sword with a shield is your best bet in combat, especially during hand-to-hand combat. You can block and parry with longswords and heavy weapons, but the shield gives you a chance to push away the target on a perfect block. Getting an item without getting noticed will require you to get some clothes which lowers the noise and visibility of the character. Moreover, learning the mechanics like lockpicking, pickpocketing, and silent takedowns will help you massively. Lastly, to talk your way out of danger or get useful information from the NPCs will require persuasion with a correct method. Putting on good armour, nice clothes and perfume, and keeping a good reputation will help you in persuading NPCs.

However, since this build is for beginners, it is not specifically focused on one thing. With that being said, it will take you a good amount of time to properly build it. If you are someone who has allocated their points in some other perks and want to respec, use Lethean Water (Potion) to allocate the points accordingly.

Starting Overall BalancedTake Time to Build (Initially)
Have the Option to Perform Stealth ActionsNot fully focused on Strength, Agility, or Vitality
Can Survive the Fights Against Multiple EnemiesA Lot More Noisy
Pros & Cons of Beginner Build in KCD2

Everything About Beginner Build in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

everything about beginner build in kcd2

This beginner build in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 is all about survival and making your early region playthrough a bit easier. The initial focus of this build is to get decent gear including a sword, a shield, armour, and some nice clothes. With these essentials in your inventory, you will be able to accomplish most of your survival. A sword and shield is perfect for beginners in KCD2 as it will overall increase the chances of being hit with perfect blocks.

Normally, when you do a perfect block with a weapon to do a counterattack, you will find the opponent doing the same to you. It can end as you run out of stamina and take hits from the enemies. Well, with the shield, there is a chance that Henry will push the enemy or hit them with the shield. When he does that, doing a follow-up attack right after hitting them with the shield will succeed in a hit. However, you do not want to spam block or continuously block all attacks, as it can deplete the stamina quickly. Taking your time and backing off to restore stamina should be prioritised in every fight.

Equipping armour on the full body is crucial to lowering the damage of both slashing and stabbing attacks. It also prevents you from starting bleeding in a few hits, raising overall survival during combat. Moreover, we will be using essential potions for combat that will help you in utilizing stamina and healing over time.

Moreover, this build also includes some stealth options, mainly an outfit perfect for performing stealthy maneuvers during the night. As you won’t be able to purchase all the essentials, stealing efficiently like a thief without raising any alarms will do you just fine.

Best Strategy For Beginner Build in KCD2

best strategy for beginner build in kcd2

In our beginner build in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2, we will highly suggest you pick the Soldier (play style) in the very first quest. Although all of your corresponding stats will reset after a few moments, it will set the preference for Henry, allowing him to earn experience in fighting. Moreover, during the Easy Riders quest, we also suggest you select the Swords as the preferable weapon and Knowledge for an extra point in the Speech stat.

After an hour or two, you will gain access to the open world, allowing you to explore the world freely, pursue quests, indulge in activities, and more. Here are some steps, that I highly recommend you to follow which will allow you to get yourself gear and perks for the beginner build.

1. Get the Military Sword – Go to Mutt quest Location

The very first thing that you should do is to get your hands on a better weapon. The easiest way to do it without getting yourself into some trouble is to go to the starting location of the Mutt quest. It is located past Bozhena’s hut and as you reach the spot, you will find a vagabond looting a bandit’s body. He will threaten you to surrender and give away all of your items to him. Refuse to surrender and draw your weapon to fight him. After defeating this man, you can loot him and get a Military Sword.

2. Complete the Combat Training I with Tomcat

learn the weapon combos in kcd2

After getting a Military Sword, continue towards the Nomad Camp to find Tomcat. Speak with him and tell him to teach you some skills. Here, he will teach you two sword combos. Learn and master these combos as they will help you in defeating some of the difficult enemies in the starting region.

As you complete the first combat training, the second one will begin. However, you do not have to complete this one yet, as you will need proper armour to defeat Tomcat. Upon defeating Tomcat, he will teach you the Master Strike technique which is a crucial technique for defeating challenging targets in a duel.

3. Pursue the Blacksmith route for Wedding Crashers quest

Now, the next step is to get armour, a shield, and a horse. The fastest way to get all of these items along with a big chunk of experience that will help you unlock perks for the build is pursuing the blacksmith route. It is one of the main paths that you must take to get to the Wedding in Semine. If you pursue the Blacksmith route, you will get decent armour, a shield, and a horse as well. Having a horse will make your journey a bit easier as you will be able to travel quickly on the horse.

