Discover everything you need to know about how to complete Steal the Sacred Idol Quest in Baldur’s Gate 3 and how to complete it.

Steal the Sacred Idol quest involves taking a Sacred Idol from the druids in the Emerald Grove. Completing this quest can have some consequences as it messes up the balance of the Grove and can lead to conflicts. The quest is available in the Emerald Grove, where the druids are performing a ritual involving the Sacred Idol of Silvanus. Consider saving your game and experimenting with different approaches to complete this quest without permanently angering the druids. Make sure your party is ready for potential combat or stealth challenges. In this guide, we’ll discuss all the necessary steps required to complete the Steal the Sacred Idol quest along with some useful tactics to steal the idol effectively in Baldur’s Gate 3.
Steal the Sacred Idol Quest Overview in Baldur’s Gate 3
Steal the Sacred Idol is a Quest in the Druid Grove in Act One of Baldur’s Gate 3. After gaining her trust, you can start this quest by talking to the Mol. You can earn the trust by helping several tiefling children in Druid Grove. Steal the Sacred Idol is a side quest that you can complete while completing some main quests. Your main objective here is to Steal the druid’s Sacred Idol and hand it over to the Mol.
Keep in mind that stealing the idol means starting a fight between the Druids and you and the Tieflings. The game offers different methods to steal the idol but each one has its own consequences. Completing this side quest allows you to gain rewards as well. Completing the Investigate the Beach and saving the Mirkon from the harpies allows you to start this quest. Steal the Sacred Idol is a side quest in Act 1 of Baldur’s Gate 3.
How to complete Steal the Sacred Idol in BG3
Here are all the steps to complete the Steal the Sacred Idol quest in BG3.
How to Start Steal the Sacred Idol in BG3
You must be on good terms with the Tiefling children in the Grove to receive this quest. Rescuing the Mirkon is the best way to gain Mol’s respect. Mol informs the party about the location of the tiefling hideout and the password needed to enter. Investigate the Beach is a quest in Act One of Baldur’s Gate 3. You can start it by approaching the Secluded Cove at the northeastern region of the Emerald Grove.
Start this quest by heading towards the Emerald Grove, the central clearing in the Druids’ Grove. Step down into the clearing to reach into the small arch on the northeast side. You need to follow the dirt path to the beach to the east. You will hear singing when you reach nearby.
Saving Mirkon
Find a mall arch on the northeast side by moving to the quest marker on the beach. A quartet of singing harpies will attack you, so don’t get too close until you’re not ready. Keep in mind that the harpy will kill Mirkon if he gets too close to him. One harpy will start singing and try to attack you and Mirkon. Break the concentration by attacking the singing harpy. This allows you to break her singing spell. You need to focus on this harpy until your party and Mirkon are free.
Talk to Mirkon to make him calm after you defeat all the harpies in the area. The Mirkon ask you to save Mol in Druids’ Grove. Talk to Doni to get access to the secret hideout. Open the map to see the Doni marked location. Move back to the Druids’ Grove and talk to him to get inside the hideaway. Move to the end room once you get inside. The room is to the northeast and there you can find the Mol. You can easily find her as she’ll have a quest marker. She will offer thanks and tell you to steal the Silvanus Idol. The Silvanus Idol is being used for the ritual. If you agree to help Mol in stealing the Silvanus Idol, you will gain access to the Steal the Sacred Idol quest.
Investigate Kagha
The Idol of Silvanus is in the center of the Sacred Pool X: 243 Y: 507. This area is in the middle of the Rite of Thorn’s ritual and is surrounded by druids. Agree with the Mol, but don’t go and steal the idol yet. Doing so at this point will turn the Druids hostile and they will attack all the Tieflings in the Hollow. Even though the children were in their hideout, in my game, at least, once the fighting was over Mol was gone and the Idol could not be turned in. Instead, you’ll want to pick up another quest at this point.
If you can neutralize Kagha the Druids will stop the ritual. To start the quest, go inside the Druid’s Lair and into the Servant’s Quarters area. There will be an area in the back where you can climb up a nondescript ledge. Once up top, walk back a little way to find a locked chest. Crouch first to make sure you aren’t seen and you’ll have to pass a Sleight of Hand 10DC check to open it. Read the Half-Torn Note inside, which will point you to a tree near the docks in the swamp.
To find this secret location, head down to the south of the map to find the ‘swamp’ or Putrid Bog. You’ll need to find the end of some decrepit-looking docks and then jump a couple of times to rocky areas nearby. The tree referred to in the note is far south and has a very large stump. Be prepared because when you first arrive, you’ll immediately be placed into battle with two Wood Woads and several Mud Mephits. Once that fight is over, go around to the west side of the stump and use the Fire Bolt cantrip to burn away the vines on the ground. Afterward, you should be able to walk up to the stump and find the crevice, which will give you the evidence you need to confront Kagha.
Stealing the Idol

