Discover everything you need to know about how to increase level in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 including leveling up all stats and skills.

Leveling in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 revolves around a unique system where your character improves your abilities through practice and experience. The main stats highly influence your gameplay and are the only key to survival in a harsh environment. With each specific stat, you get to unlock specific perks that boost your capabilities in the game.
Leveling each stat and skill is crucial in every aspect as your gameplay depends on it. Competing in every quest, task, or objective related to a specific stat or skill allows you to improve them. Certain skills require you to perform the tasks over and over again. In this guide, we’ll discuss how to increase your level in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 and the best tips and tricks for leveling up.
How Does Leveling Work in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2?

Character progression in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 is immersive and reflects your in-game actions. The game has a classless leveling system, where you develop your skills and attributes based on your activities. For instance, engaging in sword combat enhances your swordsmanship and related attributes while activities including reading books and speaking with other NPCs improve your speech skill. The associated skill’s experience bar fills up when you perform specific actions. The skill level increases when you level when it’s full. This allows you to gain improved capabilities in that domain.
You will also be allowed to select perks with every few levels. The perks available for specific stat range from increased combat effectiveness to maximizing crafting skills. There is also a Craftsmanship skill that encompasses blacksmithing. This allows you to forge weapons and items while engaging in blacksmithing. Blacksmithing involves obtaining recipes, gathering materials, and mastering a forging process to contribute to Craftsmanship skills. The game also features an enhanced reputation system where your actions influence how NPCs perceive and interact with you. For example, if you choose a thievery playstyle, then the NPCs will react accordingly and it impacts dialogue options and quest outcomes.
How Learning Skills and Weapons can help you level up
Use a specific weapon to enhance the combat proficiency for that weapon type. Brewing potions at the alchemy bench using the required materials allows you to increase your alchemy skills. You also gain XP towards certain skills by completing some quests. Keep in mind that not all skills can be bought in a category. There is a yellow star icon on purchasable skills and it grayed out when you are short of skill slots. We recommend you have a few skill slots in each category to purchase the higher-level skills after leveling up. Performing certain tasks over and over again allows you to power-level the specific skills. To increase the Thievery & Stealth skills, you need to pickpocket NPCs in town and lockpick the doors and chests over and over again.
Leveling up Primary Stats in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

The primary stats are basically the basic things that make your character’s combat skills and other abilities improve. Strength defines how well you can handle physical challenges and agility is a measure of speed, movement, and nimbleness. Vitality on the other hand determines your stamina pool, fatigue resistance, and overall health. Your other skills still enter these attributes no matter if you have a high Strength score. Here are all the primary stats and how to level them up.
Strength determines how well you can tackle physical objectives and challenges. High Strength means less stamina depletion and more powerful attacks while equipping heavy weapons. Your inventory capacity is also enhanced when you level up the Strength in the game. It also influences your movement speed with a heavy load or weapon. You can increase Strength by fighting enemies in combat. Your inventory capacity increases by 4 with each level of Strength. Your abilities improve with Strength which allows you to win combat by enhancing the damage output. Compete in competitions, fight enemies in combat, use weapons like swords or axes, or carry the capacity to level up your strength. The best way to level up your strength skill is by taking part in archery competitions.
Agility in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 is a measure of speed, movement, and dexterity. An agile character can dodge enemies’ strikes and move faster. You can wield advanced weapons like sabres that are more skilled at archery. Archery, like other forms of combat, increases agility. You enhance your base speed with each level of agility. The fastest enhances are from levels 4-7.
Surviving combat boosts your agility level and you gain more experience that is affected by using shortswords, hunting swords, sabers, and archery. This stat also speeds up your combat animation, making it a bit easier to bring combos in the fight. Each NPCs have its own Agility values and are largely affected similarly by the player. You can notice this with their different attack speed. You can improve agility by taking part in combat and dodging enemy attacks. Use weapons like bows, longswords, and sabers. Dodging is your bread and butter in enhancing this stat. The other way to maximize this stat is by playing dice with NPCs on the dice board and sneaking around town.
