Learn how to complete the Wedding Crashers quest in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 with all of its main objectives and best choices.

Upon gaining access to the open world after the Laboratores quest, the Wedding Crashers quest starts automatically. However, the venue for the wedding place is a well-known town called Semine located on the southwest side of the map. The quest will require players to get access to the wedding, but it will be impossible to do without the help of an alliance. There will be two different available routes that players can take to gain access to the wedding and start completing the wedding crasher quest. In this guide, we will briefly tell you the two available routes and which will be best for you, and we will walk you through the main wedding crashers quest in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2.
NOTE: This guide contains some serious spoilers regarding the story.
Wedding Crashers Quest Overview in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

The Wedding Crashers is the fourth main quest in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 that starts automatically once you gain access to the open world. As Henry and Hans Capon have failed in delivering the message to Lord Otto von Bergow, the wedding in Semine will give them a chance to meet von Bergow. However, since there is no proof of Henry and Hans’s identification, it is hard to get access to the wedding. You will have to get help from either Blacksmith Radovan or Miller Kreyzl to get into the wedding.
Upon getting into the wedding, you will have to help around the wedding for Sir Jan Semine. After helping him, witness the wedding and the events afterward.
How to prepare for Wedding Crashers Quest in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2?

Preparing for Wedding Crashers quest includes getting help from either Blacksmith Radovan or Miller Kreyzl. If you go to Tachov town, you can pursue the Blacksmith route from where you can learn blacksmithing and help him get a sword that he needs to give as a gift at the wedding. If you go to Lower Semine Mill, you can pursue the Miller route from where you can learn thievery mechanics.
Blacksmith route to Semine Wedding

As you approach the Radovan, you need to ask regarding work and he will ask you to forge him a hunting sword to see whether you are a capable blacksmith or not. After that, you have to find the missing cart of Blacksmith. Travel to Semine and tell Sir Jan about the missing cart. Find the missing cart with Sir Jan and report back to the Radovan. After that, the blacksmith will ask you to get him Hermit’s Sword and he will get you to the wedding.
The Blacksmith route includes the following quests before you get to the wedding.
- Blacksmith’s Son
- The Jaunt
- The Hermit
Miller route to Semine Wedding

As you approach the Kreyzl, you need to ask regarding work and he will ask you to carry some sacks of flour to the wagon. After that, when you confront him regarding the sacks, he will ask you to steal a document from Troskowitz Rathaus. Moreover, you can learn lockpicking, pickpocketing, and takedown which will help you greatly in this route and later in the game.
After stealing the document, you will have to find the Saltpetre pit by helping a local gravedigger in Troskowitz. Upon finding the saltpetre pit, you will have to find a lady to bring to the wedding. You will have to find perfume and a dress for her as well.
The Miller route includes the following quests before you get to the wedding.
- Materia Prima
- Forbidden Fruit
- Opus Magnum
NOTE: The Opus Magnum quest requires you to find a book that you won’t be able to find until you reach Trosky Castle. So, you will be able to get to the wedding before completing this quest.
Best route to get to the Semine Wedding
Now, both of the routes have their own advantages. If you are someone who wants armour and a horse early, then I recommend you take the Blacksmith route. However, if you are someone who wants to be sneaky and get items easily without any trouble, then thievery is the route for you.
I personally took the thievery route as it can teach you lockpicking, pickpocketing, and stealth takedowns. These techniques will help you greatly in future quests allowing you to get around the areas and get the items without getting caught or raising suspicion.
How to complete Wedding Crashers Quest in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2?
The Wedding Crashers quest is a main quest where you will have to meet von Bergow. As you wait for him, you need to help around the wedding so the guests won’t face any problems. Unfortunately, Lord Otto von Bergow will not attend the wedding which raises more problems for Henry and Hans Capon.
Below, you can find all the main objectives of the Wedding Crashers quest in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2.
NOTE: I pursued the Miller route for the wedding quest. Some of the objectives mentioned below might be different for those who have pursued the blacksmith route.
1. Talk to Svatya

Go straight and you will find Svatya standing next to Vitek in the courtyard. Speak with Svatya and chat about the brawl at the tavern. During the conversation, Svatya will bet you chat up with Myshka. Accept the bet to end the conversation.
2. Chat up Myshka
Go over to Myshka and Vuytek and talk to Myshka. Say that you come here to rescue the Damsel and then tell Vuytek to leave alone Myshka. This will let Myshka speak, saying that you came to rescue her. Go along the next few dialogues and she will ask you to talk to her in private.
3. Talk to Myshka in private

Follow Myshka to a small pond outside and speak with her. Tell her that it is a nice place and ask if she likes to be alone. After that, select the “Those are the worst” dialogue option to gain some more reputation. As she asks about you, say that you really don’t know. It will let Henry tell her about her burned village and she will ask you for a dance to forget the sad memories. Accept to dance with her and say that you don’t have any lessons about dance. This will further increase your reputation.
A brief cutscene will play in which Henry and Myshka will dance together. You do not have to do anything here. Wait for the dance to be over.
4. Return to Svatya
Now, go back to Svatya and speak with him. Go along the dialogues and tell him that Myshka is a nice girl and you get to dance with her.
5. Speak with Sir Jan Semine
Now, go to Sir Jan Semine and ask him about the problems. He will tell you to keep an eye out for his relatives so that they don’t get drunk and take care of the beggars.
6. Get some food for the beggars

