GTA Online First Dose Walkthrough (Mission Guide)

Here is an in-depth walkthrough of the First Dose mission in GTA Online, including the payout rewards and the business you can unlock.

GTA Online First Dose Walkthrough (Mission Guide)
Check out our GTA Online First Dose walkthrough. (Source: Rockstar Games)

The First Dose contact mission in GTA Online is part of the Los Santos Drug Wars update. This is one of the most important missions in the game, as it unlocks one of the best businesses to make money fast. It’s also one of the easiest ones to complete, perfect for new players who are still learning all about the mechanics of the game. The First Dose mission is pretty straightforward. However, it can be a bit confusing at certain times when the game doesn’t tell you specifically what you need to do.

To help you out, here is a walkthrough of the GTA Online First Dose contact mission, covering all you need to know and the rewards you can get.

Also Read: GTA Online Cluckin’ Bell Farm Raid Walkthrough (Heist Guide)

How To Complete First Dose Mission in GTA Online

The First Dose mission in GTA Online can be completed in one hour, maybe even less. However, there are ways you can make things much easier. 

Here is a full walkthrough for the contact mission along with a few tips and tricks for a faster run:

Welcome to the Toupe

You can start the first mission by entering the Ace Liquor store in Sandy Shores. It’s one of the Ron Jakowski markers (capital “R”) on the map that shows Los Santos Drug Wars. You then get introduced to the Fooliganz led by Dax. 

Recover Dax’s Stolen Journey

GTA Online Recover Dax’s stolen Journey
Shoot your way to the van. (Source: Rockstar Games)

A fight immediately ensues with the Lost MC biker gang stealing Dax’s beloved Journey van. Your task now is to retrieve the vehicle for him, which will be parked in Millar’s Fishery Co. over the Alamo Sea.

You can use a boat that’s marked on the map to cross the large body of water. Alternatively, you can drive your way to the marked location, which can take time. The van will be heavily guarded by Lost MC members, so be careful. Once you retrieve the van, drive it back to Ace Liquor and pick up Dax.

Head to The Freakshop

GTA Online Head to The Freakshop
Pick up Dax and head to The Freakshop. (Source: Rockstar Games)

Once Dax is in the van, he will tell you to head to an abandoned warehouse where the Foologanz will claim it as their base, calling it The Freakshop. While traveling to the marked location, the Lost MC biker gang will try to stop you. This won’t be an issue as long as the van does not stop moving. The mission ends once you reach the location.

Designated Driver

The next job Dax assigns you is to steal some “party supplies” to get back at the Lost MC gang for stealing his van. As expected, it didn’t go as planned.

Steal Party Supplies

Location of the truck. (Source: Rockstar Games)

You need to find a truck in the Jetsam Terminal that you can use to deliver the cargo back to The Freakshop. One is usually parked outside of a large warehouse.

Once you steal it, head to the marked location and attach the cargo to the back of the truck. While making your way to The Freakshop, the party supplies will blow up. Make sure to detach it or your truck will also get destroyed and you will die. 

Raid the Lost MC Clubhouse

GTA Online Raid the Lost MC Clubhouse
Take a picture of this whiteboard. (Source: Rockstar Games)

With your plans ruined, Dax tells you his Plan B. You head to the marked Lost MC Clubhouse and take a photo of the biker gang’s plans. It’s located beside the bar counter, just before you reach the table with weed stashes.

Once you take a picture, you will then need to steal all the weed stashes in the area. Afterward, you head out and deliver the loot back to The Freakshop, where the mission ends.

Fatal Incursion

The revenge against the Lost MC gang is not over. This time you strike at their base at Lost City and blow up their property and raid another one of their meth dens.

Destroy Lost MC Gang’s Property

GTA Online Destroy Lost MC Gang’s Property
Blow up everything in the Lost MC territory. (Source: Rockstar Games)

You need to head to Stab City and attack one of the Lost MC’s bases and blow up their vehicles and gas tanks. To make things easier, you can use the Duke O’Death armored car that you can get for free at Wastock Cache & Carry. If you have the vehicle, you can just drive by the location and shoot every gas tank, explosive barrel, and vehicle they have. There is a progress bar at the bottom right corner that you need to fill up so you can move to the next objective.

Search Millar’s Fisher for Lost’s Meth

GTA Online Search Millar’s Fisher for Lost’s Meth
The entrance to the underground area where you can collect more meth. (Source: Rockstar Games)

Your next objective is to raid another one of Lost’s drug dens in Millar’s Fisher. There are a total of 10 meth stashes you need to collect. In case you missed it, there is a door at the back of one of the houses that leads to an underground area where you can find two stashes of meth. 

