Keen Games has released patch #3 for the Enshrouded game, with huge updates and changes: New Dungeon, Legendary Gear, Survivor, Items, and More!

The second major patch for the Enshrouded game, Patch #3 – V of the game still in early access. This post summarizes the top 10 most important changes and lists the entire Enshrouded Patch #3 notes.
Enshrouded Patch #3 Top 10 Highlights:

- New Dungeon Hollow Halls: With new legendary gear, puzzles, enemies, and trophies, you can hang in your house. The Hollow Halls introduce a challenging new dungeon experience, allowing players to test their skills against new enemies, puzzles, and mechanics.
- New Necromancer Arrows and Weapons: Many new weapons, including ammo with a necromancer theme, are now available, including arrows, staff charges, staffs, axes, and more.
- New Necromancer Skill: New skills come to the game with a new survivor. Barrier and other very effective against undead.
- All New quests: Speak to the Alchemist to kickstart your two new quests to expand crafting stations and learn more about the Enshrouded world.
- A new survivor: A new survivor is waiting to be found in the Hollow Halls. This character adds depth to the story, and as you dive deeper into the dungeon, you’ll learn more about this mysterious person and unravel their secrets.
- New weapons, potted plants, round doors and windows, building blocks, furniture, decorative props: a plethora of new items and furnishings to enhance your base and arsenal, including a diverse array of weapons, potted plants courtesy of Emily the Farmer, and aesthetically pleasing round doors and windows crafted by Dilit the Carpenter. These additions expand the creative possibilities for players to customize their environments. Also, now players can sit on furniture!
- Higher framerates and Graphic improvements: Enjoy a smoother and more visually stunning experience with improved performance and graphics enhancements. Adding support for Nvidia Reflex and new settings to control image sharpness and toggle contact shadows.
- Stack splitting, UI improvements, and items can now be crafted in stacks: Enhanced stack splitting functionality and improved UI features. Crafting items in stacks now simplifies the crafting process and reduces tedious micromanagement, while magical chests can now also supply crafting stations.
- New Server friends server search option: Connect with friends and find servers more easily by using a new server search option. If you’re looking to team up with friends, click the Find Server button and find your friends by IPv4 address.
- Gameplay Tweaks: Alongside significant changes, developers refined gameplay mechanics with a range of tweaks and adjustments to improve balance and overall gameplay enjoyment. From fixing issues with critical damage and skill functionality to enhancing enemy behavior and weapon durability, these tweaks should provide players a polished and immersive gaming experience.
Enshrouded Patch #3 V – Complete Patch Notes
Below, you can read the complete patch notes for Enshroued Patch #3 from Steam & Official Video:

- Improved support for stack splitting in the backpack and chests. The size of the split stacks can now be selected freely.
- Content of magical chests can now be used in crafting stations.
- The loot menu has been reworked to allow faster and more convenient collection of loot.
- Items can now be crafted in stacks.
- Sending items to other players now has a more convenient menu. There is now a warning message if the backpack of the receiver is already full.
- A new ping function on the world map allows pointing other players in a multiplayer session to a specific area.
- Servers can now be searched and favorited via IP in the server browser.
- The keys / buttons for jumping and gliding can now be mapped individually. By default, the gliding is still mapped to the same key / button as jumping. If a different key is preferred, we recommend for example [CTRL] on keyboard and [B]/[○] on controller.

- Updating the game on Steam has been reworked to allow faster updates in the future. Previously, every update, no matter how big, resulted in the patching of the complete 30 GB game data on the hard drive. Now only the affected areas will be patched. This change requires the complete download this one time and ill only be noticeably faster for future updates.
- Save data stability has been improved further. As an additional security layer, the game now automatically creates backups of the save data in periodic intervals. Should a save file become unreadable for any reason, a previous version will be loaded.
- Performance has been improved further. As always, performance and stability will remain a main focus while moving forward.
- Support for Nvidia Reflex has been added. It can be switched on and off in the graphical settings if the used hardware supports the feature.
- Added a new setting to the graphical settings to control the sharpness of the image.
- Added a new setting to switch contact shadows on and off.
- Added an option to switch off optional micro spiders. The big spiders are still there though, piloted by tiny spiders inside their brain.

