Discover everything you need to know about how to complete “The Pale Elf” quest in Baldur’s Gate 3 and what rewards you obtain.

The Pale Elf quest in Baldur’s Gate 3 is a companion quest that involves helping a pale elf named Astarion. He is a vampire spawn and High Elf rogue that you can recruit to your party or play as an origin character in the game. Equip the best gear before jumping into a fight with Cazadoor, a level 12 vampire. Your decisions throughout “The Pale Elf” significantly the story’s outcome and Astarion’s character development. In this guide, we’ll discuss all the necessary steps required to complete the “The Pale Elf” quest in Baldur’s Gate 3.
The Pale Elf Quest Overview in Baldur’s Gate 3
The Pale Elf is the Companion quest for Astarion. It is automatically added to the journal if Astarion joins the party. The quest involves Astarion exploring his freedom and seeking revenge against his master. Find Astarion in the Nautiloid Crash Region and offer to help him. Astarion asks you to bring him to meet Raphael who has the capability to read the infernal script on Astarion’s back.
Wait for Raphael to reappear and fulfill his promise to Astarion. Defeat the Cazador to seek Astarion’s revenge and leave the ritual incomplete. The whole quest delves deep into his vampiric nature and freedom from his master, Cazador Szarr. While allowing Astarion to continue by completing a ritual, granting him significant power, or interfering with the ritual, preventing Astarion from gaining power, the quest automatically completes.
How to complete The Pale Elf in BG3

Astarion is a companion character in Baldur’s Gate 3 game, developed by Larian Studios. This handsome Rogue cursed with vampirism but not a full-fledged vampire, plays a significant role in the game’s story and can be recruited by the player as a companion. Astarion is a High Elf Rogue with a charismatic personality and charming vampire attitude that makes it hard to believe how shady and complex his life was before.
Recruiting Astarion
You will encounter a pale elf as king for your help while exploring the Nautiloid Crash Region, specifically in the west of the main crash site. This elf will pick up a grapple to threaten you either you refuse or offer your help. You have the chance to invite him to your party after a short argument. You can also opt to attack him but his rogue skill is useful. The Astarion pulls a knife on and if the Perception check is failed, the Astarion sneaks behind and pulls to the ground. He holds the knife out in a defensive stance if the Perception check is passed.
Traveling with Astarion
Many events will occur that allow special dialogues with Astarion while traveling with him. Below are some of the events that may occur.
- You will notice that Astarion is trying to drink your blood after a couple of long rests. He improves his approval and performance when he drinks blood and he also gains the ability to drink blood during the combat.
- You will encounter a monster hunter in the Putrid Bog southwest of the Druids’ Grove, near the sigil waypoint. After completing the dialogue with him with the monster, you will learn that he’s looking for Astarion. You have the opportunity to avoid him, kill him, or give away the vampire. You also learn about his past and master after speaking with the Astarion afterward.
- After you sleep with the Astarion, you will see and ask him about the marks burned into his back. He tells you about these burned marks and some information about his master, who burned the infernal script into him. You can trigger it by Astarion present shirtless in camp if you don’t want to romance him during the quest.
- Astarion will ask permission to speak with Raphael the next time you encounter him when you follow the infernal script.
Meet Raphael

You can meet Aphael on the west side, across the bridges that divide the two halves of the region after reaching Shadow-cursed Lands. Speak with Raphael with Astarion in your party prompts him to ask about the infernal script burned into his back. Raphael promises to tell him if the party kills Rapharl’s old enemy. Astarion will be upset when you refuse, so you need to deal the Raphael’s enemies.
Kill Yurgir
To find Yurgir in Baldur’s Gate 3 you will need to make your way through the Shadow-Cursed Lands until you come to the entrance of the Grand Mausoleum, which is north of Reithwin Town. As the conversation continues, Astarion will speak up and ask for a favor if he is in your active party. Raphael proposes an exchange: kill the creature, and he will give Astarion the information he wants. Afterward, you’ll have to solve the puzzle in the Mausoleum to unlock the secret passage into the Gauntlet of Shar. Use Astarion or another party member with high Sleight of Hand to disarm all the traps in the northern room.
Then, press the buttons below the paintings in this order: Moonrise Towers/Selunite painting, Grief/Funeral painting, General/Shar painting. This will open the way into the Gauntlet of Shar. You can get past the initial entrance puzzle by having a character with Misty Step teleport over to the gem pedestal and interact with it. This will clear the way into the rest of the temple. Finally, you can make your way to Yurgir, who is in the northeast space on the map. To reach him, head north past the entrance puzzle, and then turn right in the next chamber. You’ll have to jump down some broken stairs before you can make your way into Yurgir’s rooms.
The Truth About His Scars
Raphel will spawn in your camp during your next long rest to give information about the marks on Astarion’s back. Astarion and his siblings were used as a part of a contract by Cazador. This ritual clears all the negative effects associated with vampirism and increases his vampiric power. To complete the ritual, he needs to sacrifice the Astarion. Astarion chooses to interfere and use to ritual himself.
Check the taverns and dwellings in Baldur’s Gate for Astarion’s fellow comes in. You can find the pair of them on the second floor of Fraygo’s Flophouse. You can speak with them if you have Astarion in your party. Astarion will torture them to gain more information but you choose to interfere with him or continue to do so. They inform you that the ritual is taking place in a defiled chapel under the palace.
The Lower City
Cazador is a master vampire in Baldur’s Gate 3. He is the main antagonist of Astarion’s Companion quest, and you will find him in Act 3 of the game. The story goes that Astarion still feels the influence of the master vampire through dream sequences.
To find the Vampire Lord, make your way to the Lower City Central Wall in Baldur’s Gate and enter the Central Watch Tower. Go up and take a right towards the guardpost room. Climb the ladder in the room and go up the staircase to the room above. Follow the ramparts till you reach a dead end. You will come across double doors that cannot be lockpicked. You must have a Signet Ring and a Kozakuran Dictionary to open the door. Move right down the hallway and use the staircase until you reach a door with necrotic energy.
Move to the corner of the room after breaking the door. You can find the dictionary in the wardrobe beside the bed. Move down the hallway after leaving the room and you will find the kennel with Godey inside. Convince him that you giving away the Astarion and require a key to enter the palace. Read the dictionary once you have both the required items. Move back to the orange door and open it. You will encounter some enemies in the ballroom. Use the lift in the southwest corner of the room to reach Cazador’s ritual.
The Ascension Ritual

