Sandman has been an iconic Spider-Man villain since the Raimi movies. Let’s take a look at how you can defeat him in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2.

Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 was another huge success for Insomniac when it came out on October 20, 2023. The game featured many fan-favorite Spider-Man villains such as Kraven: The Hunter, Lizard, Venom, and Sandman. The game’s PC port will be released on January 30, 2025, so let’s look at how you can defeat Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Sandman easily in the game.
Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Sandman is the first boss we encounter in the game, and the game wastes no time before throwing the players into a sandstorm to fight Flint Marko. To start the boss battle, players will have to reach Sandman’s location first.
The game will teach players the basic game mechanics during the fight, such as the use of the web wings, web launches, venom punch, spider-barrage, etc. In this boss battle, players will face a huge Sandman rampaging through a portion of the city and engulfing it into a sandstorm.
How To Defeat the Sandman: Phase 1
At the start of the boss fight, players won’t be able to do any damage to Sandman. So they will have to stay patient and alert and keep dodging his attacks by pressing the Circle button. Eventually, the players will be able to throw things back at Sandman by pressing the L1 and R1 buttons at the same time to damage his health.
After dodging for a bit, players will get the option to perform a web strike, but by doing that, Sandman will catch Peter and throw him into a building. After that, players will have to run through the building by holding down R2 and using the left stick to guide Peter’s movements while Sandman tries to grab them with his giant grasp.
Eventually, players will have to rescue a civilian in the building by pressing the Triangle button, then they will have to hold R2 to keep swinging till Miles comes and takes the civilian to safety. Players will have to fight smaller versions of Sandman after that. The players can then start beating them up using the square button. Players will be instructed to use Spider-Barrage when the minions start swarming Peter. You can use this special ability by pressing the L1 and the square button. This move activates the additional four Spider-Arms in the new suit.

After that, Peter gets captured, and the actual Flint Marko shows up, and then players will get an option to bring down water from a pipe over on him by pressing R1 and L1. Sandman will try to bury Peter in the sand, but Miles will come and save him at the last minute.
Then the player will proceed to take over Miles and start throwing objects at Sandman. When you have dealt enough damage, a Triangle prompt will appear on Sandman’s shoulder. By pressing the button, Miles will electrocute Sandman’s shoulder, crystallizing and damaging it.
Phase 2
In the second phase of the fight, Sandman will start to run away, and the players will have to chase him down. However, Sandman will stop and turn around to throw objects at Miles. In this instance, players will be instructed to press R1 to shoot webs at the enemy.
By pressing the triangle button, players will be able to hit Sandman with chunks of his face. Keep repeating the process until Miles destroys Sandman’s other shoulder. Then Sandman will throw Miles across the city, and players will have to get back to the boss’s location.
Keep avoiding Sandman’s attack and damage him with the chunks of his face. Eventually, Peter will throw a water tank at Sandman. Use the triangle button one more time to crystallise half of Sandman’s face. Then the enemy will start to chase Peter and Miles.
In this segment, press the circle button to avoid the incoming attacks. Sandman will send Miles crashing down from the roof of a building. The game will teach the players how to use Venom Punch in this area while they fight more sand minions. On the next floor, the ceiling will crash down on Miles and damage him, and the game will teach players how to heal.

After healing and crawling out of the area, players will have to fight more minions. When Sandman rips the water tank from the building, players will finally be able to throw it at him. Then the players will switch to Peter while he is falling from the sky. The players will be instructed to press Triangle to use the newly added Web-Wings. Navigate through the sandstorms the enemy sends at you with the left analog stick. Perform a web strike with the button prompt when the option arises, and then the players will have to fight more minions. Defeat them and perform another web strike.
In the end, Miles powers Peter’s Spider-Arms with his electricity, and then Peter shoots a powerful electric charge that will tear Sandman down and stop his destruction. This will be the first boss battle of the game, and Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Sandman will be captured.
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