Learn about the Vision of Confluence God Roll for PVE and PVP content, the best perks, and how to get it in this Destiny 2 guide!

Vision of Confluence is a solar precision frame scout rifle introduced in the Vault of Glass reprised Raid during Season of the Splicer. The weapons were later updated to be craftable with new perk pools during Episode Heresy. Scout Rifles are the black sheep of the destiny sandbox in both PvE and PvP. They can be very useful in very longed range engagements, but that style of play tends to be very niche and in most cases unfun. Its always good to have a decent scout rifle though. Vision of Confluence is craftable and has an Adept version, referred to as Timelost for Vault of Glass weapons, that can be enhanced. In this guide, we will discuss the PvE and PvP god rolls and how to get the Vision of Confluence scout rifle.
How to Get Vision of Confluence in Destiny 2
You obtain the Vision of Confluence from the Vault of Glass raid found in the Legends activity node. Specifically, it can drop from the 1st encounter, Confluxes, 2nd Encounter, Oracles, or the 3rd encounter, Templar. In order to get the Vision of Confluence (Timelost), you must complete the Wait for It… challenge in the master version of Vault of Glass. Once earned, the standard version of Vision of Confluence can be found in the hidden chest found throughout the raid and purchased at the end of raid chest after defeating Atheon. The Timelost version can be bought at the end of raid chest in the master version of the raid, provided the player has already earned the weapon once by completing the challenge.
A guaranteed Deepsight weapon can be earned if you complete the quest Fated Deepsight that is available at the Clan Vendor, Suraya Hawthorne, at the Tower Bazaar. Another Deepsight weapon is guaranteed to be available at the end of raid chest for your first purchase. Note that any weapons you purchase at the chest cannot have a Deepsight Harmonizer activated on them.

What Is the Vision of Confluence God Roll in Destiny 2?
Vision of Confluence is probably the least interesting of all of the weapons in the Vault of Glass raid. It has some interesting rolls for PvE, some of which are very powerful, but because it is a Scout Rifle, the Vision of Confluence is simply less desirable than the other weapons. The best roll available for PvE is basically the Scout Rifle version of the Zaoli’s Bane hand cannon. The Vision of Confluence also contains an old favorite for its PvP god roll. Unfortunately, the sandbox updated to the point where said roll is less than ideal for most weapons.

PvE Vision of Confluence God Roll
The best perks for the Vision of Confluence PvE God Roll are Fluted Barrel, Flared Magwell, Incandescent, and Explosive Payload. These provide important stats, utility, and damage for the weapon.
The following list is the best perks for the Vision of Confluence PvE God Roll in Destiny 2:
- Barrel: Fluted Barrel
- Magazine: Flared Magwell
- Column 3 Trait: Incandescent
- Column 4 Trait: Explosive Payload
- Masterwork: Reload Speed
- Origin Trait: Timelost Arsenal
- Weapon Mod: Heavy Ammo Finder Enhancement
PvE Breakdown
Vision of Confluence is perhaps the least interesting weapon in the entire Vault of Glass loot pool. Its not a bad weapon at all, but it lacks anything unique and suffers from its status as a scout rifle. That being said, it is still a decent weapon and having a good scout rifle can definitely help in some higher end content. Fluted Barrel is a pretty standard barrel option for increasing the handling and stability of a weapon, and Flared Magwell increases the reload speed by a good margin. Taking a Reload Speed masterwork will further increase this bonus.
The Column 3 and 4 traits on the Vision of Confluence leave the weapon with a lot of decent options, but none that are absolutely best in slot. We went with the same combination often used on the Zaoli’s Bane hand cannon from King’s Fall. Incandescent is an always powerful trait that will scorch enemies and often cause ignitions. Combine that with Explosive Payload to add more overall damage to the weapon while also avoiding some damage fall off at extreme ranges. There are several other decent combinations such as Heal Clip and Firefly or Rewind Rounds and Frenzy that could also be effective choices.

PvP Vision of Confluence God Roll
The best perks for the Vision of Confluence PvP God Roll are Hammer-forged Rifling, Accurized Rounds, Outlaw, and Kill Clip. These provide important stats, utility, and damage for the weapon.
The following list is the best perks for the Vision of Confluence PvP God Roll in Destiny 2:
- Barrel: Hammer-forged Rifling
- Magazine: Accurized Rounds
- Column 3 Trait: Outlaw
- Column 4 Trait: Kill Clip
- Masterwork: Range
- Origin Trait: Timelost Magazine
- Weapon Mod: Targeting Adjuster
PvP Breakdown
Scout rifles like the Vision of Confluence have to be particular outliers in order to be effective in the Crucible. Unfortunately, while not bad, the Vision of Confluence isn’t anything special regarding PvP usage in Destiny 2. The standard range stat increasing traits to increase the accuracy of the weapon at longer ranges like Hammer-forged Rifling and Accurized Rounds are still the best traits to take for Columns 1 and 2. Instead of the Ballistics mod though, a Targeting Adjuster mod will get the most advantage for your accuracy on the Vision of Confluence.
The best traits for PvP on this scout rifle will definitely look familiar to old veteran players of Destiny 2. The combination of Outlaw and Kill Clip was so popular during the 2nd year of Destiny 2 that memes were often made about them. And while this combination did in fact used to be the best of the best, the sandbox has left it so far behind in the dust. Overall, the Vision of Confluence just feels very dated in a sandbox that has far outgrown its best perks.
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