Experiment with your shooting and survival experience by learning how to change your loadout in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Without swapping your loadout, Sniper Elite Resistance can get pretty repetitive. However, you can make this sandbox interesting and sometimes ease out the primary objectives by changing what guns they bring to the mission. But how, you ask? Let us solve this mystery for you!
There are mainly two ways of changing your loadout. Both are equally effective, and we shall explore them today so you know which method to pick whenever you need to make some changes to your arsenal.
There are four major loadout options to choose from: Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, and Delta. These are not pre-set. Instead, players can customize them as they like. One slot is reserved for rifles (sniper), one for a secondary weapon (usually an SMG), and the last slot is for what handgun you want to carry. There are also Found Weapons that you can pick up on during missions, but they are not a part of your loadout.
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Swapping Loadout in Sniper Elite Resistance
Before a Mission
One way that you can change your loadout is through the Preparation screen. The game presents customization options once you’ve chosen your mission and are about to begin. One of the major ones is the Starting Location, while the other is the loadout.
You can then select from the four loadouts that you have prepared or can even customize them on the Preparation screen before launching the mission.

Changing the Loadout Mid-Mission
While it feels impossible in a game like Sniper Elite, the developer has actually put in a way for you to swap your loadouts mid-game. If you think that you made a mistake selecting a certain loadout, simply interact with a workbench to change which guns you wish to carry with you for the rest of that mission.
You will need to locate these workbenches, but they are often found near spawn points if you are spawning somewhere other than the default starting location. As expected, the Found Weapons are not a part of your loadout, so you can’t include them while editing things on that workbench.
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