How to complete Easy Riders Quest in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2

Learn how to complete Easy Riders quest in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 with all of its main objectives and best choices.  

how to complete easy riders quest in KCD2
How to complete Easy Riders Quest in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2? (Source: Deep Silver)

Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 is an open-world action role-playing video game taking place right after the events of Kingdom Come: Deliverance. After a brief prologue of the game, where you play as Father Godwin trying to hold the fortress against an army, you will witness Henry and Hans Capon coming to Trosky to deliver a letter for assistance. From here, the first main quest, Easy Riders, will begin continuing Henry’s story.

Easy Riders Quest Overview in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

The Easy Riders quest is the first main quest in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 which begins automatically after completing a brief prologue. The quest follows Henry accompanying Sir Hans Capon delivering a letter to Lord Otto von Bergow. However, they get stopped by the men of Von Bergow led by Captain Thomas. After a confrontation, Hans and his men camp alongside the river to complete the rest of the journey after some time. However, things take a wild turn, leaving Henry and Hans to survive.

How to prepare for Easy Riders Quest in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2?

how to complete easy riders quest in KCD2

As the Easy Riders is the first main quest of the story, there is nothing that you can do prior to the quest. However, you must consider listening to your allies and pay attention to the initial tutorials to make the best decisions. Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 is all about patience and playing your part carefully. Otherwise, you can get into trouble very quickly. For the Easy Riders quest, we have explained everything in detail to help you complete this quest without any trouble.

How to complete Easy Riders Quest in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2?

The Easy Riders quest follows Henry and Hans Capon coming to Trosky to deliver a letter to Lord Otto von Bergow. As you get confronted by the men of von Bergow led by Captain Thomas, you must talk your way out that you are not an enemy. This will lead to camping nearby to continue the rest of the journey after some time. However, the Bandits in the area will have other plans, and you must move carefully to survive alongside Hans Capon.

Here are all the objectives that you must fulfill to complete the Easy Riders quest.

1. Follow Sir Hans’ company

Once you get control of Henry, you will be on a Horse. You cannot control the horse yet, because it will follow the company by itself. Here, you just need to exchange dialogue with Hans Capon. Choose to agree (first option) or the second option as you see fit.

NOTE: These initial choices will not have any impact.

select the starting disposition in KCD2 - Easy Riders quest

After a few moments, a cutscene will begin in which Captain Thomas and his men will confront the party. As Hans and Thomas exchange dialogue, Henry (you) will step up promising Captain Thomas that we are not enemies. Here, you will get to choose your starting disposition. The game offers three options here:

  1. Soldier: An armoured soldier who is a bodyguard of Lord Capon.
  2. Adviser: An envoy who likes to solve things using knowledge, kind words, and a sharp tongue.
  3. Scout: A scout who hides in the shadows and solves tasks silently.

NOTE: Choose any disposition you see fit for your playstyle. However, your decision will not permanently set your disposition as it is completely up to you how you wish to play your character.

After selecting the disposition, you will gain some starting experience points. Captain Thomas will still have some trust issues on your party so here you will have to pass the first skill check of the game. You can pass the skill check using Speech, Charisma, and Chivalry. These are all Persuasion methods and we recommend you select the one in which you have the most points.

Passing the first skill check in KCD2 - Easy Riders quest

We went with the Chivalry (the third option) to assure Captain Thomas that we could help with the Bandits. Upon making a successful skill check, Captain Thomas will apologize and will let your party on its way.

Find out from Sir Hans what the plan is

speak to sir hans near the arena - easy riders quest KCD2

After a cutscene of setting a camp near the lake, go to Sir Hans near the arena. He will tell you to order your dog “Mutt” to quit barking. Hold the Triangle button (PS5) to call Mutt. Mutt will be hungry and will require you to find food for him and feed him. Feeding Mutt is an optional objective here. However, if you want to feed Mutt, you must speak with Voves at the campsite and pass a skill check. Passing a skill check will let Voves give you a sausage which you then can feed to Mutt.

After heeling Mutt or feeding him, speak with Hans. Exchange dialogue with him to learn that he wants to do a little fencing training.

Get kitted out with armour and a sword and talk to Sir Hans

kit out with armour and sword - easy riders quest KCD2

Before you can begin the training, you must first equip the training sword and put on armour. Open the Inventory by pressing the Down button on the D-Pad. Equip the Training longsword on your main hand. Navigate down and equip the Padded coif first and then equip the Composite kettle hat. Now, you are all kitted out. Head into the arena by jumping over the fence and speak with Hans to begin the training.

Fencing Training with Hans Capon

fencing training with hans capon - easy riders quest KCD2

The fencing training will teach you the basics of combat in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2. Basic maneuvers include attacking, changing attack position, blocking, parrying, countering, and dodging. Here are all the steps you need to follow to complete the fencing training with Hans Capon.