Vitality in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 determines how much a character lives and holds on. You will have more stamina and the capability to regenerate stamina when you have more stamina. This stat also determines how long the character can run. You can boost Vitality while running clearing obstacles, and surviving combat in the game. Your stamina increases by 5 to 6 with each level of Vitality. More Wounding triggers continuous health loss and bleeding. NPCs in this RPG have Vitality values and are largely similar to the player character. NPCs equipped with heavy armor also take no health damage when their stamina is high. You can increase vitality by running on foot and not using a horse. The more time you spend using your feet the more vitality stats you boost.
Speech in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 determines the character’s ability to talk his way out of situations and eloquence. The more you talk to people the more eloquent you become. You can neglect conflicts before they even start by becoming a better speaker. Your speech stat allows you to disarm someone by argument who you wouldn’t be able to beat in combat. Persuasion is a tutorial codex entry that is not determined by comparing your Speech level to that of NPCs. Improve your speech stat by speaking with the people in town or reading books. You can also haggle to increase your speech stat.
Main Level
This level increases when you develop your primary attributes like strength, agility, vitality, and Speech. You need to complete quests to gain Main Level experience. The more you have strength, agility, and vitality, the more your main level improves in the game. Your gameplay mostly depends on these stats, allowing you to progress easily when leveled up.
Whenever you do something physically demanding, your character’s Stamina depletes. You can’t do anything when it drops to zero. However, the Stamina will regenerate automatically when pause to catch your breath. Your immediate Stamina is directly proportional to your Health, Tiredness, and Hunger. Also, your Stamina also depletes by doing things like overeating, drunkenness, and poisoning. Your Horse’s Stamina depletes every time you gallop. You can’t do anything when it drops to zero. The stamina stat in KCD 2 does not level up.
Health in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 is a fixed value. It doesn’t regenerate on its own and won’t increase over time. Your Health depletes While fighting an enemy in combat and you’re being wounded. The other ways where your Health is reduced is when you fall from a height, are poisoned, or eat spoiled food, as well as when you’re exhausted or starving. Use a healing potion or sleep if you want to heal your character. You need to bandage the wound if you’re bleeding. Similar to your character, the horse has health but it can never die if its health drops to zero, it will regenerate eventually. This does not level up in the game and is fixed at 100.
Energy in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 is depleted by combat, movement, and just by being awake. You get tired over time and then you need to rest. Your Stamina is depleted due to exhaustion, allowing you to faint. Protect it by drinking alcohol in good amounts but drinking too much has the opposite effect, as does eating heavy foods. These do not level up and it is fixed at 100.
You need to eat and drink while making progress in the game and the type of food and drink will fill you up to a greater or lesser extent. However, overheating hurts your stats. Be careful of what you are eating and drinking. Take durable foods for long trips and take time for freshly cooked meals. These do not level up and are fixed at 100.
Derived Stats

Derived stats in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 are secondary attributes that are calculated based on your character’s primary stats, equipment, and other factors. They influence various aspects of gameplay and are crucial for success in various aspects of the game including interaction with people and combat.
Charisma is a measure of how well a character can impress people. It represents how good you look. It plays a role when using skill checks and trading. Your total charisma is the average of the charisma value of the individual pieces of your clothing or armor that are visible. Layers hidden under others don’t count, so a man’s shirt under a beggar’s coat doesn’t help you. You must take good care of your clothing, as damaged stained, or bloodied clothing has a lower charisma value. Wash yourself from time to time, too, at the bathhouse or the vat or pier. You can also increase your charisma by using perfumes, which can be prepared in alchemy.
Conspicuousness is a measure of how much the player stands out in a normal environment. It indicates how distinctive your appearance is and affects how long it takes for people to recognize you when they see you. The lower your Conspicuousness, the longer it will take them to notice you. If your Conspicuousness is very low, for example, an enemy might notice you from a distance, but you can hide again before he realizes exactly what he saw. Distinctive fine clothing and expensive armor are typically very conspicuous.
