This guide explains how to use the best Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) Warden PvE Healer Build, skills, gear, champion points, and more!

This build has been updated for the Updated 42, the Gold Road Chapter of the Elder Scrolls Online (ESO).
Why Should You Play ESO Warden PvE Healer Build?
ESO Warden PvE Healer Build has unique buffs that provide the group benefits on sustain, damage, and more. Making them one of, if not the best, healers in The Elder Scrolls Online. You’ll want to pick this up for top-end healing at the end game. This build is for players interested in playing a group-oriented buff machine Warden Healer optimized for 4-man content but could also be used in endgame trials. This is a general build, so feel free to play with skills as needed to fit your play style.
In ESO, the Warden Healer PvE is perfect for everyone looking for excellent healing potential with a complete set of tools for group gameplay. If an ice warden playstyle is what you are looking for, this build is for you!
ESO Warden PvE Healer Build Playstyle
Use the following rotation as the starter point. After, apply your buffs on cooldown for the best, highest healing, and survivability. Healing is about keeping up all your buffs, healing over time, and buffing your teammates. Warden Healer has a lot of good group tools in its toolkit, so make sure to take advantage of them. Certain 5-piece gear sets require a fully-charge heavy attack to proc extra effect e.g. Roaring Opportunist or Stone-Talker’s Oath.
Take advantage of your passives and game mechanics
Additionally, thanks to the destruction staff passive Elemental Force, you have double chances to apply the so-called status effect. Also, Cycle of Life passive makes your fully-charged Heavy Attacks with restoration staff to restore 30% more Magicka. And because of Essence Drain passive, you gain Major Mending for 4 seconds after completing a fully-charged Heavy Attack, increasing your healing done by 16%. As a result, it’s important to keep heavy attacks in your rotation fully charged to keep uptime high.
Resources and Sustain
If you run out of magicka, do a heavy attack and return to your rotation. Remember that a heavy attack on off-balance enemies will return double the resources. While casting your abilities, be sure to do light and heavy attacks in between, as both help you regenerate ultimate, proc weapon enchantments and specific healer set bonuses. Also, always use the suggested food and potions as they significantly increase your damage, survivability, and resource sustain.
ESO Warden PvE Healer Features and Mechanics
Below are some of the features found using the ESO Warden PvE Healer in the Elder Scrolls Online:
- Class – Warden
- Weapon One – Restoration Staff
- Weapon Two – Lightning Staff
- Armor Types: 6 light, 1 medium
- Race: Breton
- Attributes: 64 Magicka
- Mundus Stone: Attronach
Front Bar: Restoration Staff
We use restoration staff for main healing abilities.
Illustrious Healing (Morph of Grand Healing | Skill Line : Restoration Staff) – Main AoE heal over time ability with a big radius. Keep this heal up, especially when stationary, also used to proc sets requiring a ground cast ability.
Combat Prayer (Morph of Blessing of Protection | Skill Line : Restoration Staff) – Very important AoE heal that applies Minor Berserk and Minor Resolve, increasing damage output and resistances for you and your allies. Apply these buffs as much as possible, so use ability as your main spammable.
Fetcher Infection (Morph of Swarm | Skill Line : Animal Companions) – Used mainly for the debuff on your primary target which adds minor vulnerability for a long duration.
Energy Orb (Morph of Necrotic Orb | Skill Line : Undaunted) – Main resource sustain synergy for your allies, also provides a strong AoE heal over time. Keep orb active and in proximity of your allies as much as possible.
Radiating Regeneration (Morph of Regeneration | Skill Line : Restoration Staff) – Great multi-targeting heal over time ability, especially for mobile encounters, also helps to proc specific healer sets. Spam ability to cover more targets if needed
Reviving Barrier (Morph of Barrier | Skill Line : Support) – An ultimate that applies massive damage shields to group members, and those shielded also receive healing over time. Provides extra Magicka Recovery through Support skill line passive when slotting this ultimate ability.
Back Bar: Frost Staff
Healers can use all three options, and the choice depends on the situation and content you are trying to complete. For beginners, I advise using lightning staff if you want easier heavy attack channelling or using Ice staff for extra block mitigation and shield if you struggle with survivability.
