Want to know how to get Strange Coins in Destiny 2? Check out our guide for tips and strategies to maximize your coin collection

If you have been playing Destiny from its early days, you might remember that you needed to exchange Strange Coins to buy products from the merchant named Xur. However, since then, the Strange Coins vanished in later updates and were replaced by other forms of currency. However, Bungie has now reintroduced Strange Coins with The Final Shape expansion of Destiny 2.
Still, you may have trouble finding these coins if you didn’t know where to look for them. In this guide, we will help point you towards some of the best sources to buy the Strange Coins.
Best Ways To Get Strange Coins in Destiny 2

You need to take part in and complete ritual activities to acquire Strange Coins. These include the following:
- Gambit
- Iron Banner
- Crucible
- Onslaught
- Trials
- Vanguard
Keep in mind that the number of Strange Coins you earn from each activity can vary. Usually, they might range between two and four coins for completing a ritual activity. You can also earn some Strange Coins from certain campaign missions within Overthrow in the Pale Heart and The Final Shape. But these are not as reliable a source for the coins, and they seem to drop at random.
How To Spend Strange Coins in Destiny 2

The only use of Strange Coins is that you can bring them to Xur, the Agent of the Nine merchant, to buy items from him. Xur will be available with his goods every Friday, so you need to collect a sizeable amount of these Strange Coins so that you can spend it all at Xur’s shop. However, keep in mind that at any point, you can carry a maximum of 99 Strange Coins. So make sure to visit Xur at regular intervals and keep spending your accumulated coins.
Exotic Catalysts are some of the best items to buy from Xur, since you may go by playing hundreds of hours without even getting your hands on one. Apart from that, also keep your eyes on the Legendary pieces of Armor and Weapons that Xur brings along with him every week. They can be a good option to spend your hard-earned Strange Coins.
Farming Strange Coins

You will need a significant amount of Strange Coins to buy Legendary or Exotic-level items that Xur has in stock. For instance, if you are looking to buy Exotic Catalysts, you will need to shell out 74 Strange Coins. Since completing an activity nets you a maximum of 4 Strange Coins, you can calculate exactly how many activities you will have to attempt to buy one high-level item.
However, there are ways to maximize your Strange Coin earning potential. For this, you will have to earn and spend at least 47 Strange Coins at Xur’s shop. This will make the ‘Favor of the Nine’ buff available for players to purchase. If you unlock this buff, you will have a window of 11 days when Strange Coins will drop at a faster rate. So, for every coin you earn after completing an activity, you may unlock an additional coin due to the buff.
You can also stack the effects of the buff up to three times, so buying it on subsequent weeks can substantially improve the number of Strange Coins you can earn. The following is a strategy you can follow.
- Spend 47 Strange Coins by collecting them normally to unlock the ‘Favor of the Nine’ buff. Purchase the buff.
- Use the rest of the upcoming week to collect an increased number of Strange Coins through activities.
- Spend your collected Strange Coins to buy the necessary gear from Xur. Buy the ‘Favor of the Nine’ buff once more.
Keep repeating this cycle to ensure maximum Strange Coins in Destiny 2.
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