Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: Enemy Skill Materia Guide

The Enemy Skill Materia in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth lets you use enemy skills. This guide will tell you about the best skills to acquire and use.

Some Enemy Skills are really strong in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth (Image via Square Enix)
Some Enemy Skills are really strong in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth (Image via Square Enix)

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth brings back the Enemy Skill Materia that players experienced in its predecessor. This Materia can give the holder the ability to use various skills possessed by their enemies. It has a wide variety of moves, which you can use to your advantage.

This Materia works differently from how it did in Final Fantasy 7 Remake. To gain these skills, you must fulfil various requirements. These range from upgrading the Materia to scanning enemies.

Here is everything you need to know about Enemy Skill Materia in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.

How To Unlock Enemy Skill Materia

Talk to Chadley after doing the Remnawave Tower (Image via YouTube/@thekillshotsplay1082)
Talk to Chadley after doing the Remnawave Tower (Image via Square Enix||YouTube/@thekillshotsplay1082)

You will be happy to know that the procedure to gain this Materia is a simple one.You get it as early as Chapter 2 in the Grasslands region. Talk to Chadley after completing the first Remnawave tower. He will offer you the Biological Intel: Known Thine Enemy challenge in the Combat Simulator. This is a very simple challenge that sees you take on three Velociwings without being incapacitated.

These monsters are weak to wind, so exploit that to your advantage, and clear them with ranged attacks quite simply. After completing this challenge, you will gain the Enemy Skill Materia.

Moves Unlocked by the Enemy Skill Materia

You can learn a total of seven moves throughout the game with the Enemy Skill Materia. These skills are extremely strong in combat, so acquiring them should be a top priority. These moves are:

MoveMateria Level RequiredBiological Intel Unlock ConditionBiological IntelDescription
Sonic BoomDefaultActivate the first Remnawave TowerKnow Thine EnemyDeals moderate Wind damage. Also grants the user Bravery and Faith.
Plasma Discharge2 starDefeat the Classified Foe (Grasslands)

Assess 16 different enemies (Grasslands)
Blinded by LightAttacks with Lightning. Every time the ATB bar is charged, it damages the surrounding area with Lightning bursts.
Soothing Breeze2 starDefeat the Classified Foe (Grasslands)

Assess 10 different enemies (Junon)
Breath of LifeTemporarily stop movement and heal HP for allies in the surrounding area.
Self-Destruct3 starDefeat the Classified Foe (Junon)

Assess 25 different enemies (Corel)
At Any CostDeals a large amount of damage in the surrounding area, but incapacitates user as the cost.
Mind Blast3 starDefeat the Classified Foe (Junon)

Assess 14 different enemies (Gongaga)
Head CaseDeals damage and inflicts Paralysis on the target.
Rancid Breath4 starDefeat the Classified Foe (Gongaga)

Assess 15 different enemies (Cosmo Canyon)
That’s the SmellCovers the area with a foul mist, which randomly inflicts Petrify, Poison, Silence, Sleep, or Stop.
Gorgon Shield5 starDefeat the Classified Foe (Cosmo Canyon)

Assess 16 different enemies (Nibel)
Stony StareConjures a shield; when damaged, it casts Petrify.

Enemy Skill Materia Level Up Bonus

Plasma Discharge (Image via YouTube/@Robot_2002)
Plasma Discharge (Image via YouTube/@Robot_2002)
1Use enemy skills
25% increase in max HP
35% increase in max MP
45% increase in strength
55% increase in magic

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