- Ice staff
- Inferno Staff
- Lightning Staff
Budding Seeds (Morph of Healing Seed | Skill Line : Green Balance) – Amazing AoE heal, you and your allies in the area receive healing over time while the ability is blooming and when the ability blooms those within will get a huge burst heal. Ability can be activated again after casting to instantly bloom. An ally can activate a synergy that grants additional healing over time.
Echoing Vigor (Morph of Vigor | Skill Line : Assault) – Use this on your back bar to proc Powerful Assault and dump your stamina for a good are heal over time that stacks with others.
Overflowing Altar (Morph of Blood Altar | Skill Line : Undaunted) – This skill provides insane healing during stationary fights.
Expansive Frost Cloak (Morph of Frost Cloak | Skill Line : Winter’s Embrace) – An AoE armor buff that applies Major Resolve to you and your allies, increasing your Physical and Spell Resistance. This ability is good to flex in for encounters needing more damage mitigation.
Blockade of Frost (Morph of Wall of Elements | Skill Line : Destruction Staff) – Ground cast AoE ability, primarily used to apply status effects that debuff and weapon enchant, making it ideal to use Lighting or Ice staff.
Aggressive Horn (Morph of War Horn | Skill Line : Assault) – One of the most important ultimate abilities for a support role. Grants Major Force increasing critical damage by 20%, also increases Max Magicka and Stamina by 10% for you and your group members. Prioritize use of this ultimate, it provides a huge damage boost to your group, coordinate with other support roles if possible to keep a high uptime.
Scribing Skills & Grimoires – ESO PvE Healer Build

Mender’s Bond and Torchbearer are the best Grimoires (skills) for the Warden PvE Healer build. Mender’s Bond gives minor courage; big heals, and a shield. Torchbearer changed into healing torch grants heroism and damage reduction. This frees up the group to stop running herosim potions and is a huge boon to the group. Below are the suggested combination of Grimoires, focus, signature, and affix scripts:
- Mender’s Bond (Restoration Staff): Damage Shield (focus script), Sage’s Remedy (signature script), Courage (affix script).
- Torchbearer (Fighters Guild): Healing (focus script), Gladiator’s Tenacity (signature script), and Heroism (affix script).
The Scribing System utilizes one of 11 new skills from the Gold Road Chapter called Grimoires. With Grimoires, you can customize spells via Scripts. The scribing feature requires the purchase of the Gold Road Chapter (sponsored link). To learn more about scribing, check out our full guide here.
Passives Skills
Consider taking all of the passives in the below skill trees to increase your ESO Warden Healer builds performance without slotting any skills:
- Animal Companions (class skill line)
- Green Balance (class skill line)
- Winter’s Embrace (class skill line)
- Restoration Staff (weapon skill line)
- Destruction Staff (weapon skill line)
- Light Armor
- Medium armor
- Undaunted
- Racial
- Alliance War Support
- Alliance War Assault
- Crafting, Alchemy Medicinal Use
Gear Setup 1: Trials Best in Slot
Best in Slot Trials setup for PvE healer, though requires constant bar swaps.
Slot | Type | Set | Trait | Glyph |
Head | light | Nazaray | Divines | Magicka |
Shoulders | light | Nazaray | Divines | Magicka |
Chest | medium | Armor of the Trainee | Divines | Magicka |
Legs | light | Spell Power Cure | Divines | Magicka |
Gloves | light | Spell Power Cure | Divines | Magicka |
Boots | light | Spell Power Cure | Divines | Magicka |
Belt | light | Perfected Pillager’s Profit | Divines | Magicka |
Weapon One | Restoration staff | Spell Power Cure | Powered | Absorb Magicka |
Weapon Two | Frost Staff | Perfected Pillager’s Profit | Charged | Shock |
Necklace | Pearl of Ehlnofey | Infused | Spell Damage | |
Ring 1 | Perfected Pillager’s Profit | Infused | Reduce Spell Cost | |
Ring 2 | Perfected Pillager’s Profit | Infused | Reduce Spell Cost |
Check your uptime on Spell Power Cure; if low, drop the Mythic and slot Spell Power Cure on five pieces on the body. You should have high uptime on Major Courage, but check with ESO logs or visually. Moreover, swap out the Spell Power Cure set for another light set if your secondary healer is running it.
Monster Helm
Nazaray: obtained in Shiepwright’s Regret, Ascending Tide DLC. Useful to increase major and minor debuffs when using an ultimate.
