Cure your Pals from the Overfull status effect in Palworld by following the steps mentioned in this simple guide.

Overfull is one of the status effects that your Pals can get in Palworld. It is one of the more interesting ones because it doesn’t directly affect their HP. Instead, it will make your gameplay loop pretty hectic if you don’t get rid of it. Since it is so bad, you are bound to have a cure for it, right? Well, there is a cure, but the game doesn’t explain anything about it. We are here to change it, though.
NOTE: The game is still in Early Access, and the methods we apply at the time of writing might change in the future.
Curing Overfull in Palworld
The best way to cure this Overfull status effect is by feeding your Pals Low-Grade Medical Supplies. Unfortunately, this doesn’t just spawn in your inventory. You need to craft these supplies with the help of some specific materials. However, before you fetch anything, make sure you reach Level 12. This is when you unlock the Medieval Medicine Workbench. Use the Technology Tree to unlock and build it. After that, the Low-Grade Medical Supplies need Red Berries (5) and Horns (2) to be crafted and used.
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Both of these require you to go out on a small errand. Look for bushes that bear small Red Berries. This is how you obtain the first ingredient as the name would suggest. As for the Horns, you must defeat or capture Pals like Arsox, Caprity, and Eikthyrdeer. All three of them drop Horns as loot. However, if you don’t want to fight any of them, you can just visit the Wandering Merchant and buy Horns for 300 Gold instead.

After you have collected the ingredients, reach the workbench and craft the Low-Grade Medical Supplies. Apply/feed these to your Pals who suffer from Overfull, and they are good to go. You can also loot these supplies from Pals like Lifmunk, Vaelet, and Flopie. If this doesn’t cure the ailment, your game suffers from a glitch that you should immediately report to an official forum.
What is Overfull in Palworld?
Overfull is an eating disorder that Pals often seem to pick up randomly. While the ailment itself is a bit unpredictable, it causes a behavioral symptom that you can take note of. Apart from the status effect that you can see on your Pal, you will also notice that the hunger bar on that specific Pal will fall significantly quickly. This means that your Pal in question won’t work efficiently.
Even though it is quite random, the Palworld community online seems to have recognized a pattern. If your Pals have low sanity/stressed out, are starving, or suffer from both of these things at the same time, chances are, the Pals will be exposed to Overfull soon enough. This stress eating can be cured with the help of the recipe we suggested above.
However, you can also prevent it by taking care of your Pals. So far, you can make sure that your Pals are eating good and well. None of them should starve. Don’t just rely on Lettuce. Apart from that, also ensure that your Pals can relax. You can establish a Hot Spring for them to relax in when they are not working.
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