How to Get Amber in Enshrouded

Learn where to find amber in enshrouded, a crucial resource for crafting various items.

Enshrouded - Amber

Where to Find Amber in Enshrouded

You can find Amber on the north side of the Revelwood area and northwest of the Revelwood in the Elixir Well Mine area. The best place to farm Amber is inside the well, where you will find a wall of this resource, perfect for gathering when you need a fair amount. To gather amber, you need any pick.

Enshrouded - Amber location

Amber Locations:

  • In the Shroud North Revelwood
    • South of the Ancient Spire
    • Northeast of the Ancient Spire
  • In Elixir Well Mine in the northwest of Revelwood

In the northern areas of Revelwood, amber can appear in small amounts as an orange-looking stone. It’s distinct from copper and clay but much more challenging to spot due to its darker color and more smooth surface. Amber veins have a lighter orange texture covering them. Because almost all of North Revelwood is covered in a shroud, various mutant foes may be around.

The second location, Elixir Well, is also hunted by enemies but contains many more veins, walls, and pillars of amber inside. Clear the area from enemies before you start digging. To get to the biggest clusters of amber, take the narrow corridor inside the elixir cave and stairs up to the Shroud root. If you chop down the root first, you won’t need to keep an eye on the enshrouded timer, and you will have plenty of time to mine it.

How to Farm Amber

In Enshrouded, resources respawn each time you log out and return to the game. So, when you collect amber, you need. Come back to your home base. Leave the game, ensure it’s closed, and log back in again. All resources, including amber, should be replenished in the game’s world.

In Elixir, destroying shroud roots will not only give you a few skill points when done for the first time but also ensure that resources and enemies within the area reset.

What is Amber and What is it used for in Enshrouded?

If you reached for our guide, you probably already noticed that this resource is hard to get and a crucial resource to upgrade your flame altar. to level 4, which opens new areas and extends your max timer while in the shroud. However, amber is also used in crafting, most noticeably for fireball spells and charges.

Amber is a higher-level resource material in Enshrouded.

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