How to Get Wavemother’s Robe in Baldur’s Gate 3

The Wavemother’s Robe grants elemental resistances and passive healing on water, and you can get it during Act 3 of Baldur’s Gate 3.

Baldur's Gate 3 Wavemother's Robe Shadowheart model

In the diverse and enchanting world of Baldur’s Gate 3, players encounter a myriad of unique items and powerful gear that enhance their characters and elevate their gameplay. One such coveted piece of equipment is Wavemother’s Robe, a beautifully crafted garment imbued with magical properties that resonate with the essence of the sea. In this guide, we’ll explore the Wavemother’s Robe, how to acquire it, and tips for using it effectively in Baldur’s Gate 3.

What is the Wavemother’s Robe in BG3?

Baldur's Gate 3 Wavemother's Robe

In Baldur’s Gate 3, the wearer of the Wavemother’s Robe doesn’t just look good, in the right circumstances it can provide a wealth of healing over time. The Watery Rejuvenation bonus provides free passive healing so long as the wearer is standing in a watery surface at the start of their turn. This is a condition that becomes quite simple to create with the help of the Create or Destroy Water spell. Merely taking up a level 1 spell slot, this transmutation spell calls forth rain, which can sooth fire hazards and also generate puddles for you to stand in.

Given that it’s clothing, you are not restricted by any armour proficiencies, and any character or class can choose to wear it and gain the benefits it provides. Additionally, it’s bonuses apply even outside of combat. So if you are in a long stretch of fights and cannot long rest at camp or do not wish to use your short rests, this clothing piece will provide some healing without having to use any potions or other resources.

Baldur's Gate 3 Companions modeling Wavemother's Robe

Wavemother’s Robe Abilities and Effects

Below are all the features, abilities, and effects of the Wavemother’s Robe in Baldur’s Gate 3:

  • Armour Type: Clothing
  • Armour Class: 10 AC +1
  • Rarity: Very Rare
  • Location: Reward for completing Avenge the Drowned in Act 3
  • Weight: 1.8 kg
  • Value: 610
  • Bonuses:
    • Temperature Adjustment: You have resistance to Fire and Cold Damage
    • Watery Rejuvenation: If the wearer is standing in a water surface at the start of their turn, they heal 1~4 Hit Points.
    • Create or Destroy Water: Level 1 Transmutation spell
    • Armour Class +1
  • Who Can Use This Armour: All companions and characters

How to Get the Wavemother’s Robe in BG3? Explained

BG3 Astarion is the Best Mermaid (Wavemother's Robe)
Astarion is the Best Mermaid (Wavemother’s Robe)

How to Get the Wavemother’s Robe in Baldur’s Gate 3 Overview:

  1. Play until Act 3, and enter the City of Baldur’s Gate
  2. Locate the Water Queen’s House in the far southwest of the city.
  3. Walk all the way to the back towards a funeral gathering. Speak to the Wavemother to acquire the Avenge the Drowned quest.
  4. Head back out to the nearby docks and speak to the locals until you learn the necessary clues.
  5. Head around the docs to the side entrance to Flymm’s Cargo.
  6. Enter the hidden basement
  7. Find Redhammer the Deviser
    • You can immediately fullfill
      • You can choose to kill him immediately, but if you wish to convince him to take you to the Iron Throne first there are additional story quests which can potentially be fullfilled. Doing so will anger Gortash, however.
  8. Either return to the Wavemother after killing Redhammer, or turn him over to her after you return to the surface

Step 1 – How to Complete Avenged the Drowned in BG3

Baldur's Gate 3 Avenge the Drowned quest locations

To pick up the Avenge the Drowned quest, speak to the Wavemother at the Water Queen’s House in the southwest of Baldur’s Gate (location 1 above). Allandra Grey will tell you about a noxious beast in the harbour that must be slain. Head to the Grey Harbour Docks just north of the Water Queen’s House to speak with some locals for tips on where to go next (location 2 above). The fishermen will tell you they saw something move under Flymm Cargo (location 3 above), which is where you should head next.

At the Cargo building there is a door on the west side of the building you will need to unlock. However, be prepared before going in as you will have to fight some hyena creatures. Afterwards, in the north corner, just to the left of where you came through the doors, you will find some crates sitting on top of a hatch.

Step 2 – Get the Wavemother’s Robe

Head into the Flymm Cargo basement and search until you discover a hidden docking area, where a submersible is docked. You can freely approach Redhammer the Deviser. He will be suspicious of you, but not immediately attack. Here is where you can make a decision – the simple thing to do is to attack and kill Redhammer. Report back to the Allandra Grey and the Wavemother’s Robe in Baldur’s Gate 3 is yours. However, this does cut off an important piece of Wyll’s personal quest.

If you can pass the checks to convince Redhammer in conversation, he’ll give you a ride in his submersible. It will take you down to the Iron Throne prison where Wyll’s father, Duke Ravengard, is being held. This gives you the opportunity to free him and other prisoners being held there. However, be aware that Gortash will see this as an act of aggression and even if you survive his attempt at blowing you up, this will end any agreement you might have made with him.

Finally, when you return to the surface, the Wavemother will be there to meet you. You can choose to stand up for Redhammer or you can turn him over to the Wavemother. Give him over and she will reward you with the Wavemother’s Robe.

How to Use the Wavemother’s Robe in BG3?

The best way to use the Wavemother’s Robe in BG3 is by equipping it to a Wizard or Sorcerer build. However, it might also be viable with a Rogue or Ranger because the Armour Class is a base of 10 plus the Dexterity modifier. No matter what class or build you equip it to, you will need to regularly create water to stand in to get the full benefits. The Create Water spell that comes with the robe can only be cast once per short rest. However, a Cleric, Druid, Conjuration Wizard, Storm Sorcerer can also learn this spell separately for additional casts.

However, the use of the Wavemother’s Robe is limited by the restriction on the Watery Rejuventation passive. This only works when you are standing in magically created water, and not in rivers, streams, or even natural puddles. While not all environments in the game will have these, it makes it a little less versatile.

Additionally, because you have to stand in said water to generate the passive healing, this can severely limit your mobility. Be careful with your positioning, and don’t feel tied to the water if you are under pressure and need to move.

Tips and Tricks for Wavemother’s Robe in BG3

These are the best tips and tricks for finding and using the Wavemother’s Robe in Baldur’s Gate 3:

  • Healing from Watery Rejuvenation only triggers if you are standing in water created magically. It does not work if you are standing in a normal puddle or natural body of water.
  • The Rain Dancer quarterstaff is another source of the Create Water spell in BG3.
  • You don’t need Redhammer to pilot the submersible to the Iron Throne. If you turn him into the Waveservents, you can still pilot the submersible yourself.

FAQs about Wavemother’s Robe in BG3

Where can I find the Wavemother’s Robe in Baldur’s Gate 3?

You can find the Wavemother’s Robe in the Lower City of Baldur’s Gate, after completing the Avenged the Drowned quest for the Wavemother by turning over Redhammer to the Waveservants.

Which classes or builds benefit most from the Wavemother’s Robe?

As a clothing item, spellcasting classes such as Wizards and Sorcerers will benefit the most from equipping and using the Wavemother’s Robe.

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