In this guide, we shall go over how to get the Fiery Glow outfit in Infinity Nikki, one of the new outfits added to the game.

Infinity Nikki is all about finding the prettiest dresses and outfits and customizing your character to your heart’s content. The game offers unprecedented player freedom with a massive selection of clothes and other customization options. The game’s latest update, version 1.2, is now out and adds to what is an already impressive selection of fits to choose from. The update has added several new outfits, incentivizing players to head out and complete quests to earn the rewards.
Arguably, the best of these outfits is the new Fiery Glow outfit. The Fiery Glow outfit mixes the best of Victorian and modern fashion, making a fiery hot garb draped in black and red. The eye-catching visuals demand your attention, making it one of the best rewards in the game. If you’re looking to get this outfit and don’t know how to, our guide has you covered. In this guide, we shall go over how to get the Fiery Glow outfit in Infinity Nikki.
Related: Infinity Nikki 1.2: All New Outfits and How To Unlock Them – Deltia’s Gaming
How To Get the Fiery Glow Outfit

Acquiring the Sketch
To unlock the coveted Fiery Glow outfit, you will first require the Fiery Glow outfit sketch. Follow the steps below to unlock the sketch:
- The sketch can then be used to craft the outfit. To find the sketch, you have to complete Fireworks Training: Step One in the Carnival of Fireworks event in the game.
- After completion, return to the fireworks trainer, Scintillada, who will then give you the sketch for the outfit.
- You then have to complete the ‘The Wonderful Journey’ quest in Chapter 2, after which you can purchase the sketch from the Heart of Infinity skill tree for 10,000 Bling.
Crafting the Outfit
Once we have the sketch in place, it is time to craft the outfit. Naturally, we will need a few ingredients to craft the outfit. These ingredients are as follows:
- 2x Blastpollen: Found in the southern portion of the Fireworks Isle.
- 5x Daisy: Found in Wishfield.
- 2x Hare Powder: Found in Wishfield.
- 300x Thread of Purity: Obtained through the Realm of Escalation.
Once you have the required materials, you can craft the outfit for 60,000 Bling. This special outfit allows you to craft and light fireworks.
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