Genshin Impact: Mualani Ascension and Talent Materials

Here’s a list of every material you require for Ascension and Talent upgrades for Mualani in Genshin Impact.

Mualani, a cheerful surfer (Image via miHoYo | HoYoverse)
Mualani, a cheerful surfer (Image via miHoYo | HoYoverse)

Mualani is the first playable character from Natlan who was added to Genshin Impact in its 5.0 update. She is a 5-star Hydro Catalyst who is great at dealing damage with elemental reactions. She is accompanied by Sharky, which also acts as a surfboard.

Mualani has a very cheerful nature and acts as a guide for the Traveller in the Natlan Region. Her playstyle comprises her bashing into opponents while on Sharky to gain stacks and deal damage with a basic attack using said stacks. However, you first need to level up Mualani for her to be a viable damage dealer.

To help you with that, this guide has listed all the materials you will need for Mualani’s Ascension and Talent Upgrades.

Mualani Ascension Materials

You need to level her up (Image via miHoYo | HoYoverse)
You need to level her up (Image via miHoYo | HoYoverse)

Characters in Genshin Impact have a level cap on them, which you can increase with Ascension upgrades. Mualani has a total of six Ascension upgrades, which you need to unlock for her to be able to reach level 90. Doing this requires a variety of materials you need to collect from around Natlan. Those materials are:

LevelMora RequiredBoss DropsOther Materials
2020,000Not Needed1x Varunada Lazurite Sliver
3x Sentry’s Wooden Whistle
3x Sprayfeather Gill
4040,0002x Mark of the Binding Blessing3x Varunada Lazurite Fragment
15x Sentry’s Wooden Whistle
10x Sprayfeather Gill
5060,0004x Mark of the Binding Blessing6x Varunada Lazurite Fragment
12x Warrior’s Metal Whistle
20x Sprayfeather Gill
6080,0008x Mark of the Binding Blessing3x Varunada Lazurite Chunk
18x Warrior’s Metal Whistle
30x Sprayfeather Gill
70100,00012x Mark of the Binding Blessing6x Varunada Lazurite Chunk
12x Saurian-Crowned Warrior’s Golden Whistle
45x Sprayfeather Gill
80120,00020x Mark of the Binding Blessing6x Varunada Lazurite Gemstone
24x Saurian-Crowned Warrior’s Golden Whistle
60x Sprayfeather Gill
TOTAL420,00046x Mark of the Binding Blessing1x Varunada Lazurite Sliver
9x Varunada Lazurite Fragmen
t9x Varunada Lazurite Chunk
6x Varunada Lazurite Gemstone
18x Sentry’s Wooden Whistle
30x Warrior’s Metal Whistle
36x Saurian-Crowned Warrior’s Golden Whistle
168x Sprayfeather Gill

Also Read: How To Revive Characters in Genshin Impact?

Mualani Talent Materials

Upgrade her basic attack first (Image via miHoYo | HoYoverse)
Upgrade her basic attack first (Image via miHoYo | HoYoverse)

Talents are the upgrades that increase the damage Mualani deals with her attacks. Each talent can be upgraded to level 10, and there are three of them. All three combat talents upgrade her basic attack, elemental skill, and elemental burst. Here’s a combined list of the materials you require to upgrade all of Mualani’s combat talents:

  • 18x Sentry’s Wooden Whistle
  • 66x Warrior’s Metal Whistle
  • 93x Saurian-Crowned Warrior’s Golden Whistle
  • 9x Teachings of Contention
  • 63x Guide to Contention
  • 114x Philosophies of Contention
  • 18x Lightless Mass
  • 3x Crown of Insight
  • 4,957,500 Mora

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Upgrading all the talents can be a hassle for most players due to the sheer amount of materials you have to collect. We recommend first focusing on selected talents where most of Mualani’s damage comes from. You should upgrade Mualani’s basic attack and then elemental skill, as these two deal the most damage when used together. Her Elemental Burst is used for extra damage, so it can be left out as the last upgrade.

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