An Alternate Way to Get Good Armour and Shield Early

Now, if you are someone who has pursued a thievery route for the wedding quest and doesn’t have armour and shield, there is an easy way to get both of these items. Go to the Troskowitz town and to the left courtyard of the tavern where the guards will be on patrol. There will be two houses in front of the tavern and a small shack just to the left of tavern building. You need to open this shack and loot the chest inside. However, the door to the shack and the chest will be hard to unlock using the lockpick. The easy way to do it is to rob any guard in the area and steal the Keys.

alternate way to get armour and shield in kcd2

If you go towards northside passing the small stable area, you will see a house on the left side. There will be a guard standing beside the house’s wall. Go behind the guard and pickpocket him to get the keys. Once done, go back to the shack and unlock it when there is no guard or local seeing you. Get inside and close the door. Now, unlock the chest using the keys and get yourself armour and a shield.

NOTE: DO NOT equip any of the armour or shield after stealing them. Get away from Troskowitz and then put them on, otherwise the guards in Troskowitz will stop you.

4. Always Speak with Locals During Quests

Now, that you almost have your gear, this next step is to increase your speech so that you can easily pass the persuasions. Speaking with the locals every now and then will earn you experience in speech which affects your persuasion methods. With more points available for a persuasion method, a higher chance for you to succeed in a skill check.

Moreover, you also need to build a good reputation continuously as it affects your Charisma. Having a good reputation in an area will further increase the chances of succeeding in a skill check. Furthermore, your clothes make a huge impact on Charisma so, make sure to continuously find decent clothes that enhance Charisma.

5. Take part in Skill Activities

One of the final steps for this build and for you to earn experience in the skills so that you can unlock some perks is taking part in all the activities. The major activities include Alchemy, Blacksmithing, Dice game, thieving, and hunting. First of all, start with Alchemy and Blacksmithing. You can easily find the herbs for some of the beginning potions of the game. Brew them a bunch of times to earn 2 perk points in a short time. After that, you can start smithing and forge common swords and armour. You do not have to keep these weapons and armour as you can sell them for more money to a blacksmith.

Moving on, the next thing that you need to focus on is lockpicking and pickpocketing which are thievery actions. You necessarily do not have to do them, but these actions will help us earn some points that are crucial for unlocking the Stealth Kill perk. You can learn these actions at the start of the Miller route for the wedding quest. There are numerous easy chests and doors for you to practice lockpicking, and numerous guards for you to practice pickpocketing.

Best Weapons and Armours For Beginner Build in KCD2

best beginner build weapons and armour in kcd2

Best Weapons for Beginner Build

The best weapons for beginners is a one-hand sword and a shield. Utilizing these weapons will give you an edge in hand-to-hand combat allowing you to strike or push away a target on a perfect block. You can use the heavy weapons for block and perfect block but they will not allow you to strike or push away the targets. Moreover, those weapons consume more stamina on each block and action, making you tiring quickly in a fight.

In addition to these weapons, the secondary weapon that I recommend is a Longbow. Taking out the targets from a distance is more safe, especially when there are multiple of them. If you manage to take out one or a couple with a bow, you can easily manage to defeat the last remaining one in hand-to-hand combat.

Furthermore, as we mentioned stealth is a bit of a part of this build, equipping a Dagger on your character will help you in stealth kills. If you see a single enemy patrolling or standing in your way, there is no use in alerting him, as it will call out the others in your position. The best method to pursue in this situation is to sneak behind the enemy and perform the stealth kill. It will not alert the others and you can continue with your objective.

Weapons & ItemsEffect
Military Sword (One-hand Sword)Allows you to easily land a combo in quick succession.
ShieldAllows you to push or strike enemies upon perfect blocks.
LongbowTake out enemies from a distance, useful in situations in which there are multiple enemies.
DaggerAllows you to perform stealth kills.
TorchA basic necessity to roam in cities and villages during night time.
Weapons & Items for Beginner Build in KCD2

Best Armour and Clothing for Beginner Build

In terms of armour, I will recommend you equip the heavy ones for the most damage resistance. You will be able to take a lot of hits with the armour on before you bleed and even die. Without the armour, it only takes a couple of hits for your character to die.

