Discover how to create the best Enshrouded Wizard Build, with a guide on the best weapons, skills, consumables, armor, and more!

The Wizard build in Enshrouded contains a detailed walkthrough of all the components to enjoy the game: weapon choices, attributes, skill selections, gameplay tips, and gear.
Updated January 2025: The Wizard build has been updated after Patch 5, Version The significant changes are from Patch 4, which added new skills, max level increased to 35, and many more skill points (max of 146). We are collecting all new gear, weapons, and items. However, the skill selection is updated as you progress to the end game.
Everything You Need To Know about Wizard Build Guide in Enshrouded

In Enshrouded, the Wizard is a high-damage-range character wielding a staff or wand. You use elemental charges with the staff to create powerful damage or healing. The wizard’s strength is powerful area-based damage with the staff and consistent ranged damage with wands. However, you will be vulnerable to damage until you level up and select a specific healer skill that gives you some of the best survival in the game.
We will emphasize range damage, high survivability, and mobility for this Wizard build. This build was created and used until level 19 and will be updated as more Enshrouded becomes available. Pick this build-up if you like traditional spellcasters in RPG games, but be warned, the survivability will be low until level 10 or so.
Before progressing with our Best Enshrouded Wizard Build, your character creation will not impact gameplay. There are no racial passives, ability scores, or attributes to consider. Thus, we advise you to select a character whose appearance resonates with you.
Wizard Build Features & Mechanics

The following list presents all the features and mechanics for Enshrouded Wizard Build:
- Primary Attribute: Intelligence
- Secondary Attribute: Spirit
- Primary Weapon: Quarterstaff
- Secondary Weapon: Wand
- Shield: Magic
- Best Armor: Elder
- Best Skills: Blink, Water Aura, Radiant Aura, Wizard
- Best Consumable: Prayer of the Flame Scroll, Meat Wrap, Glow Soup Spice
Wands vs Staff
Enshrouded has two primary magic-based damage weapon choices: wands and Staffs. The benefit of the Wand is that the damage does not require a one-time usage charge. However, the damage and elemental effects aren’t as powerful as those of a Staff with charges. Moreover, Staff charges require mana to use and a long cast time, making your character vulnerable. Lastly, unlike wands, staves cannot block, so you must constantly swap if pressured. Staff charges and spell casting can be interrupted, taking damage, which will happen in the Hollow dungeons frequently.
The basic idea is to use a staff and wand weapon combination. Staff provide the most damage possible but cannot block and take a while to activate a spell. However, wands might have less damage but offer a safer weapon selection because you can block and attack when safe. Therefore, open up with a Staff charge for the highest burst possible. Once an enemy approaches, swap to the wand and prepare to block with a shield. Drop your block when needing to attack or dodge/blink out of the area. It’s best to keep both a wand and staff on your front bar to quickly swap using number keys.

Charges are used as one-time consumable spells used by staff. However, you can obtain eternal charges, which do more damage than base charges. Eternal charges can be obtained through a quest, which gives you Ice Bolt. From this point, you can advance your Alchemist progression to unlock more crafting recipes. Additionally, eternal charges will cost more mana and time but will deal more damage.
In the current patch, Eteran Fireball is the best overall after Acid Bite damage was reduced. Here are the all staff charges available in Enshrouded:
- Eternal Fireball – the best overall damage spell, fire area-based damage spell, higher cast time, and mana than Fireballs 1 and 2.
- Bone Channel – designed for the Hollow dungeon and strong against skeletons inside.
- Eternal Acid Bite – this was nerfed substantially in patch 3 and is now a weaker choice than Fireball.
- Eternal Ice Bolt – The earliest one available to complete the quest is An Eternal Spell, given by the Alchemist and found in the buried tomb.
- Chain Heal – meant for group play, going from player to player, bouncing around vs channeling.
- Heal Channel – is single–target healing in which you can hold the spell down to fill up health. It can also be used for healing yourself.
- Eternal Ice Bolt – The earliest one available to complete the quest is An Eternal Spell, given by the Alchemist and found in the buried tomb.
Bone Channel

