Discover the best Mage Skills in Dragon Age: The Veilguard, including specialization and the best Skills ranked to help you choose.

The mage can rain down fury with powerful spells that incinerate, freeze, electrocute, and crush your enemies. Mage is a class with a lot of depth if you want it to be since it has two different weapons that can build into vastly different playstyles. Its spells can be modified and synergized in some pretty cool ways. Mage class can incentivize you to flow back and forth between distance and close-range combat. The majority of its active abilities are elementally imbued and often deals area of effect damage. Choosing the best Mage skills is crucial in the game as your playstyle throughout your journey depends on it, and that’s where we came in to help you.
What are the Skills in Dragon Age: The Veilguard
Skills are abilities and perks that your character and companions can use on a battlefield. Dragon Age: The Veilguard offers four skill types: Ultimates, Abilities, Passives, and Traits. Upgrade your skills by utilizing the skill points. Skill points are obtained by leveling up in the game. Each of the three classes has a separate skill tree, and each class has three different specializations. You have a total of three active skills at a time and can swap them in or out as long as they are outside of combat. Now, the benefit of skills is they have combos with Rook and companions.
Each skill tree is named even after a faction. You do not need to be a part of that faction to enter that part of the Skill Tree. At the tips of three specialization areas, you get to enter and grab the nodes within. You can still wrap around and pick up nodes outside of these areas once you choose your favorite ones. Abilities are the backbone of Dragon Age: The Veilguard that determines how worthy they can be once they reach level 50.
You can equip the Runes to increase your power set when activated. Choose runes that boost the Mage’s damage and help with crowd control, buffs, and debuffs. Additionally, specializations unlock at level 20, allowing for further customizations and options. In Dragon Age: The Veilguard, Mage Skills are powerful skills that offer a variety of options for players.
Mage Specialization

Death Caller, Evoker, and Spellblade are three different specializations that you can unlock after reaching a certain level.
Death Caller specialization is somewhat similar to a necromancer and can drain enemies’ health to recuperate your own and eventually get a passive that lets them sacrifice their own health in place of Mana if it’s depleted.
Spellblade on the other hand focuses on electrical abilities with more of a close combat playstyle. This specialization enhances the dagger move set and extends some of its combos.
The Evoker specialization focuses on cold damage and the large area of effect spells that help to combo with other abilities. This specialization is also better suited for using the staff since it gets some extra combos for it.
Mage Overview
This class can unleash a barrage of spells that span across four distinct schools of magic, fire, electric, necrotic, and cold. Your primary and secondary weapons also can tap these schools of magic depending on your loadout and build. Mage has two options that you can seamlessly swap between during combat. A one-handed dagger and elemental orb make up your primary weapon combination. It’s fast and allows you to send out attack after attack in between your more powerful active abilities.
The dagger and the orb combination is speedier but deals less damage and has less range than your staff but one interesting thing is that with each blade attack, it applies an instance of Arcane Bomb.
Best Skills in Dragon Age The: Veilguard Ranked
We’ll discuss all the best Mage Class skills that one must know before selecting this class in Dragon Age: The Veilguard. Selecting any skill in the game highly determines Rook’s and Companion’s playstyle throughout the adventurous journey. The best possible way to effectively use the skill is to combine it with other skills or the companion skill. Below are all the best Mage class skills that you can use in the game to dominate the combat.
- Dark Squall- deal cold damage and detonate the Sundered effect.
- Frost Nova- deals Cold damage and freezes all enemies.
- Void Blade- deals electricity damage and detonates the Sundered effect.
- Spirit Bomb- necrotic damage and detonate Sundered effect.
- Meteor- deal fire damage and detonate Sundered effect on the enemy.
- Entropic Sphere- launches a sphere of energy to deal cold damage and detonate Weakened effect.
- Ice Blast- deals cold damage by hurling shards of ice and applies the Weakened effect.
- Chain Lightning- deal with electric damage and apply Overwhelmed effect on the enemy.
- Corrupted Ground- deals Necrotic damage and applies the Weakened effect.
- Arcane Shot- launches five projectiles toward enemies, deals fire damage, and applies burning.
1) Dark Squall

