Destiny 2 Transfiguration Scout Rifle

Destiny 2 Transfiguration God Roll and How to Get

Destiny 2 Transfiguration is a High-Impact Frame Scout Rifle, you can get it and God Roll from crafting or the Last Wish raid available with the Forsaken Expansion.

Destiny 2 Transfiguration Scout Rifle
Transfiguration Scout Rifle

The Last Wish Raid has updated all weapons and will allow for crafting once Resonant Pattern is unlocked as of season 21. Scout Rifles are long-range single-firing weapons that deal high damage.

Related: All God Roll Weapons Guides

Why You Should Get the Transfiguration Scout Rifle

Transfiguration is one of the strongest Last Wish raid weapons in Both PvE and PvP. This weapon has perks that improve reload speed stability and add tons of burst damage in PvE for endgame activities. Transfiguration also offers some insane PvP perks that will allow you to kill other players with 3 headshots, and when the gun’s perk starts ramping up, the need to land 3 headshots becomes 2 headshots from long ranges.

How to get Transfiguration God Roll in Destiny 2

In order to get the Transfiguration Scout Rifle, the player needs to do encounters in the Last Wish raid, which is located in the Dreaming City. Transfiguration can drop from any encounter or hidden chest inside of the Raid. Transfiguration can also be crafted at the Enclave once the Deepsight Pattern has been completely unlocked.

In order to acquire the Deepsight Pattern of the Last Wish Weapons, players will need to go to the Clan Vendor, Suraya Hawthorne, at the Tower and acquire the “O Deepsight Mine” quest. This quest guarantees a red border weapon on completion and only requires that every encounter in the raid be completed. This quest can be completed weekly, and once completed, the player can purchase an additional Deepsight Pattern the player has unlocked in collections. Deepsight Patterns can also sometimes drop with the weapons acquired during the raid itself or have it applied to them with a Deepsight Harmonizer.

Hawthorne Has the Quest to Acquire the Last Wish Deepsight Patterns

PvE Transfiguration God Roll

Transfiguration God Roll and how to get
PvE God Roll – Transfiguration
Slot Trait
Barrel Arrowhead Brake
Magazine Tactical Mag
Column 3 Trait Rapid Hit
Column 4 Trait Kinetic Tremors
Origin Trait Explosive Pact
Masterwork Stability
Mod Major Spec
PvE Transfiguration God Roll

Barrel: For our barrel, we will be using Arrowhead Brake. This barrel will buff our recoil direction to 100 which will make the recoil pattern very predictable. If you can predict your recoil, you will not miss landing headshots.

Magazine: The magazine for this weapon is going to be Tactical Mag. Tactical Mag provides the gun with 1 extra bullet and a great buff to reload speed and stability. This allows us to land more shots and ready our next magazine quicker.

Column 3 Trait: In this slot, you want Rapid Hit. Landing a headshot Grants 1 Stack of Rapid Hit, which improves Reload Speed and Stability for 2 seconds and stacks up to 5x. You will have 0 recoil problems and insane reload speed with this trait.

Column 4 Trait: For this slot, you want to have Kinetic Tremors. Landing multiple kits on a target will cause a huge AOE explosion around that target that does tons of damage to enemies. This will help you Destroy enemies with big health bars that you do not want to waste a super or a heavy weapon on. 

Origin Trait: This weapon gains bonus stability and reloads speed when activating a grenade ability. Healing grenades and grenade final blows grant additional stacks of the bonus.

Masterwork: We will be using Stability masterwork so we can improve our accuracy against targets.

Mods: Your mod will be Major spec. This does increased damage to orange health enemies and Champions.

Conclusion: This weapon is very strong, combined with the seasonal mod for Overload Scout rifles. Transfiguration is a great weapon to have since you can use it at long range, and this weapon does not require ammo pickups since it is a primary ammo weapon. If you happen to love scout rifles in PvE, then this will be your Go-To weapon.

PvP Transfiguration God Roll

PvP God Roll – Transfiguration
Slot Trait
Barrel  Smallbore
Magazine Accurized Rounds
Column 3 Trait Rampage
Column 4 Trait Kill Clip
Origin Trait Explosive Pact
Masterwork Range
Mod Targeting Adjuster
PvP Transfiguration God Roll

Barrel:  For our barrel, we want a Small bore. This barrel gives us a great buff to both Range and stability, which helps get kills at longer ranges.

Magazine: In this spot, we want Accurized Rounds. Accurized Rounds give us a huge buff to our range stat, which will help us with long-range targets.

Column 3 Trait: We will be going with the damage perk Rampage. This buff increases your damage with kills and stacks up to 3x.

Column 4 Trait: In this spot, we want to use Kill Clip. Getting a kill and reloading will give you a damage buff for a short time. This buff can stack with Rampage, so you can chain them together.

Origin Trait: This weapon gains bonus stability and reload speed when activating a grenade ability. Healing grenades and grenade final blows grant additional stacks of the bonus.

Masterwork: We will want range masterwork so we can fight at longer ranges.

Mods: Your mod will be targeting an adjuster. This will increase your aim to assist, making it easier to land headshots.

Conclusion: This weapon is an absolute monster in PvP. It is very rare for weapons to roll with 2 damage perks. Having a 150 rpm weapon will help you out gun all 120 rpm and 140 rpm hand cannons since range will not be a problem with this gun. You will beat them every time. This gun suffers from a low handling stat that can be fixed with armor mods to help improve aim down sights speed. Besides that, this gun is a solid weapon to pick for PvP.

More Destiny 2 Weapon Guides and Builds

Thank you for reading our Destiny 2 Transfiguration God Roll Guide. Keep in mind this weapon will work with any class (Hunter, Titan, Warlock), any subclass (Solar, Void, Stasis, Arc, Strand) and any PvE (Strikes, Nightfalls, Lost Sectors, Vanguard Operation, Dungeons, Raids) and PvP Mode in Destiny 2 (Crucible, Gambit, Trials of Osiris and Iron Banner).

I play every aspect of MMO, Solo, PvP and PvE. If you want to see more of Destiny 2 or ESO, consider watching me live on Twitch or Youtube. Also, we regularly post Destiny 2 news builds and Seasonal and Weapon God Rolls guides.