Want to get Glowing Thoughts in Infinity Nikki? Our guide offers essential tips and tricks to get the unique item.

Infinity Nikki recently went live with its 1.2 update that comes alongside the Carnival of Fireworks event. The new version introduces many quests, locations, and rewards to be unlocked within the game. Fiery Glow is one of the outfits that can be unlocked by playing through the main quests added through the event. You can also evolve the said outfit with a specialized item, known as the Glowing Thoughts.
In this guide, we will help you find Glowing Thoughts in Infinity Nikki. We will also provide tips and tricks to use the material for the outfit evolution.
How To Get Glowing Thoughts in Infinity Nikki
Here are some steps to acquiring Glowing Thoughts:
- Collect Dews of Firework
- Hand over the Dews of Firework to Vita.
When she reaches level 4, Vita will give you the Glowing Thoughts. Lets take a detailed look at this method.
1. Collect Dews of Firework

Dews of Firework are similar to Dews of Inspiration. However, the former are found only in the Firework Isles area. And, instead of handing them over to Kilo, you will collect them for Vita.
2. Hand Over the Dews of Firework To Vita

You can find Vita near the southern part of the Firework Isles. Head between the Fireworks Crafting Station and the Warp Spire in Sizzle and Spark Center to find her. Keep handing Vita the Dews of Firework until her level reaches 4. At Level 4, she will automatically hand over the Glowing Thoughts to you.
However, keep in mind that to unlock the material, you need to have already completed the Fireworks Training: Part 1 quest within the Firework Isles region.
Using Glowing Thoughts in Infinity Nikki

Glowing Thoughts can only be used to evolve the Fiery Glow outfit. Otherwise, it works the same as other evolution materials. If you want to evolve the Fiery Glow outfit, follow the steps below.
- Open your Pear Pal menu.
- Locate the Fiery Glow outfit and click on the Evolve button.
Keep in mind that besides the Glowing Thoughts, you will need 30,000 Blings and 100 Threads to complete the evolution.
If you are short on Bling, go through our guide on how you can get Bling quickly.
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