The story this time makes us fight Barret’s best friend. In this article, we will look at how you can defeat Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Dyne.

The first thing we need to know about this boss fight is that Dyne is Barret’s best friend. However, Final Fantasy fans knew for a long time that in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, the players will have to fight Dyne. But don’t worry, we won’t spoil the story between Barret and his friend in this guide. We will only look at the boss fight itself.
This is a unique boss fight because it will be one versus one. Only Barret can fight Dyne, so our options are already quite limited. But Dyne is not a particularly difficult boss to beat, so it won’t be a major issue. And keep in mind that, regardless of only Barret fighting, when he wins, the entire party will level up. Now, we will tell you how you can beat Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Dyne easily.
Dyne’s Stats

Here is Dyne’s health in normal and hard difficulty:
Stat | Normal | Hard |
HP | 25645 | 78532 |
The first thing we need to look at when we assess Dyne is his weaknesses. As we can see, Dyne only has one weakness, and that is fire. So fire attacks will be the primary focus of our strategy against him. However, he does not have any noticeable immunities.
So despite his gun-arm, Dyne is a human boss in the game. So the only way to defeat him is to keep attacking to build pressure on him. Once the pressure fills the stagger bar, that will be our opportunity to attack. And since he is weak to fire, fire attacks will increase the stagger meter immensely. Now let’s take a more comprehensive look at the Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Dyne boss fight.
How To Beat Dyne: Phase 1

Dyne will open the boss fight with lots of machine-gun attacks. After that, he will occasionally throw a firebomb. You will also need to look out when he casts an electric cone in front of him. This is the Paralyzing Shot, and it does exactly what it says. If it hits Barret, he will be unable to move or attack. So avoid it at all costs.
However, if you manage to interrupt the firebomb or the Paralyzing Blast attacks, it will put pressure on him and start filling the stagger meter. Keep following this strategy to land hits on him. Once he reaches one-third of his health, he will place red glowing energy fields into the ground. These will work like ground mines and will explode if you come close to them.
After the cutscene, he will get some new attacks. During Repentance, Dyne will charge a powerful laser beam and then shoot it at you. You can either dodge this attack or you can use the piles of junk around you as cover. You will also notice that the blast radius of Firebombs will increase after the cutscene.
Additionally, Dyne will also gain a new melee attack. The Point Blank attack is tricky, to say the least. Dyne will charge at you with incredible speed. To avoid this attack, you will have to dodge at the last second. But don’t let him push you onto your back foot. When Dyne reaches around sixty percent of his health, Phase 2 will begin.
Phase 2

After another cutscene, phase 2 will truly begin. Dyne will receive several changes in this round, while the most noticeable is going to be the giant metal arm made of junk parts. This arm will be made of all the junk that was lying around in the arena, so there won’t be any cover left for you.
And Dyne knows this because he will start the round with a ranged attack named Headless Swing. The boss will also change his metal arm into tentacles and try to hit you with Phantom Ray repeatedly. These tentacle strikes can go on for a bit, so don’t lose focus and use your reflexes to dodge.
But that is not the end of your problems. Paralyzing Shot will now have more range, and they can curve, so it will be much harder to dodge this time; it will be renamed to Paralyzing Wave. However, just like before, if you interrupt it, then it will build pressure on Dyne.
The next attack he will be coming at you with is Hidden Barb. This is a tricky attack, as it can lock on and follow you until it hits you. You can try to dodge these, but blocking is also a viable option. Keep in mind that he can do it back-to-back. The last big attack you need to avoid is the Executioner. During this attack, Dyne will leap into the air and summon his junk arm before landing fist-first onto your location.
Moving out of the way early is not an option because he will track you during the buildup of the attack. If you don’t dodge or block it, you will have to time it to perfection. When you have damaged Dyne enough, he will use “Annihilation Beam.” He will fire many blue projectiles at you during this attack. However, you can easily avoid it by running to your left or right. Now all Dyne’s attacks are out of the way; keep putting pressure on his arm until he gets staggered. Once he is staggered, use all of Barret’s attacks on him to do as much damage as possible. Repeat this process to defeat the boss.
This is the end of our Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Dyne boss guide. We covered everything you need to know for this fight in this article. We hope it was helpful to you, and if you are interested, you can check our other boss guides on the website.
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