The Bone channel staff charge was added in Patch 3 and can be obtained via the Hollows quest chain. Bone Channel is designed to be used against enemeis within the Hollows and provides massive damage. You hold the spell down and it consumes charges and mana. While the range is limited, the damage is high but crafting material is high. Ectoplasm Fragments are the beginning material in the Hollows and are easy to find. At the same time, Giant Bones are from killing the bosses in the hollows and less avialble. There isn’t an eternal version of this staff charge, so use limitedly on bosses mainly.
Shroud Damage

In Enshrouded, you will encounter charges, weapons, and more related to Shroud damage. This is one of the highest forms of damage, especially at the end game. The Wizard build uniquely can amplify Shroud damage by 30% with two skills. Essentially, Shroud damage, and specifically Shroud Meteor charge provides the most single target burst possible. However, the cast time is dreadfully long but makes a great opening spell on ranged targets.
Best Wizard Attributes

For the Wizard Build in Enshrouded, Intelligence increases your overall magic damage and is your best attribute. Secondly, Spirit determines your overall mana capacity for staff charges. We suggest using the Wand primarily because it’s simple and doesn’t require charges, or mana. However, after you reach higher levels with better consumables, maintaining mana isn’t an issue and you should switch to Staff for maximun damage.

Additionally, intelligence is extremely important for this particular build. We will select two skills that passively heal us and do damage to shroud enemies every second based on our intelligence. With 23 intelligence at level 25, our build can heal over 25 health a second to you and everyone in a 15-meter radius. This radically increases your survivability, though it’s dependent on your max intelligence so be aware that’s why we prioritize it. While Water Aura has been nerfed, the passive healing is still substantial and applies to fellow group members as well.
Additionally, your Flame Altar level will increase your attribute bonus. This is a priority for improving your Enshrouded Wizard build power level.
Skill Selections

