Best Stealth Build in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2

Discover everything you need to know about the best stealth build in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 including gear, perks, tips and more.

Best Stealth Build in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2
Best Stealth Build in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 (Source: Plaion)

Stealth in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 is a gameplay mechanic that allows players to avoid detection, sneak past enemies, and complete several objectives without engaging enemies. You get a punishment if you’ve done any crime and get caught. Use a dagger for stealth kills and a Hunting Bow for ranged enemies during combat. Being a stealthy character in the game allows you to avoid enemies and guards you come across. Some perks in our stealth build enhance your stealth capability, allowing you to explore the world far more easily or kill enemies before they even react.

The best stealth build allows you to dominate enemies without exposing yourself during a battle. Lockpicking and pickpocketing involve stealth or else someone will catch you red-handed. Avoid heavy Armour and running close to the enemies as they get alert and can attack you. Add poison to your weapons to make them more lethal, dealing damage over time. In this guide, we’ll discuss the best stealth build in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 and which perks to invest in. Choose the hunting perks for your stealth build to hunt without making noise or disturbance.

Stealth Build Overview in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

Stealth build setup kcd2
Stealth build setup kcd2

Our stealth build includes a sneaky playstyle, allowing you to defeat the enemies from their backs without being noticed. A dagger is your best weapon for stealth kills and a Hunting Bow is used for ranged attacks during combat. The Hunting Bow can also be used to hunt down the wild animals scattered all around the world. Poison on your weapons can make them dangerous, dealing damage over time. You can use potions like Lullaby, Bowman’s Brew, and Strong Artemisia to enhance your effectiveness in the game.

Equip the lighter Armour for a fast moment and high mobility. Heavy Armour can slow your speed and make more noise that attracts attention. Allocate some points in perks like Tight Grip, Takedown, and Bushman to enhance the stealth of your character. The less the Noise, Visibility, and Conspicuousness the more you’ll be stealthier in KCD 2. Lockpicking and Pickpocketing require stealth mode, so you can use perks like Silent Fiddler and Inconspicuous.

Stealth Build ProsStealth Build Cons
High MobilityVulnerable in most scenarios
Fast paceTake more damage due to lighter Armour.
Defeat enemies without exposing yourself 
Damage over time 

Everything About Stealth Build in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

stealth build idea kcd2
stealth build idea kcd2

Stealth in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 is the ability to move undetected by enemies, allowing you to sneak up on them. It allows you to pickpocket, or even knock them unconscious without raising an alarm. Running, jumping, and striking objects can alert nearby enemies. Staying in the shadows, moving slowly, and crouching mitigate the chance of being detected. You need to stay out of an enemy’s line of sight to remain undetected. Improving your ability and performing stealthy actions in the game allows you to increase your stealth skills.

Lower the visibility the more stealth you have. The lower the noise level the stealthier your character can be. The lower the conspicuousness the more you are stealthy. Heavy Armour makes more noise than light ones, so enemies can catch you based on the noise. The heavy Armour is unsuitable for stealth attacks. However, you can use the same perks to reduce the noise conspicuousness that comes with these Armour types. Stealth value is also affected by your skills and perks.

Best Strategy For Stealth Build in KCD2

stealth playstyle kcd2
stealth playstyle kcd2

The players with stealth build will face problems when they encounter multiple enemies in combat. Warhorse Studios properly considers stealth in this game. You will be urged to play hand-to-hand combat multiple times. Avoid heavy Armour in some scenarios as they make you easier to spot. Use any obstacle to break the line of sight as sprinting will immediately attract attention, so walk slowly while sneaking. You need to plan an escape route in case you’re spotted. Follow the below principles and rules to make the things work best for you.

  • Use the Ash Hunting Bow- The Ash Hunting Bow is your bread and butter for stealth playstyle. You cannot eliminate enemies in one shot and without exposing yourself. Defeat the enemies through headshots as it allows you to kill enemies within just one shot. This is extremely important to maximize stealth. Level up your bow skills and practice headshots as much as you can. Make sure you’ve leveled up and have the best abilities before equipping the Hunting Bow.
  • Use the best perks- Stealth perks can boost your stealth, allowing you to dominate enemies from the back. Only a few can work best for you but it’s best to invest into more perks to be more confident. Make sure you have a plan to acquire them one by one and use them wisely in combat.
  • Potions for stealth- Some potions can increase your stealth capability in the game. You can craft the potions from the alchemy using the required materials and loot them from bandit camps. The best potion can make your work easy, allowing you to kill the enemy efficiently.
  • Make sure you’re in stealth mode- Keep your Noise, Visibility, and Conspicuousness absolute minimum, or else you will caught while trying to attack enemies or sneak past them. You can some perks to mitigate your stats, allowing you to be invisible to the enemies. Enemies can sense you with the noise from your heavy weapon, so make sure you wear lighter enemies while in stealth mode. The less these stats are on your character the more your character will be stealthier.
  • Isolate an enemy- You can isolate enemies by calling your horse in one direction. You can summon your horse by pressing the “X” key. This allows you to deal with multiple enemies at once. Kill an isolated enemy and then hide the dead body. You can locate the isolated enemies on patrol from where you whistle the horse kill them and hide their body.

