Best Items You Must Carry for Hunts in Monster Hunter Wilds

These are the best items to carry during hunts in Monster Hunter Wilds, as they can provide significant advantages or even save your life.

Best Items You Must Carry for Hunts in Monster Hunter Wilds
Best Items You Must Carry for Hunts in Monster Hunter Wilds [Source: Deltias Gaming/Capcom]

The Monster Hunter series is known for its vast assortment of items, offering multiple strategic opportunities for players. Much like the previous installments, Monster Hunter Wilds features a wide array of items, each serving a distinct purpose. Beyond weapons and gear, the strategic use of these items can lead to a successful hunt.

A skilled hunter doesn’t solely rely on their weapon when facing large monsters—carrying the right hunting items is just as important. Some offer strategic advantages when approaching dangerous monsters, while others can save you at crucial times. This article lists the best items you must carry for hunts and explains how they work in Monster Hunter Wilds.

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Items Every Hunter Must Carry in Monster Hunter Wilds

Here are the essential items that every hunter should carry during their hunts:

  1. Healing Items (Potions / Mega Potions)
  2. Stamina Regeneration Items (Rations / Well-Done Steaks)
  3. Cleansing Items (Nulberries / Antidotes / Herbal Medicines)
  4. Traps (Shock Traps / Pitfall Traps)
  5. Pods (Flash Pod / Dung Pod)

Let’s break down how each of them works

Healing Items (Potions / Mega Potions) 

Potion restores a small amount of HP
Potion restores a small amount of HP [Source: Deltias Gaming/Capcom]

Starting with the most crucial category—healing items. They are essential for every hunter as you can only hunt if you stay alive. Large monsters possess immense strength and can deplete your HP completely within a few attacks, causing you to faint. To avoid this scenario, always carry healing items like Potions and Mega Potions.

Potions, crafted from Herbs or purchased through merchants, are the basic healing items that restore a small amount of HP. Combining Potions with Honey can produce a Mega Potion, an ideal healing item that restores your HP moderately.

Additionally, if you are playing co-op and your teammates are heavily injured, you can use Lifepowder to heal yourself and your allies simultaneously.

Stamina Regeneration Items (Ration / Well-Done Steak)

Well Done Steak can restore health and stamina to max
Well Done Steak can restore health and stamina to max [Source: Deltias Gaming/Capcom]

While healing items restore your green bar (HP), stamina regeneration items are vital for managing your yellow bar (Stamina). Managing stamina is an essential aspect of the hunt, as low stamina can get you easily killed. It reduces your mobility and prevents you from launching attacks.

Most of your actions, like sprinting, evading, and performing combo attacks, drain your stamina. While stamina naturally regenerates over time, its maximum cap gradually decreases during long hunts. This limits you from performing various actions, including entering Demon Mode when wielding Dual Blades. 

Rations restore a small amount of stamina and can be acquired by purchasing from merchants or defeating Talioth. On the other hand, Well-Done Steaks restores stamina as well as health to the maximum gauge. However, cooking it with the Portable BBQ Grill requires a little practice.

Cleansing Items (Nulberry / Antidote/ Herbal Medicine)

Nulberry can cure all Elemental Blights
Nulberry can cure all Elemental Blights [Source: Deltias Gaming/Capcom]

Throughout your journey, you will be exposed to various debuff status ailments. Poison is one of the most common status effects, gradually draining your health over time. Antidotes and Herbal Medicines remove Poison, while the latter also restores some HP.

Antidotes can be purchased from merchants or crafted from Antidote Herbs, while Herbal Medicines are created by combining Blue Mushrooms with Antidotes.

In addition to the status ailments, players may also suffer from various elemental blights, including Fireblight, Waterblight, Dragonblight, Thunderblight, and Iceblight, each inflicting a unique debuff. The best way to counteract these effects is by using Nulberries, which cure all elemental blights. Considering how powerful elemental blights are, Nulberries are life-saving items that should always be in your item pouch. Fortunately, they can be found in abundance while exploring the wildlands.

Traps (Shock Trap / Pitfall Trap)

Shock Trap immobilizes the monster temporarily
Shock Trap immobilizes the monster temporarily [Source: Deltias Gaming/Capcom]

Using tactical hunting items is crucial for every hunter. You can lure large monsters into environmental traps to immobilize them, but what if there are no natural traps nearby? That’s where Shock Traps and Pitfall Traps come in. They both function similarly and immobilize monsters when they step into them.

If you misplace a trap, you can even pick it up and reposition it. Luring monsters into a trap opens up the opportunity to land powerful attacks on their weak points.

Shock Traps can be obtained by slaying Great Thunderbugs or by crafting a Thunderbug Capacitor and a Trap Tool. On the other hand, Pitfall Traps can be acquired by combining a Net with a Trap Tool.

Moreover, trapping monsters using Shock Traps and Pitfall Traps is an essential step if you intend to capture a large monster. However, it requires another item—Tranq Bombs—to complete the capture. Use Tranq Bombs on trapped monsters several times to successfully capture them.

Pods (Flash Pod / Dung Pod)

Turf War between Lala Barina and Doshaguma
Turf War between Lala Barina and Doshaguma [Source: Deltias Gaming/Capcom]

During hunts, there is always a chance that you will be ambushed by other small creatures or even by another large monster. While this can lead to intense turf wars, it can also interrupt your hunt. Dealing with two large monsters can be overwhelming, even for an experienced hunter. In such cases, you can use a Dung Pod or a Large Dung Pod to disperse or separate monsters. The strong odor of Dung Pods drives away an unwanted intruding monster.

On the other hand, Flash Pods function like a flashbang and can momentarily blind monsters on impact. You can use this brief window to use restorative items, sharpen your weapon with whetstone, or even launch a surprise attack. Flash Pods and Dung Pods can be crafted using Flashbug Phosphor and Dung, respectively.

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