In Enshrouded, you earn skill points from leveling and completing Elixir Wells. We have broken down the skill sections based on level range and listed the best skills to select at every level for this build. While your skill points totals may change depending on your overall level, and Elixir Well completions, save up skill points if you cannot afford one at your current level. Below is what our skill points were at various levels in Enshrouded:
- Level 10 – 36 Skill Points
- Level 20 – 72 Skill Points
- Level 25 – 114 Skill Points
- Level 35 – 146 Skill Points
The maximum level in Enshrouded is 35, with some enemies in further regions being level 35. The general skill selections below are geared towards combat performance specifically, and we will list and explain the most critical of all the skills. Moreover, look to the utility skill section if you prefer more utility, crafting, and less combat emphasis. Lastly, you can always respec your skill points with Runes at the Flame Altar so feel free to experiment. However, we feel the selections below are the best overall for combat power and enjoyment for the best Wizard build in Enshrouded.
Level 1-10 Skills
Below is a list, in order, of the skills for the Best Wizard Build for Enshrouded from levels 1 to 10:
Skill | Tree | Description | Cost |
Endurance | Survivor | increases your stamina by 10. | 1 |
Runner | Survivor | sprinting speed increased by 10% and stamina consumption decreased by 10%. | 2 |
Double Jump | Survivor | allows jumping a second time while airborne. | 4 |
Intelligence | Healer | increases intelligence by 1. | 1 |
Healer | Healer | health gain from healing spells will be increased by 10% | 2 |
Blink | Healer | Replaces the Dodge Roll Ability With a Short Range teleport. | 4 |
Healer II | Healer | health gain from healing spells will be increased by 20% | 2 |
Intelligence | Healer | increases intelligence by 1. | 1 |
Water Aura | Healer | All players within 15 meters regenerate 1 HP per second for every intelligence. | 3 |
Water of Life | Healer | Regenerate 1 additional health point per intelligence. | 2 |
Necromancer | Wizard | When killing an enemy with a magic weapon, you have a 10% chance to summon a friendly fire wisp. | 3 |
This is the Way | Wizard | When attacking with a magical weapon all damage is increased by 10% | 2 |
Quick Charge | Wizard | Reduces the time Staff required to charge – up a spell by 50%. | 3 |
Spirit | Wizard | Increases Mana by 20. | 1 |
Arsonist | Wizard | All fire damage is increased by an additional 10%. | 2 |
Pyromaniac | Wizard | All Fire damage is increased by an additional 20%. | 3 |
Level 11-20 Skills
Below is a list, in order, of the skills for the Best Wizard Build for Enshrouded from levels 11 to 20:
Skill | Tree | Description | Cost |
Radiant Aura | Wizard | All fell foes within 10 meters take 1 fire damage per intelligence per second. | 3 |
Sun Aura | Wizard | All fell foes within 10 meters take 1 additional fire damage per intelligence per second. | 2 |
Intelligence | Battlemage | increases intelligence by 1. | 1 |
Arcane Deflection | Battlemage | On a successful parry, gain 20 mana. | 3 |
Intelligence | Battlemage | increases intelligence by 1. | 1 |
Unity | Battlemage | damaging enemies with wands has a 24% chance to recover 2% mana. | 3 |
Wand Master | Battlemage | 30% Chance to spawn an additional wand projectile. | 3 |
Sting | Battlemage | Repeated wand damage is increased by 20% | 3 |
Life Burst | Battlemage | Kill enemy heals based on intelligence. | 4 |
Intelligence | Wizard | increases intelligence by 1. | 1 |
Wizard | Wizard | When attacking with a magical weapon your critical hit chance is increased by 10%. | 3 |
Chain Hit | Wizard | on critical hit, shock a second enemy based on your intelligence. | 3 |
Mass Destruction | Wizard | critical attacks shock enemies within 20 meters. | 4 |
Emergency Blink | Healer | You can blink while stunned. This will break the stunned state. | 2 |
Level 21-25 Skills
Below is a list, in order, of the skills for the Best Wizard Build for Enshrouded from levels 21 to 25:
Skill | Tree | Description | Cost |
Spirit | Trickster | Increases Mana by 20. | 1 |
Counterstrike | Trickster | After receiving damage there is a 20% chance to inflict 50% of damage to the attacker. | 2 |
Intelligence | Trickster | increases intelligence by 1. | 1 |
Begone! | Trickster | A magic-powered punch that pushes and stuns hit foes. Replace your unarmed attacks if you have the necessary 30 mana. | 3 |
Intelligence | Trickster | increases intelligence by 1. | 1 |
Terror | Trickster | On a critical hit with a spell, the target will be stunned for 4 seconds. | 4 |
Bloodletting | Trickster | Critical hits generate resource orbs. | 3 |
Intelligence | Battlemage | increases intelligence by 1. | 1 |
Life Essence | Battlemage | Increases max health based on intelligence. | 5 |
Exalted | Battlemage | You will gain one intelligence for every two levels of the Flame. | 5 |
Updraft | Assassin | Pressing the jump button while gliding will give you a small height boost. This skill can be used once per flight and costs 120 mana. | 4 |
Airborne | Assassin | Gliders consume 30% less stamina. | 2 |
Arcane Concentration | Trickster | You will gain one spirit for every two levels of the flame. | 5 |
Subzero | Wizard | increases ice damage by 20%. | 3 |
Iceman | Wizard | increases ice damage by 10%. | 2 |
Level 26-35 Skills
Below is a list, in order, of the skills for the Best Wizard Build for Enshrouded from levels 26 to 35:
Skill | Tree | Description | Cost |
Frost | Wizard | When getting hit by melee, slows down enemy. | 3 |
Intelligence | Wizard | increases intelligence by 1. | 1 |
Endurance | Survivor | increases your stamina by 10. | 1 |
Wanderlust | Survivor | reduces sprinting cost on road. | 3 |
Good Metabolism | Survivor | Increases strength of resource orbs and potions. | 3 |
Sweet Tooth | Survivor | increases stamina regeneration of sweets. | 3 |
Dexterity | Survivor | increases your dexterity by 1. | 1 |
Dessert Stomach | Survivor | You can have one additional food slot. | 4 |
Dark Arts | Wizard | All Shroud damage is increased by an additional 10%. | 3 |
Abyss | Wizard | All shroud damage is increased by an additional 20%. | 4 |
Lightning | Wizard | Increases shock damage by 10%. | 3 |
Thunder | Wizard | Increases shock damage by 10%. | 2 |
Best Wizard Skills Explained
The Best Enshrouded Wizard build features a variety of skill lines and important skill selections. Here are the strongest for the Wizard class, and what they do for you:
- Double Jump – Double Jump is taken for exploration’s sake and has little influence on combat. However, without it, you will be struggling to get around and it’s recommended for overall gameplay.
- Blink – You replace damage with a teleport though still consume stamina to dodge. It creates a massive distance from your enemy and is used to create space.
- Water Aura – You gain healing every second when you take damage and this is where your survivability comes. You combine this and the secondary passive to gain an additional +1 healing per second for great survivability.
- Radiant Aura – Similar to Water Aura, this does damage in a radius, but only to “fell” creatures. This is shrouded creatures. You can use this to grind and level up quickly and take down the hardest enemies in the game.
- Wand Master – This build recommends many skill points in the battlemage skill tree to gain Wand Master. Among other Wand skills, this is helpful to have a non-consumable-based weapon that does great damage.
- Chain Hit + Mass Destruction – This combination of skills allows for massive area-based damage with critical strikes. Consider critical chance an important attribute for this reason.
- Abyss – At the end game, you can learn Shroud Meteor which does the most single-target damage in the game. Therefore, we recommended this skill later in the leveling process for one-shot boss burst potential.
Utility Skills
Below are recommended utility skills for this Wizard Build, if you wish to sacrifice some combat performance:
- Updraft (Assassination) – Gives you a boost in the air while gliding. Helpful in the hollow!
- Airborne (Assassination) – Glider consumes 30% less stamina. Helpful in the hollow!
- Mason (Core) – The pickaxe deals 30% more damage against stone objects, including resource veins.
- Miner (Core) – When you mine resources, you have a 10% chance to get additional resources.
- Lumberjack (Core) – Felling axes do 30% more damage against wooden objects including trees.
- Relentless Flame (Survivor) – maximum shroud time increased by 5 minutes allowing you to explore for longer.
- Inner Fires (Survivor) – maximum Shroud time increased by 2 minutes, allowing you to explore for longer.
- Wanderlust (Survivor) – The stamina required for sprinting on dirt roads is reduced from 90% to 80%, and that required for sprinting on stone roads is reduced from 75% to 50%.
Wizard Gameplay & Tips

