Learn about the Heritage God Roll for PVE and PVP content, the best perks, and how to get it in this Destiny 2 guide!

Heritage is a kinetic pinpoint slug frame shotgun introduced in the Deep Stone Crypt raid in the Beyond Light Expansion. During Season of the Seraph, all the Deep Stone Crypt weapons had their perk pools updated and were made craftable. Pinpoint slug frame shotguns are a great option for certain boss damage phases and are also decent weapons in PvP. This guide will discuss the PvE and PvP god rolls and how to get the Heritage shotgun.
How to Get Heritage in Destiny 2
You obtain the Heritage from the Deep Stone Crypt raid on Europa. Specifically, the Heritage can drop from the 2nd encounter of the raid, Atraks-1. To access Deep Stone Crypt, you must own the Beyond Light Expansion. Furthermore, can get the weapon from the two hidden chests found throughout the dungeon once you have unlocked it in Collections. You can also use the chest after you complete the raid to purchase the weapon for Spoils of Conquest.

What Is the Heritage God Roll in Destiny 2?
A god roll is the best combination of perks and masterwork that a weapon can get. God rolls are often sought after as they are considered the ultimate drop of that weapon and the most effective roll used in most content. In most situations, there are two god rolls for any gun, a roll for PvE and one for PvP. Heritage has a great roll for pinpoint slug frame shotguns in PvE. While not particularly favored in PvP because of its scope, the Heritage shotgun does have a pretty good roll for PvP shotguns.

PvE Heritage God Roll
The best perks for the Heritage PvE God Roll are Fluted Barrel, Tactical Mag, Reconstruction, and Focused Fury. These provide important stats, utility, and damage for the weapon.
The following list is the best perks for the Heritage PvE God Roll in Destiny 2:
- Barrel: Fluted Barrel
- Magazine: Tactical Mag
- Column 3 Trait: Reconstruction
- Column 4 Trait: Focused Fury
- Masterwork: Handling
- Origin Trait: Bray Inheritance
- Weapon Mod: Back-Up Mag
PvE Breakdown
When it first debuted, Heritage used to be one of the most powerful weapons in the game for boss damage. The double-slug shotgun method of damage, while no longer the best method, is still a powerful and effective damage-dealing strategy on certain bosses. This strategy requires you to have a slug shotgun in both your kinetic slot and energy slot, swapping between them to do as much damage as possible by shooting a critical spot. Heritage is one of the better shotguns for this strategy.
Pump up the handling of the Heritage by taking Fluted Barrel. This allows for faster swapping between weapons and aiming down sights on the shotgun. Taking Tactical Mag and a Backup Mag mod increases the total number of bullets that the Heritage can have in its magazine. This works double when you pair it with Reconstruction as that doubles the potential ammo in the magazine. Focused Fury makes the shotgun do more damage as you shoot your enemy and will be at maximum power after only firing a few bullets. The Heritage is a great weapon to have in your arsenal in case your raid lead wants to use this strategy.
PvP Heritage God Roll
The best perks for the Heritage PvP God Roll are Hammer-forged Rifling, Accurized Rounds, Threat Detector, and Moving Target. These provide important stats, utility, and damage for the weapon.
The following list is the best perks for the Heritage PvP God Roll in Destiny 2:
- Barrel: Hammer-forged Rifling
- Magazine: Accurized Rounds
- Column 3 Trait: Threat Detector
- Column 4 Trait: Moving Target
- Masterwork: Range
- Origin Trait: Bray Inheritance
- Weapon Mod: Ballistics
PvP Breakdown
Shotguns are a favorite choice in PvP, and pinpoint slugs are no exception. That being said, they are used in a completely different way than other shotgun frames. In order to be effective, shotguns like the Heritage require a headshot to get a one-shot kill. This makes them a bit more nuanced to use than other shotguns as you can’t just aim in the general direction of your enemy to kill them.
Since accuracy is much more important on the Heritage than most other shotguns, increase the range of the weapon by taking Hammer-forged Rifling and Accurized Rounds. Column 3 also has one of the best perks you can get on any shotgun, Threat Detector. Any time you are within shotgun range on a target, Threat Detector’s benefits will be active. Moving Target is the other trait worth grabbing on the Heritage as you should always be moving when in PvP. Just make sure you are always aiming for the head to get the one-shot kill to make this weapon effective.
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