Marvel Rivals: 3 Buffs and 2 Nerfs We Want to See in Next Patch

Here are a few buffs and nerfs we think can further balance out the Marvel Rivals roster if introduced in the next patch.

Marvel Rivals Buffs and Nerfs
A buff and nerf wishlist for the next patch note (Source: NetEase Games)

Marvel Rivals is not immune to buffs and nerfs. We saw this when Season 1 came out and brought with it certain changes. Some characters got buffed while others got nerfed. The developers mainly decided on these things based on the community response and testing some things themselves. But what about the next update?

Not every update requires a hefty change in the game. Some can just come in the form of a small patch. However, assuming that the next buffs and nerfs could come with a big update, we may have to wait until the end of February or the start of March because that’s when two new characters will be added.

We hope that the following characters will be buffed in the coming patch:

  • Adam Warlock
  • Rocket Raccoon
  • Thor

Along with them, we also need the following nerfs:

  • Cloak and Scarlet Witch
  • Winter Soldier

NOTE: This article contains subjective opinion of the writer and is merely a wish list. Information mentioned anywhere is not official.

Characters Who Need a Buff in Marvel Rivals

1. Adam Warlock

Marvel Rivals Adam Warlock
Adam Warlock can be a difficult Strategist to master (Source: NetEase Games)

The reason why Adam Warlock can be so difficult to play is because of his Ability Kit. He is an effective Healer, but that’s not all that he does. He can deal impressive damage against squishy enemies and support his team from a safe distance. However, he lacks in healing abilities because they have a pretty annoying cooldown.

Warlock only has two charges for his Avatar Life Stream. So, if he is the only healer on the team, your team won’t hold the point for much longer. Even his Soul Bond has a really long cooldown, which can be annoying when you require it the most.

Apart from this, he also has a slow movement and a 250 base health, which doesn’t make sense for “the perfect human” to have. Even if NetEase Games doesn’t change all of it, I wish they would add an extra Avatar Life Stream and improve his mobility.

2. Rocket Raccoon

Marvel Rivals Rocket Raccoon
Rocket Raccoon can provide infinite ammo for the Punisher. (Source: NetEase Games)

The award for having the best mobility in the game goes to Rocket Raccoon, in my opinion. He has a jetpack dash that can get him out of hectic situations and also has a wall-run ability that can increase your survivability as well. While he has one of the worst Ultimate Abilities on the roster, that’s not something that I want buffed about him. Instead, the player base might like to see the developers tweak his secondary healing fire. The healing orbs have a good range and can even bounce off walls but have a really slow healing rate. Buffing them up could be helpful in many situations.

3. Thor

Marvel Rivals Buffs
Behold the God of Thunder! (Source: NetEase Games)

When played correctly, Thor can be difficult to put down. It takes practice to get there, though. However, even if you do get there, plant some kills in the match, and deal enough damage to get your Ultimate Ability ready, it may not be worth it. This is because his Ultimate is not as effective as his voice might suggest. While it could be due to some balancing purposes, I don’t think buffing just one ability that can only be activated thrice in a match will make Thor overpowered.

Characters Who Need a Nerf in Marvel Rivals

1. Cloak and Scarlet Witch

Scarlet Witch (Source: NetEase Games)
Scarlet Witch and Cloak have the most outrageous primary attack (Source: NetEase Games)

When I solo-queue as a Strategist/Duelist, my worst fears are Cloak and Scarlet Witch. The main reason is their primary fire. It has a ridiculous hitbox and can hitscan you from an impressive distance. Is there a way to avoid it? Yes. By going too far. But that would mean abandoning the point. I think they should reduce the range of this primary attack or at least have these two characters have a reload animation because it seems like a pretty broken move. They can die at the hands of a long-range character or a tanky brawler, but otherwise both of them need a nerf.

2. Winter Soldier

Marvel Rivals Winter Soldier
Winter Soldier can execute enemies when they drop to low health. (Source: NetEase Games)

You might already know where this is going. The only thing that is too overpowered with the Winter Soldier is his Ultimate Ability. It looks like the developers compensated for all the worst Ultimates and combined the good parts into Bucky’s Kraken Impact. While the Ultimate itself wouldn’t deal much damage to a tanky character, it can obliterate a squishy base health. This is not the worst part, though.

We want the developers to nerf the fact that he can pull up his Ultimate Ability indefinitely. That’s right. There is no limit. I have seen some Winter Soldiers use their Abilities more than 10 times in some cases. If developers don’t wish to put a limit on the number of consecutive Ultimates, they can try reducing the 6-second countdown that Bucky has until he will lose his Ultimate. This way, the enemy will have a chance to breathe. Either way, the entire community may agree with this nerf.

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