The best tip for playing the Wizard is always to keep your range! You want to stay just at the edge of where your wand can hit a target, which gives you time to blink away and continue doing damage. Additionally, your opening shot should be used with a staff and firebolt charge if possible to do as much damage initially. From that point, you need to swap to a Wand because you can block with a magic shield. This is helpful when enemies close the distance and Blinking isn’t possible.
Moreover, the Wizard always wants to bring powerful potions for health and mana. This aids if you get hit hard and need to recover. Consider pre-blocking a possibility when entering small caves and dungeons. When you turn the corner, stick with the Wand and block to limit incoming damage before evaluating the station.
In summary, to play the best Enshrouded Wizard Build do the following:
- Keep Distance
- Open with Firebolt
- Use Fire Element
- Consumables for Health
- Pre-Block
- Dodge with Blink
Best Wizard Weapons & Armor
Below is a list of the best Wizard Build Armor and Weapons for Enshrouded:
Slot | Item | Effect |
Main Hand Weapon | Sinister Crescent Staff | 20% damage to Hollow |
Shield | Ethereal Plane | 10% Shroud Resist |
Secondary Weapon | Crackling Wand (fire) | 10% Crit Chance |
Head | Elder Hat | 15+ Crit Chance |
Upper Body | Elder Chest | +120 health, +96 Mana |
Arms | Elder Boots | +12% Magic Damage |
Lower Body | Elder Pants | +36 Mana, +2 Mana Regen |
Feet | Elder Boots | +4 Mana Regen |
Ring 1 | Ring of the Ancients | +1 all Attributes |
Ring 2 | Commander’s Ring | +30% mana, +30 health |
- Sinister Crescent Staff: found in the last chest of the Kindlewaste Hollow. Once upgraded, it will be level 30 legendary.
- Crackling Wand: found in a random chest. To get a legendary version, loot chest in later game areas.
- Ethereal Plane: Found in a random chest. You can craft a high-level shield at Blacksmith. Combine with a Wand for more protection.
- Root Staff: Found in chest completing the quest Oasis in Kindlewaste.
- Elder Set: found throughout Kindlewaste end-game areas in the south by looting random chests. Set bonuses are similar to Archmage.
- Commander’s Ring: obtained by killing the Wyvern in the Pike, Northeast on the map. Ring of Rapacity is an alternative located in Willow’s Crush.
Alternative Gear Sets
If you are not at the end game, use the Alchemist Craftsperson to craft Magic gear throughout your journey until the end game. Here’s what we recommend based on your level:
- Level 5 (Fur Armor Set) – A basic form of protection crafted by the Blacksmith. Materials needed to craft are torn cloth, animal fur, string, and metal scraps.
- Level 8 (Alchemist Apprentice Set) – First set with magic damage bonuses. Materials needed to craft are Bonemeal, Torn Cloth, String, Metal Scraps, and Resin.
- Level 13 (Mage Set) – High damage set emphasizing Magic damage. Materials needed to craft Amber, Torn Cloth, Indigo Plant, Linen, and Dried Fur.
- Wizard: This set will be found through the Revelwood chest, which is not craftable and unique.
- Level 18 (Magician Set)– Upgraded magic damage set. Materials needed to craft Line, Mint Mushroom Meat, Torn Cloth, Fossilized Bone, and Leather.
- Mystic: A unique set with a chest found in mid-game areas.
- Level 23 (Archmage or Warlock) – Archmage is best for using staff and charges, while Warlock is good for Wand’s primary damage dealing. Materials needed to craft Fossilized Bone, Padding, Charcoal, Iron Bars, Yellow Fabric, and Lapislazuli.
- Level 25 (Elder): unique set found in end-game areas with a chest with similar set bonuses to Archmage.
Best Wizard Consumables

