Welcome to our Destiny 2 Autumn Wind God Roll and How to Get Guide. Autumn Wind is a pulse rifle in Destiny 2. This gun has some good perks for both PvE and PvP. The perks this gun can roll with can help get the gun some extra range and gain increased damage against targets. Autumn Wind is a Rapid-Fire Frame pulse rifle that can reload faster when the magazine is empty. Autumn Wind was reintroduced in Lightfall as a reprisal from its predecessor released in the Curse of Osiris DLC.
Why You Should Get Autumn Wind Pulse Rifle?
You should get Autumn Wind Pulse Rifle because it can compete with most guns in PvP like smgs and hand cannons. Pulse rifles have always been good at any range and this one shoots very fast. Pulse rifles are very easy to control the recoil when you fire it. Here’s our list of why you should get Autumn Wind Pulse Rifle:
- Has a specific place where it drops
- Good at close mid and long range
- Does not take exotic slot
- Good in PvE and PvP
- Very fast rate of fire
How to Obtain Autumn Wind in Destiny 2

Autumn Wind is dropped by Complete Crucible matches and earn rank-up packages from Lord Shaxx at the tower. You do not need to win games in order for the weapon to drop.
PvE Autumn Wind God Roll
Barrel | Hammer-Forged Rifling |
Magazine | Armor-Piercing Rounds |
Perk 1 | Demolitionist |
Perk 2 | Adrenaline Junkie |
Origin Trait | One Quiet Moment |
Masterwork | Range |
Mod | Minor Spec |
Barrel: For our barrel, we are using Hammer-Forged Rifling. Hammer-Forged Rifling provides a +10 range for the weapon. This stat lowers our damage falloff when we damage targets at longer ranges. The more range we have on the gun the more kills we can get at longer ranges.
Magazine: We will be using Armor-Piercing Rounds for our magazine. Armor-Piecing Rounds do 5% Increased Damage against PvE Combatant Shields and over-penetrate targets. Having a fast rate of fire combined with Armor-Piercing Rounds will help us take care of multiple enemies. The extra damage to shields helps take care of shields since this weapon does not have an elemental type.

Column 3 Perk: For this column we will use Demolitionist. Demolitionist does this: Final blows with this weapon generate grenade energy. Activating your grenade ability reloads this weapon from reserves. If you combine a grenade build with this perk you will be able to sustain your grenade energy and instantly reload your weapon.
Column 4 Perk: For our last perk, we will use Adrenaline Junkie. Adrenaline Junkie gains increases the weapons damage and handling from final blows with grenades or this weapon. If we combine this with Demolitionist and Adrenaline Junkie we will be able to buff this weapons damage by a large amount.
Masterwork: We want to have range masterwork this stat lowers our damage falloff.
Mod: For this use minor spec, which does 7.77% more damage to red bar enemies.
Conclusion: This gun is very strong if you combine it with a grenade build. Being able to roll with Demolitionist and Adrenaline Junkie is a very rare quality for the weapon. If you manage to get this roll lock it and keep it.
PvP Autumn Wind God Roll
Barrel | Hammer-Forged Rifling |
Magazine | High-Caliber Rounds |
Perk 1 | Perpetual Motion |
Perk 2 | Moving Target |
Origin Trait | One Quiet Moment |
Masterwork | Range |
Mod | Targeting Adjuster |
Barrel: For our barrel we will use Hammer-Forged Rifling. Provides the gun with +10 range. Having a higher range helps increase the damage fall off of the gun which means how far the bullet can travel before it starts to lose damage.
Magazine: We are going to be using High-Caliber Rounds. High-Caliber Rounds Will make your target Flinch like crazy. If your target is flinching they will not be able to land headshots on you. Since this gun shoots fast the flinch will be very annoying for your target. High-Caliber Rounds also provide +5 range stat to increase our damage fall off.

Column 3 Perk: In this spot we want Perpetual Motion. Perpetual Motion is very strong while moving gain a stack that last for 10 seconds capping at 2 stacks. Each stack provides 10 Stability, 10 Handling, and 10 Reload Speed and can be activated and remain active while stowed. You are getting all of these buffs while you are moving.
Column 4 Perk: For this last spot we want to use Moving Target. Moving Target provides the weapon with increased movement speed and target acquisition when moving while aiming down sights. This helps us land our shots against our targets. The extra movement speed also helps us strafe.
Masterwork: We want to have range masterwork this stat lowers our damage falloff.
Mod: Use Targeting Adjuster for our mod to get some extra aim assist. This will help you land your shots against your target.
Conclusion: This weapon is very strong in PvP with the perks we have here. If you where not able to craft yourself a Piece of Mind then go ahead and use this weapon since they are very similar. This weapon drops from crucible so it is very easy to farm for it.
More Destiny 2 Lightfall Guides and Builds
Thank you for reading Thanks for reading our Destiny 2 Autumn Wind God Roll guide. Keep in mind, this weapon will work with any class (Hunter, Titan, Warlock) any subclass (Solar, Void, Stasis, Arc, Strand) and any PvE (Strikes, Nightfalls, Lost Sectors, Vanguard Operation, Dungeons, Raids) and PvP Mode in Destiny 2 (Crucible, Gambit, Trials of Osiris and Iron Banner).
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