Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Boss Guide: How To Easily Defeat Kraven: The Hunter

Kraven is one of the fan-favorite Spider-Man villains. In this guide, we will walk you through how to defeat him.

Kraven in Marvel's Spider-Man 2
How to Defeat Kraven in Spider-Man 2 (Source: Insomniac Games)

Kraven: The Hunter has come to New York to hunt and kill Spider-Man and his villains. Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 took inspiration from the comic book Spider-Man: The Last Hunt for this part of the game. Kraven is a hunter, but he has never met a predator who can challenge or defeat him.

In the game, Kraven is seeking a worthy foe to go against one last time before his eventual demise, and Peter and the symbiote are ready to give him the end he craves. Players can fight Kraven in the questline named “Anything Can Be Broken” in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2.

In Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, Kraven has come to New York for his last hunt, and he wants it to be a glorious end to his life. Kraven chooses Spider-Man as his opponent and forces Peter to fight him by abducting Miles. Now under the corruption of the symbiote, Peter is ready to give Kraven his desired demise.

Kraven deals heavy damage with his attacks, and his speed and agility make it harder to predict what he is going to do next. Also, he has many tricks, such as throwing smoke pellets and sniping from trees, which makes Kraven one of the more challenging boss fights in the game. So Begins The Last Hunt!

How To Defeat Kraven: Phase 1

Spider-Man vs Kraven
So Begins The Last Hunt (Source: Insomniac Games)

On the cutscene before the battle, we see Kraven lock Peter in a seemingly indestructible cage. He claims that Peter is still holding back and not using his full strength, so he reveals that he has abducted Miles to give Peter motivation for the fight. Peter, now enraged, breaks out from the cage and, then the boss fight begins.

Kraven will attack instantly. He will leap forward to land a strike on Peter; players will have to parry when the yellow circle turns red on Kraven’s head because this attack cannot be dodged. After successfully parrying, there will be a time window to land some blows on Kraven.

Kraven’s crush is another move in his arsenal. Players should look out for this attack because this attack cannot be parried, and dodging is the only option. The players can predict this attack by looking for when Kraven raises his hand to grab Peter. Kraven can also throw weapons lying on the ground of the area towards Peter.

You can either dodge the weapons or throw them back at Kraven by pressing L1 and R1. He also has mines hidden on the arena floor. He will try to detonate them when he leaps back and raises his arm. The mines will start to glow yellow and then red right before they detonate. Just move out of the detonation range and avoid the mines until they explode; after that, you should have an opportunity to land some blows on Kraven.

Kraven can also combine his attacks. Most of the time he will try to attack Peter with a strong punch with a following kick. Players can either dodge these attacks or parry them. If you successfully parry three times in a row, Kraven will be stunned, allowing you to land more attacks. You can either use the focus bar for health regeneration or perform finishers that deal a good amount of damage. Kraven will also throw smoke pellets; this attack is not dodgeable. He will use the smoke pellets to stun the player and disappear. Look for the spider sense before this attack occurs.

Once the player gets a hold of these attack patterns, it is fairly easy to predict Kraven and keep landing blows until his health goes down to zero. Spider-Man’s gadgets will be really helpful during this boss battle. The Web-Grabber gadget can stun Kraven while the player lands their own combos and symbiote abilities to deal a lot of damage to Kraven.

Phase 2

Spider-Man vs Kraven Phase 2
Don’t Let The Bell Ring (Source: Insomniac Games)

Once Kraven’s health reaches zero, a cutscene will begin. In the cutscene, the game will establish a new arena with a bell; it will also show the players that the bell will stun Peter and the symbiote every time it goes off, so the player must web it first with the web shooters. But the bell won’t stay webbed the entire time, and Kraven will use it to stun Peter every chance he gets. So the players must keep track of the bell and web it every time Kraven tries to use it or throws a spear at it.

Kraven will also use his smoke pellets and disappear during the fight. He will also go up in the trees and try to snipe Peter. Players can locate Kraven by looking for the green laser of the sniper. Dodge the sniper shots, and use a web strike to get close to Kraven and knock him down from the trees. Kraven also has a cloaking device in this round and can go invisible and sometimes flank or throw spears. Players should rely on Peter’s Spider-Sense to locate and dodge Kraven’s attacks during this phase.

Kraven can also attack with a heavy axe. Players can either dodge or parry these attacks. But Kraven will always finish the sequence of these attacks with an overhead slam, which players have to parry to survive and land a few punches. When Kraven feels outmatched, he will call on two mechanical hounds. These hounds are fast but have low health, so the players must eliminate them immediately.

Once the players understand these attack patterns, it will be fairly easy to defeat Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Kraven. We also recommend using the symbiote abilities as much as you can. The Symbiote Surge ability, which enables the full potential of the symbiote, is very helpful in this boss fight. When Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Kraven’s health reaches zero in round 2, he will be defeated, and a cutscene will occur, which we won’t spoil.

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