In Enshrouded, consumables come in two forms: food effects and buffs. With food effects, you can only have three active at once unless you have the Dessert Stomach skill. However, Buffs can stack on each other for added effects like Prayer of the Flame and Elixir Buff. Moreover, you can use other potions and elixirs in certain situations. We will list our favorite food choices and non-food effect consumables below.
Best Wizard food effect Consumables
- Glow Soup Spice (Farmer) – +5 Intelligence, +60 Shroud Protection. Materials needed to craft are Spice, Water, and Azura Russula. Best increase for intelligence.
- Meat Wrap (Farmer) – +5 Constitution and +1 Intelligence. Materials needed to craft are Water, Red Mushroom, Raw Sand Digger Meat, and Flour. Massive boost to health and small boost to Intelligence.
- Boiled Eggs (Crafted) – +3 Stamina Recharge, +3 Health Regeneration, and +2 Mana Recharge. The materials needed to craft are Eggs and Water. They are helpful for all regenerations.
Hollow specific fights, swap out Boiled eggs for Excellent Ectoplasm Soup (Collector) – reduces health by 150, gain 15% damage against hollow enemies, and 10% life leech chance against hollow enemies. Crafted with yucca fruit and excellent ectoplasm.
Best Wizard Buffs & Other Consumables
- Prayer of the Flame Scrolls (Looted) – +20% Magic Damage, +1 minute time in the shroud. Gives a big boost to magic damage and stacks with other consumables.
- Elixir (Looted) – +30% Damage Multiplier, -1 minute in the shroud. This gives additional damage and stacks with Pray of the Flame Scrolls.
- Greater Skull Summoning Vessel (Hollow) – throw a temporarily summoned skull companion to aid you in combat.
- Ice Protection Lotion (Hollow) – Gain +1 ice armor per character level for 30 minutes.
- Greater Mana Potion (Alchemist) – Restores +150 mana insntalty. Crafted with Azure Russula and Alchemical base.
- Flask of the Fell (Alchemist) – Gain +20 stamina for 30 minutes. Crafted with shroud liquid, strawberry, and forest beet.
Early in the game, look to consumable meat for increased constitution, mushrooms for increased intelligence, and berries for regeneration. Unlock the Farmer and progress her story to unlock better recipes.
Ectoplasm Soup

The Hollow dungeon additions in Enshrouded Patch 3 added various versions of Ectoplasm Soup. This food is high risk, high reward. You gain damage and life leech while in the hollow at the expense of your overall health. This makes farming the dungeon much quicker, except for boss fights. At level 25, in the Kindlewaste dungeon, the boss will one-shot you unless you have over 800 health. Thus, either keep range at all times or swap to a different food if lower in health.