Dark Squall is a projectile spell that you can use as a crowd control skill. When it hits, it will knock back your enemy, and deal 164 cold damage, and it is a great way to get an attacking enemy away from you. It does not have a Mana cost but has a long cooldown of 60 seconds and also detonates Sundered. Therefore, you’ll need to make strategic choices about when to use it. Harding’s Shred ability applies the Sundered status effect on an enemy with a cooldown of 36 seconds, which can combo with the Dark Squall.
The Shred ability can also deal 217 physical damage with a high Stagger on hit. Use this combo to apply the sundered effect via Shred and detonate the Sundered effect via Dark Squall. Once this combo is finished, you can activate the Crush Rune to allow unpenalized attacks on armored enemies and damage against Armor.
2) Frost Nova

Frost Nova is an area control type ability that deals a low amount of coal damage on a 60-second cooldown. It freezes all enemies around you dealing 48 cold damage in a wide area so you can your companions can get in some easy DPS. However, when you have the extra skill points you should grab with Wall of Fire ability. Swap this out for Frost Nova whenever you are facing enemies resistant to cold damage.
Neve’s Icebreaker ability fires 6 projectiles at the enemies using her wand and deals 363 cold damage. You can utilize this combo to deal additional cold damage. Neve’s Blizzard ability can summon a swirling vortex of ice to pin down the enemies and it deals 73 cold damage per second to all the enemies in the area of effect. Once this combo is finished, you can activate the Crystalize Rune to freeze enemies within range extending the freeze duration.
3) Void Blade

Void Blade is a Strike blade ability that will dart you into enemy melee ranged for an electricity-based strike dealing 490 electricity damage that will cut through the void and blast your target and other nearby enemies. Be careful with the timing because the animation takes a second and your enemy can sometimes move out of range. This ability can also detonate the Sundered effect on the enemies.
Lucanis’s Debilitate applies the Sundered status effect on the enemies and also strikes a debilitating strike on enemies dealing 252 necrotic damage. Use this combo to apply the Sundered effect via Debilitate and detonate the Sundered by using the Void Blade ability. Once the combo is finished, you can activate the Electrify Rune as it lets all your weapon attacks have Electric damage temporarily and also enhances the Electricity damage. If the combo is not enough to finish off the enemies, then use the Wrath (Passive) for the critical damage.
4) Spirit Bomb

Spirit Bomb is a duration blast type ability that applies siphon to an enemy and connects you to them dealing 612 Necrotic damage before exploding the target dealing more damage the longer you are connected. Spirit Bomb also detonates the Sundered effect on the enemy. Lucanis’s Debilitate ability applies the Sundered status effect on the enemies and has a base cooldown of 30 seconds. Apply the Sundered effect via the Debilitate ability and detonate the Sundered effect using the Spirit Bomb ability.
When this combo is finished, you can activate the Scourge Rune by boosting the Necrotic damage output along with a consistent passive increase. Harding’s Shred can also apply the Sundered status effect on an enemy with a cooldown of 36 seconds. You can either utilize the Lucanis or Harding for applying the Sundered effect on the enemy. This Shred ability can also deal 217 physical damage with a high Stagger on hit.
5) Meteor

Meteor is an area blast type ability that deals 378 fire damage in an area, it applies the burning effect, detonates sundered, and costs two mana. Meteor and Void Knife can combine with Harding’s Shred. Apply the Sundered effect via Harding’s Shred ability and detonate the Sundered effect using the Meteor ability.
To enhance the effectiveness of the Meteor, you can activate the Regroup Rune to increase combat abilities with fire-based damage. You deal fire damage that allows you to drain the enemy’s health quickly. Regroup allows you to use your companions’ attacks in quick succession. Use them, activate them, and then use them again. Once you finish with this combo, you can use the Death’s Blessing (Passive) for the additional 10% Necrotic damage.
6) Entropic Sphere