Moreover, clothing plays a crucial role in defining your character. You must wear decent clothes to look charismatic among the people. Without such clothes, the NPCs will not take you seriously and will result in failure during persuasion.

Armour/Clothing SlotArmourClothing
HeadMail hood with a coat of arms, Open BascinetSimple hood
ArmsCouters with rondel, Hourglass gauntlets
Body/TorsoWorn gambeson, Saxon Hauberk, Smooth cuirassBurgher coat, Wanderer’s pouch
LegsLegs protection, Half plate legsNoble’s quilted hose, Noble boots
AccessoriesChamberlain’s Ring

Best Potions For Beginner Build in KCD2

best potions for beginner build in kcd2

Potion in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 provides various effects, such as healing, buffs, poison resistance, and enhanced combat abilities. Here are the best potions you can use for beginner build in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2.

  • Bowman’s Brew- Increases Marksmanship by 3 and slows down stamina loss when aiming by 20% for 10 minutes.
  • Buck’s Blood- Increases stamina by 30% for 20 minutes.
  • Lethean Water- Drink one mouthful and you’ll forget all earthly experience. Obliterates all perk points, so they can be used elsewhere.
  • Nighthawk- You will see better in the dark and energy will decrease 25% slower, lasting 15 minutes.
  • Lullaby- Add the poison to your weapon, sword, dagger, or even arrows for the bow. Striking an enemy with the poisoned weapon will deal damage over time. The enemies will suffer health degradation over time. A single poison hit can weaken or kill them even if they block your attack.
  • Strong Artemisia- Increases strength by 4 and both attack and defense cost 25% less stamina, lasts 10 minutes.
  • Strong Embrocation- Increases agility by 4 and spirit will cost 20% less stamina, lasts 15 minutes.
  • Strong Saviour Schnapps- Save the game, heals 20 health points, and increases strength, vitality, and agility by 2 for 5 minutes.
  • Strong Aqua Vitalis– You lose 50% less health and slow bleeding by 50%. Lasts 10 minutes.
  • Strong Marigold Decoction– Heals 40 health over one minute and instantly cures a hangover.
  • Painkiller Brew– Suppresses the effects of injury and your maximum stamina decreases with health 30% less, lasts 15 minutes.

Best Perks Beginner Build in KCD2

perks that boost charisma
perks that boost charisma

Each main skill and stat offer numerous perks that enhance the corresponding skill and stat of the character. Every time you gain enough experience in a certain skill or stat, you will get a skill point to spend on perks. It is essential to acquire perks that benefit you in your play style.

Best Main Stats Perks for Beginner Build in KCD2

Here are all the best perks for beginner build in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2.

  • Strength
    • Train Hard, Fight Easy I & II: The required Strength (stat) for all weapons will decrease by 2 (I) and 5 (II) for you to use efficiently.
    • Pack Mule: Your carrying capacity increases by 12 pounds.
    • Strong as a Bull: Your carrying capacity increases by 20 pounds.
    • Vanguard: Shield blocks cost 30% less stamina.
  • Agility
    • Deft Hands I & II: The required Agility (stat) for all weapons will decrease by 2 (I) and 5 (II) for you to use efficiently.
    • Featherweight: Fall damage is reduced by 30%.
    • Nimble Stance: Dodges cost you 40% less stamina.
    • Totentanz: You gain a 15% weapon attack bonus for 5 seconds on a perfect dodge.
  • Vitality
    • Ascetic: The nourishment will reduce 30% slower, allowing you to last longer without food.
    • Thick-Blooded: You will bleed slower than usual.
    • Creative Soul: Your Energy (sleepiness) will recover slowly while doing Alchemy, Blacksmithing, Sharpening, or playing Dice.
    • Well-Dressed: You and your clothes will get dirty 30% slower. Moreover, washing in a tub will remove all the dirt from the body.
  • Speech
    • Polished Wares: Selling perfect or near-perfect condition weapons, armour, or clothing will get you 10% more moeny.
    • Silver Tongue: Gain a +4 speech while haggling to get the best prices.
    • Jack of All Trades: Gain a +2 bonus for skill checks. Moreover, passing the skill checks will earn you twice the experience.

