The Destiny 2 Best Ghost Mods Guide is short and will help you understand why and how you should focus your ghost. Also, we talk about the best mods to equip for your AI companion. Destiny 2 can be a confusing game but don’t worry we got you!
Focus Your Ghost and Best Ghost Mods
Before you launch into any activity make sure to Focus your Ghost and equip your Ghost with two of the following best ghost mods: BLINDING LIGHT which gives Increase XP gains by 12%. This will boost your XP gains, meaning your level with your artifact and season rank quickly.

If your ghost doesn’t have maximum energy, use materials to upgrade it to master work and or select the lower-quality mod that still increases XP gains. The next mod is going to be based on what class you play and what stats are a priority on your armor.

This mod will increase specific stats on armor drops, the stats you want is based on your class or playstyle. If you’re confused about stats, I will cover this later in greater detail. Focusing your ghost for specific stats will drastically speed up the process of optimizing your build and making you more powerful earlier. The stat I highly suggest early on to focus on is resilience due to the MASSIVE amount of damage reduction regardless of the class. Reaching 100 resilience will result in a 40% damage reduction making your game time much easier. However, going beyond 100 doesn’t give you any benefits so try to get right at 100.

As you progress, you can change this out per class and or playstyle. In general, Titans want Resilience, Warlocks want Recovery and Hunters want Mobility. With this setup, your ghost will expedite your season rank which will increase your artifact and passively increase your power along with getting the correct stated mods for your build.
And there you have it, probably about 100 tips for beginner and returning players. I hope the Destiny 2 Best Ghost Mods Guide will help you and you’ll enjoy the game as much as I do. Also, consider watching me live at, and checking out the website for more guides (click), Destiny 2 Beginner Builds (click) and End-game PvE Builds (click).
Thanks for reading!