Visibility is the opposite of camouflage and it tells the player how easy they are to spot. The lower your visibility, the closer the observer has to be to see you. This is crucial when you’re sneaking around. Visibility is calculated as the average of the visibility level of your outer layer of clothing. Shiny armor and brightly colored clothing are highly visible. Regardless of how you are dressed, you’re much easier to see in the light of day than when you’re sneaking through the shadows or at night.
Noise is a measure of how likely players are to be noticed when they move. Your total Noise is the average of the noise level of the weapons, armor, and clothing you are wearing. The higher your Noise level, the louder it is when you move, and thus the more likely you are to be detected by foes. However, sneaking will mitigate your noise level and sprinting will do the opposite.
Speed determines how quickly a player can walk, run, and sprint. It is derived mainly from your Agility level and determines how fast you are when moving. Keep in mind that the weight of your armor also affects your speed. Wearing heavy armor increases the stamina cost of your combat actions along with movement. You can mitigate it by increasing your Agility and Strength levels.
Leveling Up Skills

Your skills in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 determine your level with tasks. Each task has its own different skills. From brewing potions to horse riding, drinking, and thieving, each has different skills. The primary stats allow you to increase your skills. Some skill teachers in the game help you improve your skills but you need to use Groschen.
Alchemy in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 is a non-combat skill used to create potions and remedies from herbs and additional ingredients. Collect all the correct recipes, and ingredients, and access to the alchemy bench to craft potions and other remedies. You make the brewing process fast when you level this skill. This skill allows you to create several unique items using various herbs and ingredients. Mastering alchemy is crucial not only for combat abilities and healing but also for exploring the world more effectively. The ingredients are found in the world or purchased directly from the merchants. You can also steal some required ingredients from several NPCs in the game. Spend more time brewing potions to increase your alchemy skills. This allows you to gain more XP and brew potions quickly.
The craftsmanship allows you to craft swords, armor, tools, and other items. You can craft a variety of bladed weapons, such as swords, daggers, and razors. This skill also allows you to craft horseshoes to help with travel or make a profit and lockpicks using a new crafting system. This is an easy way to earn some of the best weapons in the game and improve the quality and effectiveness of forged weapons. Your skill level determines the quality of the items you craft. Craft more weapons, tools, and equipment to level up your craftsmanship. Sharpening weapons, using repair kits, or washing your clothes at a laundry allows you to increase this skill in the game.
Your drinking skill determines how drunk you get, and how bad of a hangover you have. It directly plays a role in how much alcohol affects you. Your character can pass out if your drinking skill is too low and you get too much drunk. Improve your drinking skills by drinking alcohol or any alcohol-based potions. You can brew the alcohol-based potions at the alchemy bench using the required materials.
Horses are a type of domestic animal in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 used in combat and exploration. They have different speeds, stamina, carrying capacities, and courage, so choosing the best horse is essential from the beginning of the game. You can level up your horsemanship skill by riding on a horse. The horsemanship influences your horse’s stamina and its capability to withstand tough battles. Your horse can throw you from the saddle in intense situations if your horsemanship skill is low. Riding a horse more in the game allows you to level up your Horsemanship. You cannot enhance it by fast travel but you have to mount on the horse and explore the world.
This skill determines how well you command your Mutt. You can work with the Mutt pretty easily in combat or during hunting when your houndmaster skill is high. Use the Mutt to hunt wild animals and use it in combat to increase your Houndmaster. Feeling Mutt and praising him allows you to gain more XP.
Stealth in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 is the ability to move undetected by enemies, allowing you to sneak up on them. It allows you to pickpocket, or even knock them unconscious without raising an alarm. Running, jumping, and striking objects can alert nearby enemies. Staying in the shadows, moving slowly, and crouching mitigate the chance of being detected. You need to stay out of an enemy’s line of sight to remain undetected. Improving your ability and performing stealthy actions in the game allows you to increase your stealth skills. Pickpocketing NPCs, picking locks, killing people in town, and using stealth takedowns allow to increase stealth skill in the game. The more you crouch and undetected the more XP you achieve. If you’re caught red-handed, then you will not gain XP.