Best Weapons and Armours For Stealth Build in KCD2

dagger to kill enemies silently kcd2
dagger to kill enemies silently kcd2

A Dagger is your best weapon for silently taking down enemies. You can’t execute a stealth kill without it when you sneak up on someone. Having a dagger enables efficient and quiet takedowns for this stealth build. It is a lightweight weapon that focuses on agility rather than strength. The dagger complements the perks of stealth-oriented skills and builds. You can combine it with the poison to use it stealthily to weaken or kill key enemies without alerting others.

The Ash Hunting Bow is another best ranged weapon while in stealth mode. It is crucial for adding versatility to our kit as it can distract enemies, allowing you to defeat enemies that aren’t isolated. You can use this weapon to kill enemies without exposing yourself in combat. You can headshot with the Hunting Bow when your skill with this weapon is leveled up. Not only you can use this weapon during combat but also when hunting wild animals in the world. Deer is a fast animal in KCD 2 that has high senses, so it’s best to use this weapon outside the combat.

You can take out archers and ranged enemies before getting into close combat. Engage with the enemies from higher ground or behind cover, allowing you to control the battlefield. The Hunting Bow allows you to attack silently, which is great for stealth tactics. Mastering the archery can make you a formidable force.

Ordinary arrows are best used with the Hunting Bow for ranged combat. It offers a balance between cost, damage, and availability. However, it is ineffective against heavy plate armour. Add poison to your arrows to deal damage over time. You can also acquire a Hunting Bow from Hans Capon later in the game after speaking with Hans Capon. This weapon deals additional damage and if dipped in poison, it can dominate any enemy from range.

Use the lighter Armour for fast movement and high mobility in combat. It can shape how your character performs in combat, offering mediocre protection. You can use it, especially in tough encounters during stealth mode. We don’t recommend using the heavier Armour while for stealth playstyle. It drains stamina quickly and slows down your movement, so it’s best to shift into lighter Armour for quick movement. Lighter Armour is ideal for hit-and-run tactics and quickly repositioning yourself. Lighter Armour makes far less noise, making it perfect for sneaking around and killing the foes undetected.

Choosing Stealth Armour

thief clothing from chest kcd2
thief clothing from chest kcd2
ArmourArmour NameDescription
HeadHountskull BascinetHeadgear is essential for protecting your character during combat.
HoodPadded HoodIt allows you to wear a helmet, offering defense against minor damage. Also enhances the overall head protection.
BodyLong gambesonIt offers moderate defense against slashes and blunt force. It is lightweight compared to metal armour. You can wear it under chainmail or cuirasses for added protection.  
ArmsCounters with RondelThis arm armour helps protect against thrusts from piercing weapons. It is often paired with chainmail.
LegsLaminar Knight LegsIt provides excellent defense against slashing and blunt attacks to the thighs and knees.

Best Combat Skills For Hunting Bow

combat skills for stealth build kcd2
combat skills for stealth build kcd2

Combat stat in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 is a key stat that represents your overall proficiency in melee fighting. Focus on varied combat techniques to improve your combat skills for Hunting Bow. Bandits provide experience and when Combat Skill levels up you gain access to several perks. Here are the best combat skills for Hunting Bow.

  • Crippling Shot- If you deal damage to an enemy with a ranged weapon, their stamina will recover more slowly and their combat ability will be reduced.
  • Steady Aim- If you don’t move for 2 or more seconds while aiming, your stamina will drain 20% slower, and your shot will be 15% stronger.
  • Hal Shot First- Your first shot will do 15% more damage. The perk will be active again after the end of the fight in which it was used or in one minute if no fight took place.
  • Salvo– After you shot, you get a short-term buff during which you reload and aim faster. So you can also shoot faster and if you do it in time, you’ll regain the buff with each shot.

