Is Crossplay Support Available in Genshin Impact?

Genshin Impact supports crossplay as well as cross-save. However, the process of using these features isn’t as straightforward as it may seem.

Genshin Impact
Genshin Impact supports cross-platform play (Image via Hoyoverse)

Genshin Impact’s popularity and player base have both remained high since its launch, spiking further with its release on Xbox Series X/S on November 20, 2024. This was in addition to the game already being available on PC, mobile, and PlayStation. With millions of players spread across multiple platforms, the question of having cross-platform play accessibility in the game naturally arises.

Crossplay Options in Genshin Impact

Genshin Impact
Cross-platform co-op has some restrictions (Image via Hoyoverse)

Genshin Impact supports crossplay across all its platforms, allowing players to join each other’s games when invited. However, there is a caveat. All players who wish to play together must be on the same server. Genshin Impact has four servers that are accessible to players outside of China: the American, European, Asian, and SAR (Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macao) servers.

So what’s the big deal? If my friends are on a different server, I’ll just switch over and join their game, right? Unfortunately, no. Each Genshin Impact server is an isolated ecosystem of players with its own data economy, and if you were to switch to a new server, you would start the game from scratch on said server. Your progress in the previous server would still be retained there, but to play with someone on a different server, you will have to begin a new game.

Ok, so you’ve switched servers to play cross-platform co-op with your friends. Surely you can hop into the same session now? Again, the answer is, unfortunately, no. As seasoned players may know, in order to access co-op mode, you must reach Adventure Rank 16 in your game. Additionally, you can only join your friends in co-op if your world level is the same or higher than theirs. On the bright side, players with world levels eight and nine can freely join each other’s sessions on the same server.

Cross-Save Feature in Genshin Impact

Genshin Impact
Using cross-save across PlayStation and Xbox is a little complex (Image via Hoyoverse)

Genshin Impact allows you to access your save on one platform from another using account linking. This allows you to play the same save from any supported device that you choose. To access your world between PC and mobile, all you have to do is log into the same HoYoverse account, and you are good to go. In order to access your PC or mobile save data on PlayStation, you will need to link your PSN and Hoyoverse accounts.

If your data is on PSN and you want to move it to a PC or mobile, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the game on your PlayStation.
  2. Go to Settings > Account > User Center > Link Account.
  3. Link your PSN account that is logged in to Genshin Impact to an email account that has not registered for a HoYoverse account.
  4. Once the linking is complete, your save data will be available when you play on any other platform while logged into the HoYoverse account.

To transfer data from Xbox to PC or mobile, follow the same steps given above with your Microsoft account instead of the PSN account. Save data can be shared between an Xbox and PlayStation as well if they are linked to the same HoYoverse account.

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