Fields of Mistria: Walleye Location

Here’s how you can get the Walleye, a river fish in Fields of Mistria. Also, learn how to use Walleye to level up your gaming experience.

Walleye locations in Fields of Mistria (Image via NPC Studio)
Walleye locations in Fields of Mistria (Image via NPC Studio)

Numerous items in Fields of Mistria are limited to certain seasons and weather conditions. From the Spring Fish Set in the Museum, you will come across the Walleye. It is a common fish that spawns in the rivers of Mistria. Here’s everything you need to know about Walleye and how to get it.

Where To Find Walleye in Fields of Mistria

Use your Fishing Rod to catch Walleye. (Image via NPC Studios)
Use your Fishing Rod to catch Walleye. (Image via NPC Studios)

Walleye is a river fish in Fields of Mistria that is only available in the Spring Season. Additionally, the weather must be rainy or stormy; otherwise, the fish won’t spawn in the rivers around Mistria.

If it is raining around the town, you can go to these areas to catch it. However, make sure to fish in the rivers and not the ponds; ponds are small, and rivers are always flowing.

  • Your Farm: Surrounding your farm, you will find a river where you can easily use your Fishing Rod to catch it.
  • The Narrows: South of Errol’s house, you can find a river.
  • The Eastern Road: On the eastern side of Mistria, you can find numerous ponds that contain several fish. You can also find a river with a broken, repairable bridge.

The Walleye fish has a large shadow, and it has a common spawning rate. If you’re lucky enough, you can catch it on your first try. If the shadow is far away from your location, you can upgrade your Fishing Rod from the shop at the beach to increase your range.

Where To Use the Walleye Fish

After obtaining the Walleye Fish, you can return to The Narrows and donate it to the Museum to complete one of your Donation Sets. This will help increase your Town Rank with the Renown you gain as a reward.

Additionally, you can gift it to some romanceable NPCs that you adore.

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