Bosses in video games come in many shapes and sizes, but that is an understatement when it comes to Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Specimen H1024.

We are sure that you have seen many bosses in your time playing video games. But Specimen H1024 would still probably count as one of the weirdest ones. We encounter this boss during the Planet Stirs mission. When Cloud, Barret, and Red XIII go to a reactor in Gongaga to investigate, Scarlet makes sure that they don’t get out of there alive.
Specimen H104 is a deformed and scary monster that Scarlet unleashes on our heroes, saying that it is Hojo’s latest masterpiece. While calling it a masterpiece is a bit of a stretch, calling it a challenging boss is not. So in this guide, we will help you in taking down Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Specimen H1024.
Specimen H1024 Stats

Specimen H1024 does not have many weaknesses, but it is weak to ice. Additionally, it is immune to fire, poison, and lightning, among other things. So going into this battle, ice will be the core of our strategy. We will have to rely on Cloud, Barret, and Red XIII, as they are the only available members for this boss battle.
Use ice attacks to build pressure on the boss until his stagger meter is full. Alternatively, if you do not have any ice-related abilities in your arsenal, wait for the Specimen H1024 to cast Mako Ingestion, and then attack it with everything you have got. We understand if all of this looks to be a bit complicated; to resolve that issue, we will take a detailed look at the boss fight below.
How To Defeat Specimen H1024: Phase 1

Start the fight with your ice attacks. Equip ice material to all of your characters to cast ice magic with them, if you have it. If you have successfully hurt it, it will start to perform its own attacks. Thundara should be the first attack you should look out for. During this attack, Specimen H1024 will stand still and summon lightning that will hit every party member. This attack is pretty accurate, so the timing of the dodge will be tricky. You will have to dodge at the last minute to avoid this attack.
Fira is the next attack we must address. Specimen H1024 will conjure and shoot fiery objects at you from its shoulder; however, this attack is much easier to avoid: simply dodge out of the way when you see it coming. Occasionally, the boss will go into a short trance; this is called the Mako Ingestion. Specimen H1024 will absorb the mako in the air and gain a buff while using this attack.
However, it will be extremely vulnerable while activating it, so that is your chance to do some damage as we discussed earlier. Once fully charged up, the boss will throw an orb at you that explodes on impact. This is the Mako Shot, and you will have to dodge yet again.
The list of attacks Specimen H1024 can do is not finished yet. This is a boss with a lot of versatile moves for every situation. So you cannot lose focus, even for a second, in this fight. Memento Mori is one of the most dangerous attacks in its arsenal. This is a combo of sorts. The boss will slam the arena floor heavily, knocking anything in its radius up in the air, and then it will finish the helpless targets with a laser beam.
The only thing you can do in this fight is keep up the pressure to stagger him. Don’t stop attacking with ice. And when it reaches half of its health, it will knock Cloud into an area with more mako density. This will be phase 2.
Phase 2

Since the beginning of phase 2, you will be aware that the mako density in the new arena is much thicker than in the previous one. Specimen H1024 knows it too, so it will use the Mako Ingestion right away, giving you an early opportunity to attack.
In this phase, the boss will be noticeably quicker and stronger. You need to especially look out for its melee attacks, such as the wrathful wave and the slam-swipe. Both are close-range attacks, so you will either have to keep your distance or you will have to roll out of the way.
Keep in mind that Specimen H1024 can do the melee attacks back to back, and interrupting them will put pressure on it. However, the melee attacks are not the only attacks that pose a threat to you. The boss will also be using an attack called the Mako Expulsion, thanks to the new moveset it will gain in this phase.
Instead of throwing a mako orb, this attack will enable the boss to shoot a giant mako beam at you. Another thing you will have to keep in mind is that the boss will also use mako inhalation to absorb mako faster than before. The last attack that will be a threat to you in Specimen H1024’s arsenal is the Peculiar Pulse; this is another combo. The boss will slam the ground, and it will cause an explosion; the boss will delay this attack, so don’t dodge early.
In the end, beating Specimen H1024 is fairly simple. After avoiding its long list of attacks, all you have to do is use ice attacks or normal attacks to put pressure on it. Once the boss is staggered, unleash everything you have in your own arsenal and lower its health. Repeat the process until the Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Specimen H1024 is beaten.
So that is everything there is to know about the Specimen H1024 boss. We have told you everything you can use against him to gain an advantage and defeat him. If you want to know how to defeat any other bosses in the game, check out our other boss guides.
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