Destiny 2 Avalanche God Roll Guide

Learn about the Avalanche God Roll for PVE and PVP content, the best perks, and how to get it in this Destiny 2 guide!

Destiny 2 Avalanche God Roll Guide
Destiny 2 Avalanche God Roll Guide

Avalanche is a solar adaptive frame machine gun reintroduced in Episode: Revenant for the 2024 Festival of the Lost event. As the second Dawning weapon, there have been several iterations of this weapon since 2018, but only the most current one is available. Adaptive frame machine guns are the most common and most versatile. This guide will discuss the PvE and PvP god rolls and how to get the Avalance machine gun.

How to Get Avalanche in Destiny 2

You obtain Avalanche by using the Gifts in Return consumables you receive from giving Dawning Cookies to various NPCs. Turn in those Gifts in Return for Festive Engrams or use them to focus the weapon at Eva Levante in the Tower. You need unlock the appropriate Dawning upgrades to focus the weapon. You must unlock the Giftwrap Exchange Ticket upgrade to turn them in for Festive Engrams, and the Limited Exchange Ticket upgrade to focus the weapon. This weapon can only be obtained during the Dawning event, so get it while you can.

You can unlock multiple trait selections on this weapon by getting the Perky Presents and Perkier Presents Dawning upgrades.

What Is the Avalanche God Roll in Destiny 2?

God rolls are highly sought after because they are typically the best combination of stats and traits available on a particular weapon. Because the sandbox differs in PvE and PvP, there are typically god rolls for each one. The Avalance is a great PvE weapon, being one of the better solar machine guns in the game. All machine guns are effective in PvP, and the Avalance is just as good as the rest.

Destiny 2 Avalanche
The Avalance Solar Adaptive Frame Machine Gun

PvE Avalanche God Roll

The best perks for the Avalanche PvE God Roll are Arrowhead Brake, Appended Mag, Rewind Rounds, and Incandescent. These provide important stats, utility, and damage for the weapon.

The following list is the best perks for the Avalanche PvE God Roll in Destiny 2:

  • Barrel: Arrowhead Brake
  • Magazine: Appended Mag
  • Column 3 Trait: Rewind Rounds
  • Column 4 Trait: Incandescent
  • Masterwork: Handling
  • Origin Trait: Dawning Surprise
  • Weapon Mod: Backup Mag

PvE Breakdown

Adaptive frame machine guns like the Avalance are some of the better weapons for general PvE use cases. They are great for dealing with minor enemies and can do decent damage to targets with more health like majors and bosses. Machine guns are some of the most versatile heavy weapons in the game. Arrowhead Brake and Appended Mag are very useful traits for most machine guns as they improve the recoil direction and magazine size of the weapons. A handling masterwork improves the weapon by allowing to be drawn more quickly.

Rewind Rounds is one of the best traits you can have a machine gun. Every hit will add to amount that the perk reloads and since machine guns have a lot of ammunition they can fire for a very long time without needing to manually reload. You could opt for a trait like Target Lock or Firing Line in column 4, but they are only mildly decent damage traits. That being said, the Avalance functions better as a minor combatant clearing weapon, so Incandescent is one of the better trait options. The Avalanche is a great weapon to grab if you don’t have a good machine gun already.

PvP Avalanche God Roll

The best perks for the Avalanche PvP God Roll are Hammer-Forged Rifling, Accurized Rounds, Closing Time, and Vorpal Weapon. These provide important stats, utility, and damage for the weapon.

The following list is the best perks for the Avalanche PvP God Roll in Destiny 2:

  • Barrel: Hammer-Forged Rifling
  • Magazine: Accurized Rounds
  • Column 3 Trait: Closing Time
  • Column 4 Trait: Vorpal Weapon
  • Masterwork: Handling
  • Origin Trait: Suros Synergy
  • Weapon Mod: Ballistics

PvP Breakdown

Machine guns like the Avalance are powerful weapons in PvP as they can multiple kills with only one heavy ammo brick. They do require a small amount more precision than other heavy weapons but they are often worth it. Make sure to improve their range with traits like Hammer-forged Rifling and Accurized Rounds to get their damage fall off to as high of a range as possible.

Avalanche has some decent perks for PvP in Column 3 and 4 as well. Closing Time has quickly become the best-in-slot weapon trait on special weapons for PvP, and it works just as well on machine guns. The increase in Handling and Range is just too good to pass up on any weapon that can make such easy use of its activation. While traits like Target Lock and Golden Tricorn can be decent traits to take on the weapon, they will be so hard to activate that they would see virtually zero use. Instead, Vorpal Weapon allows for the weapon to be useful against guardians in their super, which is one of the weakness of machine guns in PvP. Overall, the Avalance is a great PvP machine gun that’s worth picking up if you don’t have a favorite machine gun for the Crucible already.

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