The Survival skill determines your knowledge about hunting, gathering herbs, and how you can fast travel in the world. You can level up this skill by gathering herbs, hunting animals, skinning them, and processing foods. Finding any POI marked on your map allows you to boost your survival skills.
The thievery skill allows you to pick locks and pickpockets in the game. The more you have thievery skills the more easily you can do these activities. It allows you to pick locks more easily and pickpockets undetected. The more you pick lock and pickpockets in town the more your thievery skill will be. You can gain more experience points when you acquire more items from pickpocketing and unlocking more difficult locks.
Dialogue Stats

Dialogue stats are influenced by the main stats and armor in the game. They determine your character’s ability to persuade or charm other characters. Focus on improving your Strength, Speech, and Charisma to enhance your effectiveness in dialogues.
A way to assert yourself in conversation using your eloquence and cleverness. A high reputation will help you succeed. The Persuasion stat is derived from your Speech level, and to a lesser extent Charisma.
A way to get your way in conversations using your Speech, but often using underhanded and unfair practices. It won’t make you many friends, though having a low reputation with them will help you succeed. This stat is derived primarily from your Speech level, and to a lesser extent your Charisma.
The way you assert yourself in conversation is through your charisma and good manners. A high reputation will help you succeed. This stat is derived mainly from your Charisma level and to a lesser extent from your Speech level.
A way to get your way in conversations using your Charisma, often using threats and condescending behavior. People generally won’t like you for it, but on the other hand, having a low reputation with them will help you successfully Dominate them. The Domination stat is derived primarily from the Charisma level, and to a lesser extent your Speech level.
A way to assert yourself in conversations thanks to your strength of arms and chivalrous appearance. A high reputation will help you succeed. Status is derived from how good your armour and weapons are how physically fit you are, and to a lesser extent the amount of Strength, agility, and Vitality you have.
A way to get your way in conversations using your strength of arms and intimidating appearance. People will not like you much, but on the other hand, a low reputation with them will help you succeed. This stat is derived from how good your armor and weapons are and how physically fit you are.
Combat Skills

The combat system in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 offers an immersive and strategic experience. New combat perks are introduced and skills that allow players to modify their fighting style to their preferences. The game also introduces new weapon types, such as crossbows and early firearms, adding depth to the combat system. These weapons come with unique advantages and require different strategies. Combat skill is drastically different from KCD 1 for several reasons.
Warfare in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 is a skill that measures a player’s combat proficiency. It is a Combat proficiency that can be seen in the player window below their character. Your overall skill as a warrior reflects your knowledge of combat and all matters regarding war. Your ability to navigate battlefields, the experience gained in countless skirmishes, and your growing skill in handling weapons. You can attack fast and is harder for your weapon to notice your intentions and parry the attacks when your Warfare skill is higher. It allows you to take less damage during combat. Once you improve your skills with specific weapons, then the Warfare level will also increase. Your Warfare increases when you level up the other Combat Skills. The more you take part in combat and fight the enemies the more this skill improves.
Swords are a type of weapon that allows you to eliminate enemies in combat. You can use different grip techniques, such as the half-sword technique, to get between gaps in armor. Swords are also used to stab enemies from the back. These weapons allow you to hit enemies accurately and effectively to deplete their health. You can also use it to defend your character in intense combat.
However, they are ineffective against heavily armored enemies and that’s where the heavy weapons come in to save your life. Your attacks will be faster when you have high swordsmanship skills. This allows you to deal additional damage and kill the enemy with few hits. You can gain Swordsmanship experience by fighting the enemies using sword-like weapons. Hunting swords, short swords, longswords, and sabres are all types of swords in the game.