Best Skill Perks for Beginner Build in KCD2

In addition to the main stat perks, here are some of the best skill perks for the beginner build in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2.

  • Alchemy
    • Enthusiast: Your Energy will slowly replenish and nourishment will not decrease while brewing potions.
    • Poison Specialist: You can poison more arrows from a single dose of poison, and it will last on your weapon for more hits.
  • Craftsmanship
    • Well-Fitted: Armour and clothing you repair will make less noise.
    • Razer-Sharp: Sharpening a weapon up to 98% will deal 10% more damage until the condition of the weapon drops below 75%.
  • Horsemanship
    • Knight Training: Melee attacks from horseback will cost 15% less stamina.
  • Houndmaster
    • Life Saver: Mutt will defend you in the battle and attack enemies on your command.
    • Hunt!: Send Mutt to hunt and send him after wild game.
    • Charming Companion: Your Charisma increases by +4 when Mutt is with you.
  • Scholarship
    • Wonders of Man: You gain 20% more experience in Craftsmanship and Thievery skills.
    • Wonders of Nature: You gain 20% more experience in Survival and Alchemy skills.
  •  Stealth
    • Stealth Kill: While the dagger is equipped, you can perform a stealth kill by sneaking behind an enemy.
    • Ordinary Man: People will forget the crimes you have committed more quickly.
  • Survival
    • Flower Power: If you have 30+ fresh or dried herbs (not spoiled), your Charisma will count as 2 more.
    • Master Cook: Smoking or Cooking an unspoiled food item will result in 100% condition.
    • Leg Day: Gathering herbs will earn you experience in Strength stat.
  • Thievery
    • Nimble Fingers: You gain time 10% faster during the time-collecting phase of pickpocketing.
    • Silent Fiddler: You make 75% less noise while lockpicking.

Best Combat Perks for Beginner Build in KCD2

swords perks kcd2

Here are the best perks to get for a Sword and a Longbow for the best beginner build in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2.

  • Sword
    • Opening Strike: Opening Strike allows you to deal significantly more damage with the first attack in a combat encounter.
    • Tendon Slicer: Tendon Slicer allows you to mitigate your opponent’s agility along with the strength of each sword combo.
    • Gladiator: You gain +bonus to your sword fighting skill when fighting the enemies with a one-handed sword and letting your other weapon free for a torch.
    • Precise Strike: Your sword fighting skill will count 3 higher when you use a fully charged sword attack on the enemy in combat.
    • Showtime: This perk allows you to gain some stamina and allows you to attack again the enemy after you perform a sword combo.
  • Marksmanship
    • Sagittarius: The stamina mitigates for aiming with a ranged weapon will be halved if you’re in the saddle.
    • Salvo: Salvo allows you to reload and aim much faster after each shot in combat.
    • Hal Shot First: It allows you to deal 15% additional damage in combat, allowing you to kill your foes faster.
    • Steady Aim: Your stamina depletes 20% slower when you don’t move for 2 seconds. This will make your shots 15% more powerful and deal additional damage in combat.
    • Crippling Shot: Crippling Shot makes the stamina recovery rate much slower when you deal damage with ranged weapons like bows or crossbows.

Best Tips and Tricks for Beginner Build in KCD2

Here are some of the best tips and tricks for the beginner build in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2.

  • Upon gaining access to the open world, speak with the NPCs in Troskowitz to start earning experience in Speech.
  • Pursue the side quest, Combat Training I before the main quests.
  • Always keep your weapons and armour in top condition for additional damage.
  • If you forge additional weapons or armour that you do not need, sell them to blacksmith for the best price.
  • After getting your horse, find Mutt to unlock it as a companion.
  • Complete the side quest, Combat Training II before pursuing the For Victory (main quest).
  • Use the Longbow weapon in the fight against multiple enemies from a distance.
  • Use the sword from the horseback, if you want to become a hard target to hit.
  • If you are trying to persuade a charismatic NPC, wear nice clothes and perfume to increase your Charisma.

FAQs about the best beginner build in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

What is the Beginner Build in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2?

This beginner build in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 is all about survival and making your early region playthrough a bit easier. Whether it is combat, stealth, or persuasion, this build guide will help you survive in the first region of the game.

Can combat skills be improved in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2?

Yes, you can enhance your combat skills by learning new combos, techniques, and investing points in the weapon perks.

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