Once you collect all of the meth, use the marked Dodo in the dock to head back to The Freakshop. You need to land the plane on the water in the sewer area, or it might explode. Once you land the plane, the mission ends.

Uncontrolled Substance

GTA Online Uncontrolled Substance
Use the rocket boost to reach the gateway. (Source: Rockstar Games)

Note: This mission contains imagery that may trigger epileptic seizures. Viewer discretion is advised.

This mission is nothing special. You just go on an acid trip and need to keep moving forward to complete it. One area that can be confusing is when you are in an airstrip and you need to reach a gateway that is blocked by a tall metal fence. What you need to do is raise your bike a bit and press E (on PC) to activate the rocket boost. You need to time it properly so you land on the gateway. After the acid trip, you complete the mission.

Make War Not Love

After dealing with Lost MC, Dax is going to war with the local hippies and altruist cultists because he thinks they are a bunch of hypocrites. 

Destroy Hippie Lab Equipment

GTA Online Destroy Hippie Lab Equipment
Blow up the explosives inside the tents. (Source: Rockstar Games)

Once you make your way to a hippie camp, your objective is to destroy all their lab equipment found inside marked tents. Shoot the explosive tanks inside the tents to quickly destroy all the equipment inside. You know you finished your job when the tent marker disappears on the map. Keep doing this to all the marked tents in the area before you move to the next objective.

Destroy Delivery Vans

GTA Online Destroy Delivery Vans
The marked vans are easy to blow up using any weapon. (Source: Rockstar Games)

After destroying the hippie camp, you now have to chase down their delivery vans. To locate the vans, ride one of the hippie vehicles and access their GPS. Once you have the location, you can exit the vehicles and ride in your own car. There are three delivery vans you need to destroy. 

Destroy More Hippie Vans in the Altruist Camp

GTA Online Destroy More Hippie Vans in the Altruist Camp
Take down the Valkyrie chopper in the altruist camp. (Source: Rockstar Games)

Once you blow up all the hippie delivery vans, Dax tells you to head to the altruist camp and destroy more of the hippie vans in the area. They have a chopper, so make sure you take out the driver or use a rocket launcher to take it down fast. Once you clear the area of hippie vans, you need to exit the area to complete the mission.

Off the Rails

The final part of the First Dose contact mission in GTA Online is Off the Rails, literally. Your objective here is to steal some chemicals in the Humane Labs building, steal even more chemicals by crashing a train, and then steal a Brickade 6×6, which will be transformed into an Acid Lab.

Access Humane Labs Facility

GTA Online Access Humane Labs
The crow is on top of the boxes. (Source: Rockstar Games)

Once you are in the facility, head to the marked door where you hack the passkey to enter the building. Once inside, head straight to the loading bay and clear out the area of enemies. You then need to take a picture of one of their cargoes and send it to Dax. He will then tell you to loot the cargo boxes. You can find a crowbar on top of one of the boxes near the garage door and two fire extinguishers that can be used to pry them open.

Steal Chemicals From a Train

GTA Online Steal Chemicals from a Train
Use the cutting saw to open the train containers. (Source: Rockstar Games)

After acquiring 5 chemicals, Dax will tell you to crash a train and steal all the high-quality chemicals it is carrying. To do this, you need to get to a switching station before the train passes through. Once you reach the marked location, head upstairs and activate the lever. The train will then go off the rails (no pun intended), and the cargo can be looted. However, you need a cutting saw to open the containers. Head to the next marked location and steal a cutting saw. 

Once you have the tool, you can head straight to the train’s location and pry the cargo containers open. Some of them don’t contain any chemicals. Be careful with the choppers flying above. Take them down, or you might die while trying to open the containers.

Steal Brickade 6×6

GTA Online Steal Brickade 6x6
Take the Brickade 6×6 to The Freakshop. (Source: Rockstar Games)

Once you get all 5 chemicals from the train, Dax will give you the final objective of the First Dose mission in GTA Online. You now need to steal the Brickade 6×6 and take it back to The Freakshop.

The vehicle is durable enough to tank a ton of bullets and shove away other vehicles. All you need to do is drive carefully so you don’t flip over. Once you reach The Freakshop, the mission ends.

First Dose Mission Payout Rewards

GTA Online First Dose Mission Payout Rewards
You gain a $250,000 extra payout after completing the First Dose mission for the first time. (Source: Rockstar Games)

The missions offer a varied amount of payout ranging from $15,000 to $20,000. However, if you are completing the missions for the first time, you get an additional $50,000 payout with the final mission of the First Dose in GTA Online, giving out $250,000.

However, there are more rewards in store for you. The Brickade 6×6 that you stole can be converted into an Acid Lab, which can give you around $300,000 per sell mission when fully upgraded.

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