- Symphony of Blades: Great resource sustain for the entire group
- Sentinel of Rkugamz: Beginner resource sustain set.
- Nightflame = good HPS
- Earthgore = AoE burst heal
- Chokethorn = single target burst heal
- Troll King= niche set for specific trials
Gear Sets
Perfected Pillager’s Profit: obtained in Dreadsail Reef trial, high Isle Chapter. Useful for using a back bar ultimate and feeding ultimate to other players.
Spell Power Cure: obtained from base game White Gold Tower dungeon. This grants major courage, and it’s mobile, though only on one bar, requiring constant bar swaps for high-up time.
Armor of the Trainee: obtained from traders or starter zones like Bal Foyen and Bleakrock Isle. Useful when running a mythic to get an extra bit of health.
- Perfected Stone-Talker’s Oath= great back bar sustain set
- Perfected Vestments of Olorime = longer lastly, major courage though not mobile
- Z’en’s Redress = niche setup that adds tons of damage
- Powerful Assault: = great increase in overall DPS if running Echoing Vigor/Caltrops on the back bar
- Hollowfang Thirst= another sustain set that can be back bared
- Perfected Saxhleel Champion = great burst damage when combined with a barrier
- Spell Power Cure = major courage and it’s mobile
- The Worm’s Raiment = good group sustain buff set
- Way of Martial Knowledge = great overall DPS added set
Pearl of Ehlnofey: obtained through Mythic system in Markarth DLC. Useful to spam ultimate and feed other players with Pillager’s Profit.
Alternative: drop Pearl and Trainee and use an arena weapon.
- Perfected Grand Rejuvenation: the best all-around resource sustain 2pc weapon.
- Perfected Timelss Blessing = good sustain option but you’ll need combat pray
- Force Overflow = good but you’ll need to use the skill force siphon
- Perfected Precise Regeneration = okay option if you lack anything to use
Gear Setup 2: Trials ROJO
Use the ROJO setup as a good alternative gear option but not meta currently.
Slot | Type | Set | Trait | Glyph |
Head | Medium | Symphony of Blades | Divines | Magicka |
Shoulders | light | Symphony of Blades | Divines | Magicka |
Chest | light | Jorvuld’s Guidance | Divines | Magicka |
Legs | light | Jorvuld’s Guidance | Divines | Magicka |
Gloves | light | Jorvuld’s Guidance | Divines | Magicka |
Boots | light | Jorvuld’s Guidance | Divines | Magicka |
Belt | light | Jorvuld’s Guidance | Divines | Magicka |
Weapon One | Restoration staff | Perfected Grand Rejuvenation | Powered | Absorb Magicka |
Weapon Two | Frost Staff | Roaring Opportunist | Charged | Shock |
Necklace | Roaring Opportunist | Arcane | Magicka Recovery | |
Ring 1 | Roaring Opportunist | Arcane | Magicka Recovery | |
Ring 2 | Roaring Opportunist | Arcane | Magicka Recovery |
- Symphony of Blades: obtained in Depths of Malatar dungeon Wrathstone DLC. Great resource sustain for the entire group.
- Perfected Roaring Opportunist: obtained in Kyne’s Aegis trial Greymoor DLC. The combination of RO/Jorv = enormous DPS for your entire group.
- Jorvuld’s Guidance: obtained in Scalecaller Peak dungeon Dragon Bones DLC. Adds duration to buffs and is helpful when paired with Roaring Opportunitst for burning bosses.
- Perfected Grand Rejuvenation: obtained in Veteran Dragonstar Arena. The best all-around resource sustains 2pc weapon.
Gear Setup 3: Dungeons
This is meant for hard-mode dungeons for huge DPS burst windows.
Slot | Type | Set | Trait | Glyph |
Head | medium | Symphony of Blades | Divines | Magicka |
Shoulders | light | Symphony of Blades | Divines | Magicka |
Chest | light | Spell Power Cure | Divines | Magicka |
Legs | light | Spell Power Cure | Divines | Magicka |
Gloves | light | Spell Power Cure | Divines | Magicka |
Boots | light | Spell Power Cure | Divines | Magicka |
Belt | light | Spell Power Cure | Divines | Magicka |
Weapon One | Restoration Staff | Perfected Grand Rejuvenation | Powered | Weapon/Spell Damage |
Weapon Two | Frost Staff | Master Architect | Charged | Shock |
Necklace | Master Architect | Arcane | Spell Damage | |
Ring 1 | Master Architect | Arcane | Spell Damage | |
Ring 2 | Master Architect | Arcane | Spell Damage |
Use this in four-player content where you need to burn a boss with back bar ultimate.
