Genshin Impact: Furina Build Guide

Furina is one of the best support units in the game. Here is a complete guide on how to properly build Furina in Genshin Impact.

Furina's Elemental Burst (Image via HoYoverse)
Furina’s Elemental Burst (Image via HoYoverse)

Furina, the Hydro Archon of Fontaine, was released in Version 4.2 of Genshin Impact, alongside the ending of the Fontaine Archon Quest. Ever since then, she has solidified herself as one of, if not the, best support units in the game.

With her ability to heal, serve as an off-field DPS and to vastly increase her teammates’ damage, it quickly becomes easy to see why she is one of the best units in the game. And so, here is a build guide on how to maximize your Furina’s potential in Genshin Impact.

Furina’s Best Artifacts

Golden Troupe (Image via HoYoverse)
Golden Troupe (Image via HoYoverse)

The artifact sets to use for Furina depend on whether you want more sub-DPS or more support. However, the best set for her overall is the Golden Troupe artifact set.

The 2-piece bonus for this set increases your Elemental Skill damage by 20%. The 4-piece bonus increases it further by 25% and another 25% if the character is off-field. This set is practically tailor-made for Furina as her primary mode of DPS is off field. This can lead to an overall 70% increase to her Elemental Skill damage.

If you don’t have Golden Troupe, an alternative for sub-DPS is Nymph’s Dream. This can boost her Hydro damage by up to 40%. For support purposes, Tenacity of the Millelith increases the party’s attack for each hit of her Elemental Skill.

Furina’s Best Weapons

The Fleuve Cendre Ferryman (Image via HoYoverse)
The Fleuve Cendre Ferryman (Image via HoYoverse)

As you would expect, Furina’s best weapon is her signature weapon, Splendor of Tranquil Waters. This weapon has 88.2% CRIT damage. Its effect increases Elemental Skill damage when the equipping character’s HP changes.

It also increases the wielder’s max HP when any party member’s HP increases or decreases. Since Furina’s Elemental Skill uses the entire party’s HP as fuel, and scales off of her max HP, this weapon gives a massive boost to her damage.

However, in case you don’t have her signature weapon, the 2nd best option is the Key of Khaj-Nisut. This weapon increases the wielder’s HP and Elemental Mastery.

However, if you want more free-to-play options, the best choice would be Festering Desire, which provides Elemental Recharge and increases Elemental Skill damage and elemental skill CRIT Rate. However, since this is an event exclusive weapon, you may not have it. In this case, another option is Fleuve Cendre Ferryman. You can get this weapon via fishing in Fontaine.

Furina’s Best Talents to Level

Her Skill is the best talent to level (Image via HoYoverse)
Her Skill is the best talent to level (Image via HoYoverse)

Furina’s Elemental Skill is the top priority to level as her entire kit is based around it. This should be levelled up to 10 as soon as possible. Her 2nd priority is her Elemental Burst.

Furina’s Burst provides a massive boost to the damage of all party members and is one of her key features. So, it should also be levelled up to 10. The rest of the talents can be leveled up over time if you want to.

That was the complete build guide for Furina in Genshin Impact.

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