Destiny 2 Yesterday’s Question God Roll Guide

Learn about the Yesterday’s Question God Roll for PVE and PVP content, the best perks, and how to get it in this Destiny 2 guide!

Destiny 2 Yesterday's Question God Roll Guide
Destiny 2 Yesterday’s Question God Roll Guide

Yesterday’s Question is an arc heavy burst frame hand cannon introduced into the Trials of Osiris playlist during Episode Revenant. Heavy burst hand cannons fire a two-shot burst every trigger pull, leading to a much different playstyle than most other hand cannons. These hand cannons pair really well with the hunter exotic Lucky Pants. The Yesterday’s Question has an Adept version that can be earned and both versions of the weapon can be enhanced. This guide will discuss the PvE and PvP god rolls and how to get the Yesterday’s Question hand cannon.

How to Get Yesterday’s Question in Destiny 2

You obtain Yesterday’s Question from any Trials of Osiris reward source. This includes the Weekly challenges for winning 7 matches and winning rounds. It can also randomly drop from Trials engrams. Yesterday’s Question (Adept) can only be earned by completing a flawless Trials of Osiris Passage by winning 7 matches without losing or by getting through a Passage of Persistence. Once the weapon has been earned you can focus it at Saint-14 for Trials Engrams and Glimmer. The Adept version can only be focused on the Weeks it is the weekly Flawless reward and only with 10 Osirian Ciphers.

Trials of Osiris can be accessed in the Crucible node from the daily reset on Friday until the weekly reset on Tuesday. There are exceptions to Trials availability. Examples include weeks when the Iron Banner is active and during Raid or Dungeon launch weekends.

What Is the Yesterday’s Question God Roll in Destiny 2?

For the most part, a god roll is the best combination of perks and masterwork that a weapon can get. Because they are the best version of a weapon, they are highly sought after. Because the sandbox differs in PvE and PvP, there are typically god rolls for each one. Like its kinetic brother, the Warden’s Law, the Yesterday’s Question can get one of the best rolls for PvE on Heavy Burst Hand Cannons. Since its a heavy burst hand cannon, it does suffer a bit in PvP, but it can do just fine if you like the archetype.

Destiny 2 Yesterday's Question
The Yesterday’s Question Arc Heavy Burst Frame Hand Cannon

PvE Yesterday’s Question God Roll

The best perks for the Yesterday’s Question PvE God Roll are Fluted Barrel, Appended Mag, Fourth Times the Charm, and Vorpal Weapon. These provide important stats, utility, and damage for the weapon.

The following list is the best perks for the Yesterday’s Question PvE God Roll in Destiny 2:

  • Barrel: Fluted Barrel
  • Magazine: Appended Mag
  • Column 3 Trait: Fourth Times the Charm
  • Column 4 Trait: Vorpal Weapon
  • Masterwork: Handling
  • Origin Trait: Alacrity
  • Weapon Mod: Backup Mag
    • Adept Mod: Adept Mag

PvE Breakdown

If you wanted an energy slot alternative hand cannon to use instead of Warden’s Law to pair with Lucky Pants, then look no further than Yesterday’s Question. It can do just as much as the Warden’s Law, but allows a different combination of weapons by granting the ability to use a special weapon in the Kinetic slot rather than the energy slot. This obviously allows for more build potential, but it could be said that Warden’s Law is still the superior choice. That being said it’s worth picking this up to have as an alternative.

Yesterday’s question will pretty much have the exact same god roll as the Warden’s Law, with its main two perks being Fourth Times the Charm and Vorpal Weapon. Fourth Times the Charm will make it to where you will never have to reload the weapon during a damage phase, and Vorpal Weapon gives it a heck of a damage boost against bosses. The rest of its traits are all about increasing its handling and magazine size. There isn’t much more to say about this weapon. Overall, it is simply a great weapon that is worth going for to get the powerful option for your energy slot.

Destiny 2 Yesterday's Question (Adept)
The Adept Version of the Yesterday’s Question

PvP Yesterday’s Question God Roll

The best perks for the Yesterday’s Question PvP God Roll are Hammer-forged Rifling, Ricochet Rounds, Lone Wolf, and Eye of the Storm. These provide important stats, utility, and damage for the weapon.

The following list is the best perks for the Yesterday’s Question PvP God Roll in Destiny 2:

  • Barrel: Hammer-forged Rifling
  • Magazine: Ricochet Rounds
  • Column 3 Trait: Lone Wolf
  • Column 4 Trait: Eye of the Storm
  • Masterwork: Range
  • Origin Trait: Alacrity
  • Weapon Mod: Ballistics
    • Adept Mod: Adept Range

PvP Breakdown

For the most part, hand cannons are a favored weapon type in PvP, but the heavy burst frame isn’t normally considered for use in the Crucible. This is because hand cannons normally play into a peak shooting and precision shot playstyle which doesn’t play well with a weapon that fires two bullets in a burst. They play more like pulse rifles but lack the range of those weapons.

If you want to use Yesterday’s Question in PvP then you will want to get its range up as much as possible. Hammer-forged Rifling and Ricochet Rounds are as always pretty standard choices to do this. In Column 3, we have the new and powerful trait, Lone Wolf. Closing Time is also available, but it less effective on weapons with larger magazines. There are a few decent traits in Column 4 such as Moving Target or Headseeker, but Eye of the Storm is probabl the best one availalable for the sake of the dueling with the hand cannon. Really any of those perks would work though

Overall, while you can get a decent roll for the Crucible on Yesterday’s Question, there a simply better options to use for PvP. Find the PvE roll and then don’t worry about the PvP roll on this weapon.

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