The Szarr Family Ring is a unique story accessory in Baldur’s Gate 3 (BG3) and you can get it during a companion quest in Act 3.

Released in the summer of 2023, Baldur’s Gate 3 is a critically acclaimed CRPG developed by Larian Studios. Set in the vast world of Faerûn, the game offers an immersive storyline, unforgettable companions, and strategic turn-based combat. Moreover, throughout your adventure, you’ll discover a wide variety of unique armor, weapons, accessories, and other items. Many of these treasures are hidden behind challenging boss fights, complex puzzles, or locked away in treasure chests.
In this guide, we’ll explore the Szarr Family Ring, how to acquire it, and tips for using it effectively in Baldur’s Gate 3.
What is the Szarr Family Ring in BG3?

In Baldur’s Gate 3, the Szarr Family Ring is an accessory piece that any class or companion can equip to gain access to Cazador’s Dungeon in the Szarr Palace during Act 3. This quest line is a major part of Astarion’s companion quest called The Pale Elf. If you want to resolve his conflict with Cazador, then you will want to go there after you reach the Lower City in Act 3.
Outside of its function as a story item during the Investigate Cazador’s Palace quest, this ring offers no other bonus traits or benefits to dialogue or combat.
Szarr Family Ring Abilities and Effects
Below are all the features, abilities, and effects of the Szarr Family Ring in Baldur’s Gate 3:
- Armour Type: Ring
- Proficiency Requirement: None
- Rarity: Rare
- Weight: 0.05 kg
- Value: 20
- Location: Looted from or gifted by Godey in the basement kennels of the Szarr Palace, Act 3.
- Bonuses:
- Story Item, used to open the magically sealed doors in the Szarr Palace.
- All Classes, Companions, and Races Can Use This Item
How to Get the Szarr Family Ring in BG3?

Follow these steps to get the Szarr Family Ring in Baldur’s Gate 3:
- Speak with Astarion regularly in Act 1 to learn about his backstory.
- In Act 2, visit the Grand Mausoleum. The entrance to this is northeast of the House of Healing in the Shadow-Cursed Lands.
- Raphael will appear and Astarion will make a deal to find out what the runes on his back say.
- Defeat Yungir in the Temple of Shar to fulfill Astarion’s end of the bargain.
- Raphael will then explain that the runes are part of the Black Mass Ritual, which creates a Vampire Ascendant.
- In Act 3 you can confront Cazador at his Palace. To reach him in the Dungeon, you will need to find the Szarr Family Ring.
The entrance to the Szarr Palace can be accessed via the Central Watch Tower, which is right next to the Lower City Central Wall waypoint. Once at the waypoint, the doors are just right around the corner. Go up the wooden stairs and head north. Just keep moving forward, though more doors and past some guards. You’ll eventually reach the main entrance.
Step 1- Inside Szarr Palace
Once you’re inside the Palace, walk straight ahead to find a glowing red door marked with a symbol of rats. To find Cazador, you’ll need to figure out a way past this sealed door. Turn to the east and move through the set of curtains and down the stairs. (There will be other doors and areas you can explore for further backstory and loot, but this guide will focus on finding the Szarr Family Ring.)

At the bottom of the stairs, look in the door on your immediate left. Inside you’ll find a body radiating Necrotic magic. Use a Cleric or a scroll to cast Remove Curse. You can then freely explore the room. You should open the tall Mahogany Wardrobe to the left of the bed. Inside is a Kozakuran Dictionary. Be sure to not just loot it, but read it! Inside will give you the pass phrases, which are one part of opening the sealed door.
Step 2- Find the Kennels
The next piece of the puzzle is the Szarr Family Ring, which is found in the Kennels. Head straight out of the Guest Room and down the hallway. As you reach the door on the other end, another will reveal itself on the wall to the northeast.

Inside the Kennels a skeleton named Godey will confront Astarion and there will be a dialogue choice or two to make. No matter what you say, a fight scene will trigger. Godey is the only enemy and shouldn’t be too much of a challenge. Loot his pile of bones to get the Szarr Family Ring. Now you have all of the pieces to open the sealed door up on the main floor.
Furthermore, even after opening this magical seal, keep the Szarr Family Ring on you as you continue to explore. There will be another sealed door down in the dungeons, which you can also open using it.
Finally, keep exploring forward to eventually come face-to-face with Cazador. In this final climax to The Pale Elf, you will need to decide if Astarion should become the Vampire Ascendant or not. Additionally, you can also claim Rhapsody and Woe from Cazador.
How to Use Szarr Family Ring in BG3?
After you have read the Kozakuran Dictionary and taken the Szarr Family Ring, you can return upstairs to the magically sealed door. Interact with the door and you will now be able to read the engraved script. Additionally, you’ll see an indentation on the door, which appears to be a perfect fit for the ring. Slot the ring into the door and it will finally open for you.
Afterward, the ring will return automatically to your inventory. Keep it with you, but you do not have to equip it. After you deal with the enemies past the first sealed door, you will find the elevator that leads down into the dungeons. Down here you’ll encounter another magically sealed door. With the Szarr Family Ring already in your possession, you can also open this one without any further trouble.
FAQs about the Szarr Family Ring in BG3
Q1: Where can I find the Szarr Family Ring in Baldur’s Gate 3?
Answer: You can find the Szarr Family Ring in the basement of the Szarr Palace, held by an undead skeleton named Godey in a room called the kennels. Depending on your choices in dialogue Godey may give you the ring, or you may have to fight and kill him for it.
Q2: Which classes or builds benefit most from the Szarr Family Ring?
Answer: As a story/quest item, the Szarr Family Ring does not offer any additional benefits or traits. While you will need the Szarr Family Ring to open the magically sealed door in the Szarr Palace, it does not have any traits or bonuses that will benefit any build in combat.
Q3: When is it safe to sell or trade the Szarr Family Ring?
Answer: You can sell or trade the Szarr Family Ring any time after the final confrontation with Cazador is finished. The Szarr Family Ring will be needed twice in the Szarr Palace to unlock magical barriers.
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