Travel to the north direction after descending and pass by the cells full of Cazador’s vampires. Move to the north until you get into the stage for the ritual. Interact with the Cazador to begin the battle. Cazador is a level 12 vampire, so you must make it a priority to be as close to this level as possible for a fair fight. The Paladin class is highly useful against Cazador as the class character can heal the injured members of your party, thereby increasing your odds of beating the master vampire.
Since Cazador is a vampire, the Daylight spell is very much his kryptonite. The Level 3 evocation spell allows you to enchant weapons to “shine like the sun” or summon a sphere of sunlight to “dispel the darkness.” Alternatively, you can also use Moonbeam. Both these spells deal radiant damage and are highly effective against Cazador. Make sure to carry these spells and enchant yourself before the fight ensues.
Facing Cazador
If you have Astarion in your party, he will be unable to participate in the combat for story reasons. To avoid this, separate him from the party and keep him outside before initiating dialogue with Cazador. Once the fight has begun, drag him into the arena to use him. After the fight begins, crowd management is the name of the game. Cazador has bats and werewolves as allies that will swarm you with no hesitation. Deal with them first using radiation spells. In the corners of the arena, you will spot ritual circles with Vampire Spawn that power Cazador. Place a party member in each of these circles to interrupt the ritual and cut off his power supply.
Astarion can use the opportunity to finish the ritual for himself after the fight. If the ritual is complete, then all the vampire spawn are killed. He becomes more galling when you allow him to complete the ritual. He also acquires an improved bite and extra necrotic damage on his spells. And he kills the Cazador if you convince him to be a better person. Instead, he walks away from the abuse that dominated his life for centuries. You can demolish or let the vampires live in the cells or leave the ritual incomplete. Regardless of the decision you made, the Astarion’s quest is completed.
Rewards for completing The Pale Elf Quest in BG3

The rewards for completing The Pale Elf quest in Baldur’s Gate 3 are a significant power boost for Astarion, allowing him to become a “Vampire Ascendant”. Improved Bite Attack ability that deals extra necrotic damage, the ability to use “Misty Escape” to teleport short distances and a bonus to melee attacks with additional necrotic damage. You gain Woe Staff and Rhapsody Sword as a reward from Cazador’s Ritual for completing this quest.
FAQs about The Pale Elf in Baldur’s Gate 3
Who is Astarion’s master?
Cazador is a master vampire in Baldur’s Gate 3. He is the main antagonist of Astarion’s Companion quest, and you will find him in Act 3 of the game. The story goes that Astarion still feels the influence of the master vampire through dream sequences.
How do I progress in “The Pale Elf”?
You need to follow the Astarion’s story arc by helping him understand his past and his connection with the Cazador. Investigate his scars and find other vampire spawns. Speak with the Raphel and confront Cazador in Baldur’s Gate to break free from his control.
How do I gain Astarion’s approval?
Complete his desires, and be understanding of his vampire nature. Try to make choices that align with his more ruthless behavior. You can let him bite you and appreciate him for his actions.
Does Astarion have unique abilities in this quest?
Yes, Astarion has unique abilities like Vampire Bite, Blood Draining, Bloodloss, Fire Bolt, Sleight of Hand, Pick Locks, and Disarming Traps. These abilities are useful in quests and combat.
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