Genshin Impact: Kinich Ascension and Talent Materials

Here’s a guide listing all the Ascension and Talent upgrade materials you will need for Kinich in Genshin Impact.

Kinich, A Saurian Hunter in Genshin Impact (Image via miHoYo | HoYoverse)
Kinich, A Saurian Hunter in Genshin Impact (Image via miHoYo | HoYoverse)

Kinich was added to Genshin Impact as a playable character during phase 2 of the 5.0 update. This update also introduced the Natlan region, along with a ton of fresh and exciting content. Kinich is a 5-star Dendro character and wields a claymore. 

He has a fun playstyle where he can grapple onto enemies and spin around while holding them. This also makes him a great character for movement and traversal due to his air-swing abilities. He can also do great amounts of damage utilizing his elemental skill if you build him properly, which requires a lot of materials.

This guide has listed all the Kinich’s Ascension and Talent upgrade materials, which you can use to level him up and unlock his potential for high amounts of damage.

Kinich Ascension Materials

All Kinich’s Ascension materials (Image via miHoYo | HoYoverse)
All Kinich’s Ascension materials (Image via miHoYo | HoYoverse)

For characters to get stronger, you first need to level them up. Kinich is no different; you need to invest a variety of materials, including Mora, local specialties, and even boss drops. If you want to wish for Kinich in his next re-run, this list can help you prepare to unlock all of Kinich’s Ascension levels.

LevelMora RequiredBoss DropsOther Materials
2020,000Not Needed1x Nagadus Emerald Sliver
3x Juvenile Fang
3x Saurian Claw Succulent
4040,0002x Overripe Flamegranate3x Nagadus Emerald Fragment
15x Juvenile Fang
10x Saurian Claw Succulent
5060,0004x Overripe Flamegranate6x Nagadus Emerald Fragment
12x Seasoned Fang
20x Saurian Claw Succulent
6080,0008x Overripe Flamegranate3x Nagadus Emerald Chunk
18x Seasoned Fang
30x Saurian Claw Succulent
70100,00012x Overripe Flamegranate6x Nagadus Emerald Chunk
12x Tyrant’s Fang
45x Saurian Claw Succulent
80120,00020x Overripe Flamegranate6x Nagadus Emerald Gemstone
24x Tyrant’s Fang
60x Saurian Claw Succulent
TOTAL420,00046x Overripe Flamegranate1x Nagadus Emerald Sliver
9x Nagadus Emerald Fragment
9x Nagadus Emerald Chunk
6x Nagadus Emerald Gemstone
18x Juvenile Fang30x Seasoned Fang
36x Tyrant’s Fang
168x Saurian Claw Succulent

Also Read: Genshin Impact: Xiangling Ascension and Talent Materials

Kinich Talent Materials

Upgrade his elemental skill first (Image via miHoYo | HoYoverse)
Upgrade his elemental skill first (Image via miHoYo | HoYoverse)

Only leveling up a character does not suffice when it comes to combat proficiency. You also have to upgrade their combat talents. Upgrading Kinich’s talents levels up his basic attacks, elemental skill, and elemental burst. Here are all the materials you need to upgrade all the combat talents of Kinich in Genshin Impact.

  • 18x Juvenile Fang
  • 66x Seasoned Fang
  • 93x Tyrant’s Fang
  • 9x Teachings of Kindling
  • 63x Guide to Kindling
  • 114x Philosophies of Kindling
  • 18x Denial and Judgment
  • 3x Crown of Insight
  • 4,957,500 Mora

Kinish has little to no use of his basic attack when it comes to his kit. Therefore, focus on his elemental skill and then on his elemental burst. These two are his primary damage components. Keep the basic attack for last if you have excess materials to spare.

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