Make your way back to the Druid’s lair and initiate a conversation with Kagha to confront her. The Shadow Druids will reveal themselves and you can present your evidence to Rath. At this point, you can try to persuade her that she is wrong (15DC). If successful she will change sides, but you’ll still have to fight the other Shadow Druids. Defeat them and the Druids will stop the ritual outside. After all of that, you can now steal the Idol without the Druids attacking all of the Tieflings. However, they still won’t like you taking their stuff, so here’s the best way to do it.
You need a party member with the Fog or Darkness spell, or a scroll for either to steal the idol. Cast the spell around the Idol to obscure it. Have a party member step up, grab the Idol, and immediately hit the button to go directly to your camp. The Idol should be in your inventory and none of the Druid guards can confront you about it. In camp, pull up your map, and use it to fast-travel to the Emerald Grove Environs waypoint.
You have a chance to give an idol to the Mol or keep it yourself. The quest will not be complete until you hand it over. Before giving the Idol, make sure to explore the area to ensure that there are no battles left to resolve as the Mol is distressed.
Remember, the idol can be bought back from Mol after completing the quest to idol’s bonuses. Instigating Kagha and Saving the First Druid is the main objective to start this quest. Ask your party members to stand a distance from the statue when clicking on it to initiate the theft.
Note- Click the idol with the red hand cursor and position the camera to locate the idol in the middle of the screen. Click and hold the “Camp and Resting Menu” to bring up the sub-menu options when the party member is walking over. Hover over the “Go to Camp” button while holding down the mouse button.
Best Ways to Steal the Idol of Silvanus
You can also avoid fighting the druids with a DC 15 Deception, or Intimidation check if the party is caught. Here are some methods to Steal the Idol of Silvanus in Baldur’s Gate 3.
- Fast Travel- Hide, steal the idol, and fast travel before being spoken to by a druid is the best way to avoid getting caught. The druids do not become hostile if returning to the grove with enough delay. Make your way back to the Mol to trigger the normal quest dialog.
- Using Stealth- Once the Investigate Kagha objective is completed and the Rite of Thorns has been stopped, the idol can be stolen without being caught. Start this quest before stopping the ritual or it will not be offered. Then, the party can use the stealth to obtain the idol. You can use the spells like Darkness, Fog Cloud, or Greater Invisibility.
- Mage Hand- Use Mage Hand hand to throw the idol away so that the druids cannot notice a party member picking it up.
Rewards for completing Steal the Sacred Idol Quest in BG3

The reward for completing the Steal the Sacred Idol quest is the Ring of Protection. Ring of Protection is a strong accessory piece that will grant any character or class additional survivability. While the ring does not have any ‘named’ bonuses, it will give the wearer a +1 to both Armour Class and Saving Throws. The second bonus is especially beneficial, given that the +1 is not limited to a certain ability-based Saving Throw, but to all types. This ring would be highly useful for classes like Sorcerers and Wizards. This ring provides a nice boost to their armor class while not negatively influencing their ability to cast spells.
FAQs about Steal the Sacred Idol Quest in BG3
Where can I find the Sacred Idol?
You can find the Sacred Idol in the Druid’s lair in Baldur’s Gate 3. Druid’s Lair is located in the Druid’s Chambers, which is part of the Emerald Grove.
What are the main choices in the quest?
Investigate the Beach and Confront Kagha are the main choices in order to start the Sacred Idol quest in Baldur’s Gate 3.
How do I steal the Sacred Idol without being caught?
You can hide, steal the idol, and fast-travel before speaking to a druid. Use Mage Hand hand to throw the idol away so that the druids cannot notice a party member picking it up.
What happens if I steal the Sacred Idol?
Stealing a Sacred Idol causes the Druids’ Grove to fall into chaos and they will turn on the rest of the grove and infighting will ensue. Most of the NPCs will be dead and some quests also end prematurely.
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