Talk to the guard at the door to see what you can do for the beggars. He will tell you about some scrap being stored in the kitchen pantry. However, the cook will not let you in the pantry nor take you anything from the pantry. The easiest way to gather the food is to take from the tables in the courtyard.
You just need to pick up 40 food items from the wedding. Simply, go around the tables and pick up any food you find. Once done, go back to the guard and give him 40 food items.
7. Talk to Moravians
Now, go to the inner courtyard and speak with the Moravians. Instead of stopping Moravians from drinking, you will end up agreeing to bring them a bottle from the cell.
8. Get drinks for the Moravians

The cell is underneath the tower and there will be a guard guarding the cell. Speak with the guard and you will get a skill check here. There is a high chance that you will fail the skill check the first time. The best method to move the guard is to bring him a couple of beer jugs. Agree to bring him some beer and then go out of the cell to find a few beer jugs on the table.
After giving the guard a couple of beers, you will get a new skill check that will let you inside the cell. Choose the skill check option to pass it and then go inside the cell. Pick up the Moravian Schnap and leave the cell. Now, bring the bottle to the Moravians.
9. Find the young man dressed in yellow

After some time, Chamberlain Ulrich will inform you that Miss Kvyeta has gone missing and he saw her with a young man dressed in yellow. Go to the barn in the courtyard and turn left to find a staircase at the end. Go up and you will find Enneleyn and Hans Capon. Hans Capon will be dressed in yellow so speak with him.
As the conversation goes on, Vuytek will interrupt you. Select the “Let it go” option to pass the skill check and continue the conversation with Enneleyn and Hans. Enneleyn will refuse to go back to Chamberlain and will give you his ring.
10. Return to Chamberlain

Now, go back to Chamberlain and tell her that Enneleyn won’t be returning. It is a skill check that you can pass easily. Moreover, you don’t have to return the Chamberlain Ring.
11. Congratulate the newlyweds

Since von Bergow did not show up, the only thing left to do is to congratulate the newlyweds and leave the wedding. The couple will not be at the wedding place so you have to find them. Ask the father in the courtyard for the whereabouts of the couple. He will inform you that he hasn’t seen Olda but saw Agnes speaking with the cook’s daughter, Myshka.
Now, go to the inner courtyard and you will find the cook and Myshka outside the kitchen. Speak with Myshka to ask her about Agnes. She will tell you that Agnes went to the fortress. However, instead of going up to the fortress, speak with Svatya, standing in front of the cell. He will tell you that he saw both of them going into the cellar.
Now, go inside the cellar to find crying Agnes. Speak with her and go through the dialogues. Congratulate her at the end of the conversation and a cutscene will begin.
12. Defend Yourself
Vuytek’s misunderstanding will start a wide brawl in the courtyard. Defend yourself by attacking the enemies until another cutscene starts.
Uzhitz – Father Godwin

During the cutscene, the game takes you to Uzhitz where you will witness Father Godwin. Here, you have to engage in a few dialogue options regarding Hans Capon and Henry.
After the conversation, you will find Henry and Hans Capon locked in a cell at the Trosky Castle. Here, the Wedding Crashers quest will conclude, and For Whom the Bell Tolls quest stars.
Best tips and tricks to beat the Wedding Crashers Quest
Here are some of the best tips and tricks that you can follow to complete the Wedding Crashers quest.
- If you are a beginner and a new player to KCD, then I recommend you to take the Blacksmith route to easily gain access to the wedding.
- To find food for the beggars, pick up the food items from tables in the courtyard.
- Bring a couple of beers to the guard at the cellar to easily pass the skill check and get the Moravian drink.
- I will recommend you to keep the Chamberlain’s Ring to yourself. You will be able to wear it and increase your Charisma once you get back all of your items in the story.
Rewards for completing Wedding Crashers Quest in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2
There are no certain rewards for completing the Wedding Crashers, instead, you will get locked up in the prison at the Trosky Castle. Here, you will get to pursue the next main quest of the story and try to free Hans from getting hanged.
FAQs about the Wedding Crashers Quest in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2
What is the best way to access the wedding in Semine in KCD2?
Both of the routes, Blacksmith and Miller’s have their own advantages. If you are a new player and someone who wants armour and a horse early, then I recommend you take the Blacksmith route. However, if you are someone who wants to be sneaky and get items easily without any trouble, then thievery is the route for you.
Where to find the young man dressed in yellow in KCD2?
You can find the young man dressed in yellow on the first floor of the barn in the courtyard. Go to the barn in the courtyard and turn left to find a staircase at the end. Go up and you will find Enneleyn and Hans Capon. Hans Capon will be the young man dressed in yellow.
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