Heavy Weapons
The heavy weapons in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 are the types of weapons that deal massive damage as compared to swords and can kill enemies pretty easily. These weapons are useful against enemies wearing plate armor. Mace is a heavy weapon with a short shaft and a heavy head made from stone or metal. Use these weapons when you need to deal a lot of damage quickly or you need to break through an enemy’s defense.
They offer little defense, so you can pair them with a shield to enhance the defense in combat. Your attacks will be faster and can inflict more damage when your skills with heavy weapons are higher. This makes it harder for the enemies to defend. Use the heavy weapons in combat to gain experience. Clubs, maces, axes, and war hammers are the heavy weapons in the game. Use hunting swords, longswords, short swords, and sabers in combat.
Polearms are a type of weapon in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 that have a large reach and can be used to dehorse enemies. They are similar to the Reforged Scythe but have a better range. It can be found in bandits and guards. You can use polearms to dehorse enemies and use this weapon with shields. They are inexpensive to produce and are very effective when fighting against a cluster of enemies.
You can weld this weapon and take the perks of its strength and significant reach. Your attack will be more powerful and faster when you have higher skill for this weapon. Take part in combat to gain more experience. Spears, halberds, and glaives are the polearms that one can equip while progressing the game. Use a spear, poleaxe, halberd, or glaive to improve your polearm skill. Equip a two-handed hammer or axe to use in a fight to level up this skill.
Unarmed in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 is fighting without any weapon equipped. You solely on your fists and body movements to attack and defend against enemies during combat. Unarmed deal less damage compared to using a weapon but can make a huge difference when you have no weapon around. Unarmed combat is useful when trying to sneak up on an enemy or when you need to avoid making noise. Your attacks will be faster and more effective when you have higher skills. You can gain Unarmed experience by fighting with the enemies without using any weapon. Use your hands in combat to improve your unarmed skill.
Marksmanship weapons in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 are bows, crossbows, and firearms. These weapons allow players to attack enemies from a safe distance without taking damage. Bows are used to shoot arrows at enemies and crossbows are powerful ranged weapons that can topple enemies and their horses. Start shooting in combat, hunting, or target competitions to gain experience. A steadier hand when aiming shows a higher skill level, making it easier to aim and hit the enemies on a battlefield. Use a bow in combat while hunting or during archer competitions to enhance your marksmanship skill in KCD 2.
Leveling Mechanics in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Explained

Engage in related activities within the game to improve a particular skill or attribute. Skills in the game are enhanced by consistently performing specific actions. Combat proficiency is divided into different categories and each is improved by using the respective weapon types in combat. You will also unlock various perks that offer unique advantages and enhance your gameplay experience when you progress in these skills and attributes. Consistent practice and engagement in the activities related to each skill allows you to level up in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2.
Leveling Tips and Tricks in KCD2
Here are all the tips and tricks for leveling up your stats and skills in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2.
- Engage in tasks related to the skills you wish to improve.
- Participate in melee combat using weapons to accelerate strength gains.
- Engage in sneaking and perform stealth takedowns to increase agility. Practice dodging during combat to enhance this stat.
- Enhance vitality by running, climbing, and surviving combat in the game.
- Purchase and read books or speak with the NPCs more to increase your speech skills.
- Pick locks on doors and chests, especially during nighttime to increase your thievery skill.
- Sneak enemies from behind and use a dagger for a stealth takedown or stealth kill.
- Use specific weapon types to improve combat skills.
- Use swords to increase your swordsmanship or heavy weapons like maces and axes to maximize proficiency in heavy weaponry.
FAQs About How to Increase Level in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2
How to increase strength in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2?
The main way to improve your Strength stat is through combat. The best way to level up your strength skill is by taking part in archery competitions.
How to increase agility in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2?
Dodging is your bread and butter in enhancing this stat. The other way to maximize this stat is by playing dice with NPCs on the dice board and sneaking around town.
How to increase speech skills in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2?
Improve your speech stat by speaking with the people in town or reading books. You can also haggle to increase your speech stat.
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