No need to struggle while getting Lettuce Seeds anymore in Palworld. Read this short and quick guide to learn how to obtain them.

Lettuce Seeds, as the name suggests, are only useful for growing Lettuce in Palworld. As one would expect, this crop isn’t that nutritious and can actually give your pals some unwanted status effects. However, it also makes up for a temporary food source when nothing is present around you. Either way, it is not easily obtainable because of how the game is structured.
You can either use this item in a Salad or when cooking up a Grilled Lamball. While the first food dish increases work speed temporarily, the latter also reduces SAN depletion rate temporarily apart from boosting work speed.
ALSO READ: How to Get Wheat Seeds in Palworld
Obtaining Lettuce Seeds in Palworld
Primarily, there are two ways that you can obtain Lettuce Seeds in this game. Kindly note that the game is still in Early Access and the methods used here can be changed, or new ways can be added in the future. But at the time of writing this article, you can get Lettuce Seeds using either of these methods:
- You can follow a much more peaceful approach by visiting the Wandering Traders at many small settlements. One of them is also located at the Fisherman’s Point (-479, -744). Lettuce here is available for 150 Gold while its seeds are for 200 Gold each. The latter is more expensive because you can use it to create a farm which we will discuss later in this article.

- If you are somebody who likes action and wants to go out there and hunt pals, we have a better option for you. You can take down pals like Bristla, Cinnamoth, Broncherry Aqua (Field Alpha Boss), and Wumpo Botan (Field Alpha Boss) to get some Lettuce Seeds. All of these pals use different techniques to fight, and the bosses can be dangerous if you are not prepared.
We recommend that you use the first method because the second one doesn’t seem worth it for something as less significant as a Lettuce Seed. But if you are short on Gold or wish to fight, then go ahead with the second option as well.
Farming Lettuce Seeds in Palworld
Whenever you obtain Lettuce, you can straight up use it in your recipes. However, this isn’t the case with the seeds. Pals are picky eaters and won’t be grateful if you feed them the seeds. So, the best bet is to farm these seeds using a Lettuce Plantation. This plant bed will be available at Level 38. You will then have to unlock it and craft it using Pal Fluids (10), Lettuce Seeds (3), Wood (100), and Stone (75).
Assign the right farming pals as per your convenience and availability, and see the magic happen. These include Planting, Watering, and Gathering pals. Once you have enough Lettuce again, just use it for one of your recipes.
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