Best Potions For Stealth Build in KCD2

bowman's brew potion kcd2
bowman’s brew potion kcd2

Potion in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 provides various effects, such as healing, buffs, poison resistance, and enhanced combat abilities. Potions can boost your stealth build, allowing you to increase your effectiveness in the game. Here are the best potions you can use for stealth build in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2.

  • Strong Saviour Schnapps- Save the game, heals 20 health points, and increases strength, vitality, and agility by 2 for 5 minutes.
  • Lullaby- You can also add the poison to your dagger to strike an enemy with the poisoned weapon to deal damage over time in combat. Use the Lullaby on your arrows to inflict poison damage with your Hunting Bow. They suffer health degradation over time. A single poison hit can weaken or kill them even if they block your attack.
  • Bowman’s Brew- Increases Marksmanship by 3 and slows down stamina loss when aiming by 20% for 10 minutes.
  • Buck’s Blood- Increases stamina by 30% for 20 minutes.
  • Lethean Water- Drink one mouthful and you’ll forget all earthly experience. Obliterates all perk points, so you can use them elsewhere.
  • Nighthawk- You will see better in the dark and energy will decrease 25% slower, lasting 15 minutes.
  • Strong Artemisia- Increases strength by 4 and both attack and defense cost 25% less stamina, lasts 10 minutes.
  • Strong Embrocation- Increases agility by 4 and spirit will cost 20% less stamina, lasts 15 minutes.

Best Perks Stealth Build in KCD2

stealth perks kcd2
stealth perks kcd2

Stealth perks in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 improves your stealth abilities, such as making you harder to see or giving you the ability to kill enemies from stealth. You can kill enemies from stealth, but you need a dagger and to be at least level 5 in Stealth. It’s best to move around enemies stealthily to improve your stealth skills.  

Here are the best perks for stealth build in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2.

  • Tight Grip- The higher your Strength skill, the easier it’ll be for you to knock someone out or kill them stealthily.
  • Hustler- It’s easier for you to sell stolen goods. If you succeed in doing so, you will gain some Stealth and Thievery experience.
  • Takedown- You can stealth knock people out. To do this, sneak up on your victim and initiate a chokehold. Then be ready to press attack to finish the action and knock out your opponents. 
  • Bushman- You will make 50% less noise when moving in bushes.
  • Fleeting Shadow- When you’re wanted for a crime, you gain a +3 stealth bonus and a +2 to agility and vitality, making it easier to escape.
  • Pacifist- As long as you don’t skill anyone, your non-combat skills also get an increase by 2 and your speech by 3. If you kill someone, you lose the bonus but can regain it if you don’t kill anyone for 12 game hours.

Marksmanship Perks for Stealth Build

marksmanship perks for stealth build kcd2

Marksmanship Perks in KCD 2 are the special abilities or enhancements that improve your effectiveness in battle. Selecting and utilizing combat perks for stealth build allows you to tailor your combat style and overcome the challenges in the game.

  • Sagittarius- The stamina mitigates for aiming with a ranged weapon will be halved if you’re in the saddle. This allows your stamina to deplete slower and lets you attack the enemy in combat a little bit longer.
  • Salvo- The stamina mitigates for aiming with a ranged weapon will be halved if you’re in the saddle. This allows your stamina to deplete slower and lets you attack the enemy in combat a little bit longer.
  • Steady Aim- Your stamina depletes 20% slower when you don’t move for 2 seconds. This will make your shots 15% more powerful and deal additional damage in combat.
  • Hal Shot First- Hal Shot First allows you to deal 15% additional damage in combat, allowing you to kill your foes faster. You can activate this perk after the end of the fight or in 1 minute if you don’t jump into another fight after winning the first one.

Best Thievery Perks

thievery perks kcd2
thievery perks kcd2

Stealth is essential for pickpocketing if you’re not careful guards can catch you red-handed and you will serve punishment. Pickpocketing is a risky way to steal from the NPCs. It involves sneaking up behind a target and lifting items from their inventory without being caught. You need to enter the stealth mode and crouch by pressing the appropriate button that will make you less visible. Avoid moving too quickly or making noise while in stealth mode.

  • Nimble Fingers- When in the time-collecting phase of the pickpocketing minigame, you’ll gain time 10% faster.
  • Rapid Flight- If you fail to successfully return through the doorway box during the thieving minigame., you won’t steal anything, but your victim won’t notice you. After using a perk, the effect will have a 3 minute cooldown before you can use it again.
  • Inconspicuous- The person you’re robbing may not see you, so you can reach even into their front pouch, but while you’re rummaging through their pockets, they might still feel your presence.