Entropic Sphere is one of the class specialization skills available to Evokers. This is an area projectile type ability that launches a sphere of energy that damages all enemies for cold damage in a path and then explodes at its end. It weakens targets hit and seems to pull enemies towards it. Taash’s Dragonfire Strike ability can detonate the Weakened status effect on an enemy and has a base cooldown of 48 seconds.
It lands a fiery overhead strike on enemies that leaves them concussed and burning and deals fire damage as well. Use the Entropic ability to apply the Weakened effect and then the Dragonfire ability can detonate the Weakened effect. Once the combo is finished, then activate the Crystalize Rune to freeze the enemies within range extending the freeze duration. You can also use Defy the Elements (Passives) for the additional 10% cold damage and fire resistance.
7) Ice Blast

Ice Blast is a control-type blast ability that costs two mana pips and deals cold damage by hurling shards of ice at enemies applying the Weakened effect on them. Taash’s Dragonfire Strike ability can detonate the Weakened status effect on an enemy and has a base cooldown of 48 seconds. This Taash’s ability can also land a fiery overhead strike on enemies that leaves them concussed and burning and deals 399 fire damage as well. Use the Ice Blast ability to apply the Weakened effect and then the Dragonfire ability can detonate the Weakened effect.
The alternate of Dragonfire is Death from Above which is the ability of Davrin. Davrin calls Assan to strike a target from above dealing 231 Fire Damage along with a high amount of Stagger. Moreover, it detonates the Weakened effect. It has a base cooldown of 48 seconds. Once this combo is finished, activate the Pierce Rune to an additional 10% penetration, and your damage gains +100% penetration for 10 seconds, allowing the players to break enemy defenses through a tactical advantage.
8) Chain Lightning

Chain Lighting is a strike projectile type ability that costs two mana pips and deals 136 electric damage to multiple enemies that it bounces between while applying the overwhelmed effect to them as well as shocking them. Lucanis’s Eviscerate can detonate the Overwhelmed status effect on an enemy and deal bonus damage if Lucanis’s health is half or low. Pair the Chain Lightning ability with the Lucanis ability to apply and detonate the Overwhelmed effect. Eviscerate also deals a decisive blow to the enemy’s weakest point dealing 378 necrotic damage as well.
You can also utilize Harding’s Heavy Draw ability to detonate the Overwhelmed status effect with a 38-second cooldown. This ability can also be used to unleash a devastating shot that deals 360 physical damage as well. To deal additional electric damage, you can activate the Electrify Rune to enhance the Electricity damage.
9) Corrupted Ground

This is an area duration type ability that shoots out a wave for two mana that corrupts the ground where it lands. It deals Necrotic damage and stacks of Necrosis to those who remain in it and also applies the weakened effect. Pair the Corrupted Ground ability with the Taash’s Dragonfire Strike to detonate the Weakened effect on the enemy.
If you’ve also chosen Davrin as your second Companion then his Death from Above ability can also detonate the Weakened effect. Once the combo is finished, you can also activate the Scourge Rune to boost the Necrotic damage output. Use the Finale (Passive) after activating the rune to increase the final attack damage by +10%.
10) Arcane Shot

Arcane Shot is a projectile blast fire ability that costs two mana pips to cast. It launches five projectiles toward a target dealing 453 fire damage and applies burning. Other enemies can intercept individual projectiles, splitting the damage and burning effect up.
To deal additional fire damage, you can use the Davrin’s Assan Strike ability that deals 384 Fire Damage along with bonus Armor Damage and Knocks Down enemies, or Death from Above ability to deal 231 Fire Damage along with a high amount of Stagger or Heroic Strike to deal a high amount of Stagger with 256 Fire Damage.
Once the combo is finished, you can also activate the Regroup Rune to deal fire damage, allowing you to drain the enemy’s health quickly. The Regroup Rune allows all of your weapon attacks to deal Fire damage for 20 seconds when active. Arcane Shot and Davrin’s fire-dealing ability along with the Regroup ability will make the deadliest combo in the game.
FAQs About Best Mage Skills in Dragon Age: The Veilguard
Q1: What are the top three skills to use for the Mage class in Dragon Age: The Veilguard?
Dark Squall, Frost Nova, and Void Blade are the best skills to use when choosing Mage as your preferred class.
Q2: What do you get when you pick a specialization?
You will get access to multiple unique abilities, Passes, and traits when you pick a Specialization by consuming a skill point.
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