Here is the complete list of all the Exotic armor changes announced by Bungie for Destiny 2: Episode Heresy Act I.

The highly anticipated new episode of Destiny 2, Heresy Act I, has arrived. Bungie has recently released a list featuring extensive changes and reworks for some Exotic weapons and armor. Exotic Armors are rare top-tier gear in Destiny 2, distinguished by their Exotic rating.
These updates ensure that these powerful Exotic Armors remain a top choice in the new episode. This allows players to choose from a wide range of armor options, which suit their build. Scroll down to know which Exotic Armors are receiving changes in Destiny 2: Heresy Act I.
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All Exotic Armor Changes and Updates for Destiny 2 Heresy

Here is the complete list of all the Exotic Armor changes and updates for the different classes, announced by Bungie for Destiny 2: Heresy.
Sealed Ahamkara Grasps:
- Powered melee and finisher final blows grant Nightmare Fuel, increasing handling and airborne effectiveness.
- While active, freshly drawn weapons deal additional damage and grant Nightmare Fuel on final blows.
- Gaining Nightmare Fuel reloads all holstered weapons.
Gwisin Vest
- Now it progresses its Super returns on Super hits as well as kills before becoming invisible.
- Improved the maximum possible Super energy gains per return while also increasing the amount of progress needed for maximum gains.
- Now also emits a cloud of weakening smoke when you exit invisibility while nearby an enemy.
Renewal Grasps
- Doubled the rate of Frost Armor gain while in the enhanced Duskfield grenade.
- Increased the bonus weapon damage duration from 10 seconds to 15 seconds.
Radiant Dance Machines
- Improves airborne effectiveness and hip fire mobility, range, and accuracy for Primary ammo weapons.
- Multi-kills with Primary ammo weapons refund dodge energy. When dodge energy is full, multi-kills grant extra charges. Powerful combatants and Guardians count as more than one kill.
Relativism – Spirit of Galanor
- Reduced the maximum amount of energy refunded for Silkstrike and Golden Gun to 30% (down from 50%).
Relativism – Spirit of the Foetracer
- Spirit of the Foetracer has inherited the changes made to Foetracer.
Citan’s Ramparts
- Removed several downsides applied by Assault Barricade to bring it in line with base Towering Barricade behavior.
- Increased barricade health from 400 to 500.
- No longer increases Barricade cooldown.
- No longer decreases Barricade duration.
- Further increased damage dealt to Citan’s barricades by Guardians from 125% to 160%.
Eternal Warrior
- Final blows with Fists of Havoc now grant extended Super duration.
Ursa Furiosa
- Blocking damage with Unbreakable now returns grenade energy instead of Super energy.
Khepri’s Horn
- Now sends out three waves of flame instead of just one.
- These waves no longer return towards the Barricade – they only travel outwards once.
- Tracking on the waves has been enhanced.
- Combatants damaged by these waves are enveloped in a Sunspot. Players are enveloped if they are defeated.
- Now requires a Solar Super to be equipped to create the flame waves from the Barricade
An Insurmountable Skullfort
- Now grants energy to Arc melee abilities when hitting targets with any melee attack. Amount granted varies based on the melee used
Stoicism – Spirit of the Bear
- Spirit of the Bear has inherited the changes made to Ursa Furiosa.
Stoicism – Spirit of the Horn
- Spirit of the Horn has inherited the changes made to Khepri’s Horn.
- On Thruster, Spirit of the Horn will now emit four waves in an X-pattern.
Stormdancer’s Brace
- Doubled the damage benefit per stack of Ascending amplitude (up to 20% per stack, from 10%).
- Now also reduces the cost of Ionic Blink during Super by 50%.
- Reduced the maximum amount of energy refunded to 30% (down from 50%).
Geomag Stabilizers
- Added a new perk: “Sprinting while near max Bolt Charge will top it off.”
- Starts at six stacks of Bolt Charge.
- Reenabled VFX where boots spark while sprinting near max Bolt Charge.
- Increased Super energy gained from ionic traces to 7% from 2%.
Secant Filaments (and Spirit of the Filaments)
- Now gives class ability energy per kill while Devour is active.
Speaker’s Sight
- Healing Turret no longer targets allies at full health.
- Allies need some damage done to their shields to be eligible targets.
Verity’s Brow (and Spirit of Verity)
- Now uses a meter to track Death Throes. (Durations vary for different tiers.)
- When one tier’s duration elapses, the buff will downgrade to the next lower tier rather than expiring entirely. (Bonus grenade recharge varies for different tiers.)
These Exotic Armors are getting buffs and reworks as per Bungie’s official page.
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