Best Lockpicking Perk

lockpicking kcd2
lockpicking kcd2

Get better at lockpicking by practicing it more often. You can find the locked chests anywhere in the game. They are easier to pick as compared to the locked doors. Lockpicking is a fine art in many games and usually one that isn’t too difficult to master but in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 it can be a downright nightmare. It can take you a solid hour to get the hang of it on the controller because the developers designed it for a mouse and keyboard. Keep in mind that your lockpick has a health bar so the more it vibrates the less it can take. This means it if you vibrate too much early on you will not be able to pick the lock.

  • Silent Fiddler- You’re almost silent when using a lockpick, and if it happens to break, the sound will be 75% quieter.
  • Tool Master- Your lockpicks will be more durable and last 15% longer before breaking. If you still manage to break a lockpick, once you’ve successfully overcome the lock, a lockpick will be returned to your inventory.
  • Mischief Artist- After successfully picking a lock or pickpocketing, you gain a +3 bonus in thievery and a +3 bonus in stealth. The effect lasts for 120 seconds, or until you break a lockpick or fail at pickpocketing.
  •  Master Thief- You can unlock simple locks almost instantly, without the need for mini-game activation or committing a crime. Still, be careful because looting an unlocked chest like this is still a crime.
  • Quickhand- You can be very stealthy when picking locks or pickpocketing people. From a distance, no one will notice anything.

Alchemy Perks

alchemy perks for stealth build kcd2
alchemy perks for stealth build kcd2

These perks help improve your stealth abilities via potions. Alchemy skill allows you to brew potions, poisons, and other concoctions that can give you a significant edge in combat and healing. Your skill improves when you use alchemy in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2. This allows you to craft better potions and poisons. Your skill improves when you use alchemy in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2. Alchemy isn’t about healing your character but it’s a game changer if used properly.

  • Poison Specialist- You can poison more arrows from a single dose of poison, and it will last on your weapon for more hits.
  • Special Powder- When using ammunition and powder of your own making, the efficiency of firearms increases by 20% and the weapon suffers less damage for firing.

Hunting Perks

hunting spot kcd2

Hunting in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 is a non-combat skill that allows you to gain raw food items along with animal skins. The more you hunt, the better your character and personal skills will become. Hunting Bow is the primary tool for hunting, so you need to be more accurate and efficient. Several perks can make hunting easier while you’re in stealth mode. You can invest in the hunting perks to kill the wild animals more efficiently. The perks will mitigate your noise, allowing you to easily sneak the animals found in the world.

  • Wessel Boy- You’ll make 35% less noise when sneaking outdoors.
  • Rodent- You’ll make 25% less noise when you sneak indoors and the door opening will be half as loud.

Best Tips and Tricks for Stealth Build in KCD2

hunting bow kcd2
hunting bow kcd2

Here are the best tips and tricks for stealth build in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2.

  • Focus on critical hits with your dagger to maximize the damage in combat. You can sneak up behind the enemy and wait for the right moment for a one-hit kill with poison.
  • Use the dagger to stealth kill without allowing the enemies to notice them.
  • Use a Hunting Bow for ranged attacks or ranged enemies without exposing yourself.
  • Add poison to your weapons like a Hunting Bow and dagger to damage over time and kill the enemies with ease.
  • Allocate points in the perks that allow you to be more stealthier during combat or while sneaking pasting the guards or bandits.
  • Lockpicking skill is essential for entering buildings and chests without alerting anyone, so level your skill with lockpicking.
  • Choose light Armour as heavy Armour makes more noise, reduces your mobility, and drains more stamina.
  • Always crouch when sneaking, especially when close to enemies. This allows you to mitigate the noise you make and makes it harder for enemies to spot you.
  • Avoid sprinting when in stealth mode because it can create noise and draw attention.
  • Hide in tall grass or obstacles to avoid detection. You can silently wait for the patrolling enemies to let them pass before continuing your journey.

FAQs About Stealth Build in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

What is Stealth Build in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2?

The stealth build in KCD 2 allows you to dominate enemies without exposing yourself during a battle. Use a dagger for stealth kills and a Hunting Bow for ranged enemies during combat.

Which are the best stealth perks for stealth build in KCD 2?

Tight Grip, Hustler, Takedown, and Bushman are the best stealth perks to use for stealth builds as they allow you to become more stealthier and reduce your noise.

Is stealth necessary for lockpicking and pickpocketing?

Yes, stealth is essential for lockpicking and pickpocketing if you’re not careful guards can catch you red-handed and you will serve punishment.

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