How To Get Skill Points in Sniper Elite Resistance?

Skill Points are essential to getting better kills in Sniper Elite Resistance. Here’s a quick guide on how to get them.

How To Get Skill Points in Sniper Elite Resistance?
How can you expand your skills? (Source: Rebellion Developments)

Finding a way to obtain and spend your Skill Points in Sniper Elite Resistance is a crucial aspect of the game. This mechanic has been in the franchise for a long time with slight tweaks in each installment. So, is there a difference in how you can obtain these Skill Points in the latest installment, or is it the same as the previous games?

Much like how the system worked in Sniper Elite 5, you will earn XP for completing objectives and taking down enemies. Earning XP will let you level up. Each time you reach a higher level, you will earn a Skill Point. You can do so by completing main objectives, side missions, and killing enemies in general. On a side note, pacifying enemies instead of killing them will earn you more XP. So, if collecting more Skill Points is your goal, try knocking out enemies.

These Skill Points are not just for collection purposes. You have to spend them. While playing, just pause the Campaign and click on Skills. This will open up the different Skill Trees in the game. Simply select your “tree” of choice. You can then choose which skill you wish to buy based on your Skill Points and the availability of that particular skill.

Where To Spend Skill Points in Sniper Elite Resistance?

Spending your Skill Points (Source: Rebellion Developments)
Spending your Skill Points (Source: Rebellion Developments)

One way to spend your Skill Points in the latest Sniper Elite installment is through the mission Preparation screen. This is where you change your Starting Location and edit your Loadout. You can also look at your Skill Tree and invest in it by clicking the Skills option. These skills will be useful in both solo and co-op campaigns.

There are three major Skill Trees: Combat, Equipment, and Body. All of them target the exact things that they are named after. The Combat tree focuses on skills related to all the fights you will encounter, including both ranged and melee combat. The Equipment part of the tree aims to increase your carrying capacity and help you become a better “technician” overall. Lastly, the Body aspect is related to your max HP, Focus, Sprinting, and all physiological upgrades.

Players can unlock each skill by spending the required Skill Points. However, first and foremost, they need to unlock the skill in the middle for each tree. Once done, all skills will eventually be available to unlock for the right price.

The game doesn’t explain how these upgrades happen. So, there is no “lore” behind the upgrades. They are just there to help you become a better Allied sniper and take out your targets even more easily than before. And most of all, it’s about having fun because the game is a sandbox, and you will be missing out if you don’t have fun.

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