- Master Architect: Boost your entire team’s DPS for brief time. Found in Halls of Fabrications, Morrowid DLC Trial.
- Perfected Grand Rejuvenation: Provides resource sustain circle. Found in Dragonstar Arena, Base game, Craglorn.
- Spell Power Cure: Gives the party massive boost in damage with heals over time. Found in White-Gold Tower dungeon, Imperial City.
- Symphony of Blades: Provides the party resource sustain. Helm found in Depths of Malatar, Wrathstone DLC.
Gear Setup 4: Beginners
This setup is great for beginners who do not have access to trials gear.
Slot | Type | Set | Trait | Glyph |
Head | light | Winter’s Respite | Infused | Magicka |
Shoulders | light | Winter’s Respite | Divines | Magicka |
Chest | heavy | Armor of the Seducer | Infused | Magicka |
Legs | medium | Armor of the Seducer | Infused | Magicka |
Gloves | light | Armor of the Seducer | Divines | Magicka |
Boots | light | Armor of the Seducer | Divines | Magicka |
Belt | light | Armor of the Seducer | Divines | Magicka |
Weapon One | Restoration Staff | Willpower | Powered | Absorb Magicka |
Weapon Two | Frost Staff | Willpower | Charged | Shock |
Necklace | Winter’s Respite | Arcane | Magicka Recovery | |
Ring 1 | Winter’s Respite | Arcane | Magicka Recovery | |
Ring 2 | Winter’s Respite | Arcane | Magicka Recovery |
Use this healer gear setup when just starting or if you lack gear suggested above.
- Winter’s Respite: Creates powerful area heal circle. Obtained in Overland, Wester Skyrim DLC Greymoor.
- Willpower: Adds massive magicka with two pieces. Obtained in Imperial City or daily dungeon rewards.
- Armor of the Seducer: Used for resource sustain. Craftable with 3 traits learned in base game zones Deshaan, Grahtwood, Stormhaven.
The best race choices for the Magicka Warden PvE Healer:
- Breton: Insane sustainability lacks spell damage or increased healing.
- Argonian: Great for pure healing and survival, lacks sustain and has less Max Magicka.
The best choice is 64 magicka, which increases damage, healing, and shields.
Mundus Stone
The Atronach is the best Mundus Stone for PvE Healer Builds because it increases Magicka recovery.
Champion Points – ESO Warden PvE Healer
Craft | Warfare | Fitness |
Treasure Hunter | Soothing Tide | Boundless Vitality |
Liquid Effiency | Swift Renewal | Fortified |
Rationer | Rejuvenator | Spirit Mastery |
Steed’s Blessing | Enlivening Overflow | Rejuvenation |
Warfare Constellation Champion Points

Below is a step-by-step method for slotting your champion points in the Warfare tree (blue). We have used the minimum possible to reach 4 slottable selections all maxed out. If you have more CP, consider taking more in the passives for optimal performance.
Below are recommended Warfare Champion Point selections for the ESO Warden PvE Healer:
- Eldritch insight 10
- Mastered Curation sub-con – blessed 10
- Mastered Curation sub-con Enlivening overflow (slottable) 50
- Soothing tide (slottable) 50
- Rejuvenator (slottable) 50
- Swift renewal (slottable) 50
This would be the bare minimum setup, spending 220 CP (660 total required). The next step is to max out passives, that do not require a slottable but increase performance.
- Precision 20
- Eldritch Insight 10
- Tireless Discipline 20
- Blessed 10
- Quick recovery 20
- Elemental Aegis 20
- Hardy 20
- Piercing 20
- Flawless ritual 40
- War mage 30
- Battle mastery 40
- Mighty 30
- Preparation 20
This would max out the Warfare tree with all active and passive champion points at 530 spent 1,590.