  • Draw out weapon: Press the Right on the D-Pad and press X (PS5) to draw out the weapon. Holding down the Right button will also draw out the sword.
  • Attack: Press R2 to perform an attack. Use the Right Stick to change the positioning of the attack. The upper arrows on the rosette will let you attack an opponent’s upper body with strikes. The lower arrows will let you stab the opponent. Attack Hans three times to progress.
  • Chain Attack: Press R2 repeatedly to do a chain attack on an opponent. Chain Attacks are faster and more efficient. However, they deplete your stamina quickly.
  • Block: Hold the L2 button to go in a blocking stance. It will let you block an incoming attack and cost a certain amount of stamina on each hit blocked—block 5 hits from Hans to continue ahead.
  • Parry/Perfect Block: Doing a perfect block is similar to blocking. You only need to press the L2 (block) button during an opponent’s attack when the green symbol appears in the middle of the rosette (arrows). Perform 3 perfect blocks on Hans to continue ahead.
  • Counterattack/Riposte: Riposte or counterattack is the next step after parrying an opponent’s attack. First, do a perfect block by blocking an incoming attack (Green Shield) and then strike (R2) when the Blue Swords symbol appears in the middle of the rosette. Perform 3 Riposte or Counterattacks on Hans to continue.
  • Change the Attack Zone: Changing the attack zone is crucial during combat in KDC2. It will allow you to catch your opponents off-guard with your strikes/stabs. See where your opponent is holding their weapon (up left or right side), then attack a zone where the opponent is not holding their weapon. It will reduce the chances of them blocking your attack. Change the Attack Zone using the Right Stick. Stabbing targets on the lower body has a higher chance of a successful hit.

Duel with Sir Hans

After completing the fencing training, Hans will challenge you for a duel. Moreover, he will also ask you to put on a wager for 100 Groschen. It is up to you whether you like to put on a wager or not. After making your choice, fight Sir Hans and defeat him in a duel.

NOTE: It does not matter if you lose in a duel against Sir Hans.

Sit down by the fire

Sit down by the fire - easy riders quest KCD2

After dueling with Sir Hans, go out of the arena and make your way to the camp area. Here you will get to exchange a few dialogues among the group. Selecting certain choices will let you select other skills for your character. Here are all the skills that you can choose during the conversation.

  • I had to drag you out. (Strength)
  • I dragged you apart. (Agility)
  • You could have carried on with us till morning. (Vitality)
  • I cleared things up with the husband. (Speech)

You can choose only one of the skills mentioned above. More skill options during conversation are as follows.

  • Mutt caught a sent. (Houndmaster)
  • I was with you the whole time. (Stealth)
  • I was looking for some shelter. (Survival)
  • I needed a bit of peace and quiet (Scholarship)

Again, you can choose only one of the skills mentioned above. More skill options during conversation are as follows.

  • The sword is a wonderful weapon. (Sword)
  • I prefer maces. (Heavy Weapons)
  • I can manage even without a weapon. (Unarmed)
  • I prefer shooting. (Marksmanship)

After selecting the preferable skills for your character, a cutscene will begin.

Cautiously follow Sir Hans along the bank

cautiously follow sir hans along the bank - easy riders quest KCD2

As the cutscene ends, crouch down in the reeds and follow Hans until you see a woman doing laundry. You need to distract the woman by throwing a stone in the water. Press the R1 near the woman to throw a stone beside her and distract her attention. Throw a few stones to make her run away. Now, continue following Hans along the bank to come to the end of the reeds. It will initiate a cutscene.

Get away with Sir Hans

Get away with sir hans - easy riders quest KCD2

After the cutscene, you need to get away from the bandits before they find you. Follow Sir Hans’ lead and do as he says to get past the initial group of bandits. As you reach the fallen tree ahead and go over it, run and follow Hans to go into the Rocks. Once Hans stops to catch his breath, speak with him and he will tell you to find a way out of the Rocks.

Explore the entry point into the rocks

explore the entry point to the rocks - Easy Riders quest KCD2

The path on the left will be a dead end and if you come back to Hans, he will gone due to the bandits closing into the rocks. Now, run along the other path and keep on following the white trail on the ground. Once you get out, you will find Hans hiding in a bush.

Flee with Sir Hans

Flee with Sir Hans - Easy Riders quest KCD2

As you go to the fallen tree with Hans, you will get ambushed by a bandit. Fortunately, you will pick a sword but your stamina will not be great. The best way to survive this fight is to do a counterattack. Every time the bandit attacks, do a perfect block by blocking the attack when the green shield symbol appears and then attack when the blue swords symbol appears. Keep on repeating this technique until a cutscene begins.

Once the cutscene ends, the Easy Riders quest will conclude.

Best tips and tricks to beat the Easy Riders Quest

As the Easy Riders is an initial main story quest, there is nothing much you can do besides following the instructions of Hans Capon. However, we do like to share some tricks that might come in handy in your playthrough.

  • For your first Skill Check, go with Chivalry as it will assure Thomas that you are indeed a helpful individual.
  • Explore the camp to discover the Dice game. You can play dice with Tankard and get a tutorial on dice mini-game.
  • If you want to focus on using weapons often in your playthrough, go with the Strength-based dialogue option while sitting by the fire.
  • We highly advise you to get a point in the Scholarship Skill by selecting the corresponding dialogue choice.
  • Do not rush with attacks, it will consume your stamina swiftly. The best way to duel with Hans and even fight the bandit at the end of the quest is just counterattacking.

Rewards for completing Easy Riders Quest in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

The Easy Riders quest in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 does not offer any kind of rewards. Since it is an initial quest that ends in a rough spot for Hans and Henry, you just have to survive. Fortunately, in the next quest, Fortuna will help both of the characters get on their feet.

FAQs about Easy Riders’ quest in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

Can I change my starting disposition in KCD2?

Answer: Selecting the starting disposition in KCD2 will not permanently set your character’s playstyle. Your character’s playstyle will form gradually depending on your choices and the perks you invest in.

What happens if I lose a duel against Sir Hans in KCD2?

Answer: There is no major outcome of losing a duel against Sir Hans during the Easy Riders quest in KCD2. You will only exchange a few dialogue about the duel while sitting by the fire.

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