- Added more shields into the progression.
- The Multishot skill no longer consumes multiple arrows when special arrows are selected. This made the skill too expensive overall. Sorry about all this time spent farming twigs.
- Update the functionality of the leech-stat, e.g. on the “Ring of Endless Life”. It now has a chance to convert a percentage of the damage dealt to enemies into health for the player.
- The player skill Bloodletting is no longer triggered by Light Burst and Acid Cone.
- Fixed an issue that caused too high critical damage for the Acid Cone spell.
- An incorrect consumption of mana was fixed when using both skills Begone and Sun Aura. Similarly, Begone combined with traps no longer causes mana consumption.
- Fixed an issue with Blood Rage caused by traps.
- Fixed incorrect application of stun in multiplayer when using the Terror skill.
- The companion created by the Necromancer skill now follows the player around more actively.
- Fixed an issue where the Updraft skill could be triggered multiple times per glider flight. You’re not supposed to be able to fly forever, no. You’re not Jonathan Livingstone Seagull.
- The skill Breach is no longer triggered with arrows.
- Healing another player with Water Aura no longer backfires as damage when that player has Counterstrike.
- The skill Shell Shock now works as described, which we can all agree is probably for the best.
- Warden and Tower Aura no longer trigger while the player is down.
- When successfully overpowering enemies, the Merciless Attack can now be triggered faster.
- Small tweaks to durability of the various weapon types. Melee weapons lose durability slightly slower, wands slightly faster. Improved durability for rarer items.
- Reaching ledges at the intended jump height is slightly more forgiving.
- Fixed an issue where arrow and spell ammunition couldn’t be cycled properly when using the [Q] or [LT] shortcut with certain items selected in the action bar.
- Fixed an issue where action bar and ammunition selection could skip slots on higher frame rates.
- Fixed an issue where eternal spells could be used up when simultaneously trying to throw explosive powder balls.
- Fixed instances where sounds caused by skills or enemies could be heard by everyone in the party regardless of distance.
- Fixed an issue with the Sicklescythe that sometimes got stuck in a wall after teleporting.
- Loot from flying enemies spawns correctly on the ground now.
- Enemies now better find their way through door frames and similar spaces.
- Enemies and wildlife now use a higher resolution grid for pathfinding.
- Improved steering behavior for enemies and wildlife.
- Improved player camera behavior so it behaves less erratic when interacting with enemies.
- Improved enemy jump behavior. You thought you were safe? Think again.
- Enemies can now block wand projectiles.
- Wand projectiles no longer auto-target bear traps.
- Using the wand to destroy props is easier now. Before, the homing feature of wand projectiles didn’t work correctly on non-enemy objects.
- Fixed some cases where hitting the heads of enemies with arrows resulted in too low damage values.
- The game now prohibits using the fast travel function while falling. You can’t magic your way away from gravity.
- Fixed an issue where interaction prompts were shown even though the interaction wasn’t available (e.g. when sleeping).
- Fixed an issue where players could sit and regenerate stamina while falling
- Improved the jumping behavior while sliding down mud slopes. The player has now stronger forward momentum.
- Fixed several issues where the glider would be triggered unintentionally when trying to jump.
- Fixed a glitch that allowed getting catapulted into the air at beds.
- Fixed a glitch where the player could gain altitude by entering and cancelling the glider. Not. A. Seagull!
- Fixed a stamina issue with the Hawk Boots.
- The game now shows correct numbers when the player gains mana or stamina.
- Being affected by damage-over-time doesn’t cancel the grappling hook, climbing walls and the glider anymore–discrete hits still do. This will come in handy for dungeons, just saying.
- Fixed several clipping issues for armor pieces.
- Salvaging high rarity items in chests now works correctly.

- Ground fog is no longer appearing in the player base, as the area is protected by the flame.
- Fixed many minor issues with floating objects or other similar visual glitches in points of interest.
- Fixed the incorrect appearance and recipes for the “Desert Flower”.
- New music playlist for Pikesmead´s Reach.
- New music playlist for combat in Shroud areas.
- Several issues with ambient sounds have been fixed.
- Fixed an issue with the doors in Spires when teleporting away and returning while halfway through the progress.
- Flame shrines now have a small ambient flame to indicate that the flame will regrow over time when the spark has been collected.
- Fixed a quest marker near the Southern Caravan area that remained as question mark even after exploring the area.

- The visualization of the borders of the player base works now better with combined areas of several flame altars, and in cases where no-build areas are intersecting into the base.
- Fixed an issue that terrain voxel would sometimes become transparent when building too close to the upper limit of the playable area.
- Updated some fireplaces that didn’t offer the option for cooking or didn’t give warmth for the resting buff.
- Fixed another instance of incorrectly saved growth state of plants such as berry bushes in the player base.
- Added a quest for the “Spinning Wheel” to increase the visibility of the workstation.
- It is now possible to craft flower soil with Emily. Flower soil lets flowers grow faster than regular soil.
- Improved alignment of several double doors to better fit into the voxel grid.
- Fixed a rare issue where build building shapes could be placed in a way that made it impossible to dismantle them as a whole.
- Fixed an issue where it was possible to build in margins of certain no-build-and-no-save zones.
- Hard wood is now used in additional recipes.
- Fixed an issue where objects could be dismantled inadvertently through walls, while at the same time interfering with seedling placement. Gardening shouldn’t be a home wrecker.
- Allow undo function while building hammer is selected but building menu is closed.
- Fixed a few instances where no-build-zones on beds were misaligned.
- Fixed an issue where terraforming VFX were missing in certain situations.

- The character details screen has been updated and many stats have been improved or renamed to add more clarity about gameplay effects.
- Reduced the visual clutter of enemy and player health bars. Player health bars only show up when players receive damage, damage numbers are only shown per player. Enemy stun bar is hidden when the value is 0. For “critter”-type enemies the health bar is hidden unless they receive damage.
- Damage numbers on enemies are now shown closer to the health bar.
- Mana gain is now shown as values similar to health. Stamina gain is always displayed even if the stamina is consumed right away, e.g. by sprinting.
- Fixed several typos or text inconsistencies brought up by the community. Thank you very much for bringing these to our attention!
- The current server load is now correctly showing when playing alone on a dedicated server.
- Tweaked the custom map marker menu.
- Fixed an issue with location icons vanishing on the world map. Previously affected save games will get fixed after saving and reloading once.
- Fixed cases where drop-down menus would exit the screen if opened too close to the screen border.
- Improved wording of several error messages.
- Disabled the “Please update graphics cards driver”-message for older AMD graphics cards.
- Restored the charging progress indicator for staff spells.
- Fixed an issue for very long passwords in multiplayer sessions.
- Fixed several items that did not lose the “New” marker after selecting them.
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