Fitness Constellation Champion Points

Below are recommended Fitness Champion Point selections for the ESO Warden PvE Healer:
- Bondless vitality (slottable) 50
- Fortified (slottable) 50
- Rejuvenation (slottable) 50
- Sprinter 10
- Wind chaser – Sub-constellation – hasty 8
- Hero’s Vigor 10
- Piercing gaze 10
- Tempered soul 25
- Spirit mastery (slottable) 50
This would be the bare minimum setup, spending 253 CP (759 total required). The next step is to max out passives, that do not require a slottable but increase performance.
- Sprinter 10
- Hero’s Vigar 10
- Tumbling 30
- Defiance 20
- Hasty 8
- Tireless guardian 10
- Fortification 30
- Nimble Protector 6
- Mystic tenacity 50
- Tempered soul 25
- Piercing gaze 20
- Savage defense 30
- Bashing brutality 20
This would max out the fitness tree with all active passive champion points at 522 cp spent 1,566 total spent.
Craft Constellation Champion Points

Below are recommended Craft Champion Point selections for the ESO Warden PvE Healer Build:
- Steed’s blessing – (slottable) 50
- Breakfall 10
- Wanderer 15
- Steadfast 10
- Rationer(slottable) 30
- Liquid efficiency (slottable) 75
- Treasure hunter (slottable) 50
This would be the bare minimum setup, spending 240CP (720 total required). The next step is to max out passives, that do not require a slottable but increase performance.
- Steadfast enchantment 40cp
- Breakfall 40 cp
- Wanderer 60
- Fortunes favor 50
- Friends in low places 25
- Out of sight 30
- Fleet of Phantom 40
- Soul’s reservoir 33
- Gilded fingers 50
- Fortunes favor 40
- Inspiration boost 45
This would max out the crafting tree with all active passive champion points at 693 cp spent 2,079 total spent
Clockwork Citrus Filet and Essence of Spell Power are the best consumables for a PVE Healer in the ESO. Clockwork gives you a balance of health and recovery, which is helpful for most healers. You can use Artaeum Pickled Fish Bowl if you’re using the ROJO setup or already have good sustain. Bewitch Sugar Skulls is helpful if you need stamina spamming Echoing Vigor. Spell Power Potions are used to source your major buffs and increase recovery. Below are our recommended food and potion choices:
- Clockwork Citrus Filet – Increases max health, health recovery, max magicka, and magicka recovery. Crafted with Provisioning ingredients of Red Meat, Lemon, Frost Mirriam, and Perfect Roe.
- Artaeum Pickled Fish Bowl – increases max health and max magicka. Crafted with Provisioning ingredients of Clam Gall, Fish, Honey, and Rice.
- Witchmother’s Potent Brew – Increases max magicka, max health, and magicka recovery. Crafted with Provisioning ingredients of Nightshade, Bervez Juice, Rice, and Small Game.
- Bewitched Sugar Skulls (tri-max stats) – increases max health, stamina, magicka, and health recovery. Crafted with provisioning from ingredients of Scrib Jelly, Flour, Columbine, Bervez Juice, and Honey.
- Essence of Spell Power – grants major critical, major spell power buff, and magicka recovery. Crafted with alchemy from ingredients such as Corn Flower, Lady’s Smock, and Luminous Russula (other combinations).
- Tri-Pots – grants immediate health, stamina and magicka, along with tri-recovery. Crafted with Alchemy from ingredients of Bugloss, Columbine, and Mountain Flower.
Build Summary – The ESO Warden PvE Healer
Class: Warden
Race: Breton
Attributes: 64 Magicka
Mundus Stone: Attronach
Weapon One: Restoration Staff
Weapon Two: Frost Staff
Armor Set 1: Spell Power Cure
Armor Set 2: Perfected Pillager’s Profit
Monster Helm: Nazaray
Mythic: Pearl of Ehlnofey
Armor Weight: 6 Light, 1 Medium
Skill Bar 1
- Illustrious Healing
- Combat Prayer
- Fetcher Infection
- Energy Orb
- Radiating Regeneration
- Reviving Barrier (Ultimate)
Skill Bar 2
- Budding Seeds
- Echoing Vigor
- Overflowing Alter
- Expansive Cloak
- Blockade of Frost
- Aggressive Warhorn (Ultimate)
Scribing Grimoires and Scripts
- Mender’s Bond
- Damage Shield (focus script)
- Sage’s Remedy (signature script)
- Courage (affix Script)
- Torchbearer
- Healing (focus script)
- Gladiator’s Tenacity (signature script)
- Heroism (Affix Script)
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