In addition, make sure to carry berries (blueberries or strawberries) for health regeneration, water for stamina regeneration, and bandages for healing. As you advance, you can unlock the Alchemist and craft healing potions. This will help you early with survival, then optimize for damage with consumables.
- Revitalizing Health Potion (Alchemist) – Restores +800 health instantly. Crafted with honey, aloe, chamomile, alchemical base.
- Cleaned Bandage (Hunter) – gain +6% healing per second for 10 seconds. Crafted with string, antiseptic, torn cloth.
- Fruit Bowl (Farmer) – gain +5 health regeneration and +3 stamina regeneration. Crafted with honey, strawberry, purple berries, yucca fruit.
Wizard Changes in Patch 4 Enshrouded
Patch #4 introduces the Albaneve Summits area, new quests, and a significant addition: the dual-wield weapon type, accompanied by new gear, enemies, and decorative items for your house. Alongside new skills, the update brings numerous adjustments to existing skill trees and playstyles. Here are the Top 10 Combat Changes in Enshrouded Patch #4:
- Mage Class:
- New Skill: Eternal Spark (20% chance to not consume durability).
- Water Aura: Reworked as a non-stackable buff.
- Unity Skill: Buffed, increasing mana regeneration to 4%.
- Blood Magic Exploit Fix: Introduced a 120-second cooldown to prevent infinite mana.
- Defensive Nerfs: Reduced staff damage contribution by 50% and addressed wand issues.
- Dual-Wielded Daggers: New dexterity-based melee combat weapon.
- Warrior Class:
- New Skills: Opportunity (enhances Merciless Strike and Sneak Attack) and Finesse (reduces durability loss).
- Two-Handed Weapons: Improved mechanics with varied attack chains and better parrying.
- Merciless Strike: Increased base damage (+500%).
- Ranger Class:
- Daggers: Now available as loot, scaling with dexterity.
- Dagger Master: Increases dagger damage by 15%.
- Magic Arrow: Consumes Mana, dealing slightly less damage than regular arrows.
- Explosive Arrows: Now found in Revelwood, with reduced crafting costs.
- Multi Shot Skill Upgrades:
- New Skill: Multi Shot Trigger (all arrows, including special ones, can activate Multi Shot).
- New Skill: Multi Shot Spread (25% chance to create an additional projectile).
- Stun Arrow: Reworked.
- Warrior Special Attacks: Enhanced breach, shockwave, and jump attacks.
- Ranger Skills: Fixes and adjustments implemented.
This update enriches the game with substantial content and adjustments, particularly for spellcasters and wizards, ensuring a more balanced and engaging gameplay experience.
Build Summary – Best Enshrouded Wizard Build Guide
Primary Attribute: Intelligence
Secondary Attribute: Spirit
- Glow Soup Spice (Farmer) +5 Intelligence
- Meat Wrap (Farmer) +5 Constitution and +1 Intelligence.
- Boiled Eggs (Crafted) – +3 Stamina Recharge, +3 Health Regeneration, and +2 Mana Recharge
Best Gear
- Thumaturge
- Hailcaster
- Elder
Best Skills
- Double Jump
- Blink
- Water Aura
- Radiant Aura
- Wand Master
- Mass Destruction
- Abyss
Utility Skills
- Updraft (Assassination)
- Airborne (Assassination)
- Mason (Core)
- Miner (Core)
- Lumberjack (Core)
- Relentless Flame (Survivor)
- Inner Fires (Survivor)
- Wanderlust (Survivor)
FAQs about the Wizard Build in Enshrouded
What is the best weapon for Wizard in Enshrouded?
The best weapon for a Wizard build is the Staff because it produces the most burst damage with charges in the game.
Is the Wizard effective in Enshrouded?
A Wizard has high damage at range, including area and single target. However, you will need different element types to ensure damage is effective against most enemies.
What are alternatives for Wizard in Enshrouded?
The best alternative to a Wizard is the Battlemage, which retains good damage but increased survivability and group utility.
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