Marvel’s Spider-Man 2: Hunter Blinds and Bases Location Guide

In this guide, we have listed all the locations of Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Hunter Blinds and Bases for you to find.

Screenshot of Kraven
Hunter Blinds and Bases Location Guide (Source: Insomniac Games)

Spider-Man 2 is full of interesting objectives. From taking pictures of places to chasing mechanical bird drones, the objectives in the game do not lack variety. When Kraven the Hunter arrived in New York to take Spider-Man down, he set up numerous bases throughout the city called Hunter Bases. However, to find the location of these bases, you will have to clear each district’s Hunter Blinds. The various districts in Spider-Man 2 are small maps in their own right, filled with interesting locations and Easter eggs.

The game does offer fast travel, but we recommend manually swinging through the district as the best way of traversal. It also makes it easier to spot the Hunter Blinds, which are typically set on the rooftops of buildings. We will help you find every Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Hunter Blind and Base.

The Hunter Blinds can be tricky to find sometimes. So in this guide, we have listed the locations of all the Hunter Blinds and Bases in each district.

All Hunter Bilnds and Base Locations

There are 14 districts in total on Marvel’s Spider-Man 2’s map. However, not all of them are the same. Some districts are bigger than others, while some are less eventful with fewer objectives. Similarly, not all districts in Spider-Man 2 have Hunter Blind locations. There are eleven Hunter Blinds and four Hunter Bases scattered throughout the map. Each Hunter Blind will slowly reveal the location of the Hunter Base in its respective district. Here is a summary of all the Hunter Blind and Base locations:

  • Harlem: Motorpool Hunter Blinds (3), Abandoned School Hunter Base (1).
  • Upper West Side: Arsenal Hunter Blinds (3), Abandoned Hotel Hunter Base (1).
  • Financial District: Garden Hunter Blinds (3), Underground Greenhouse Hunter Base (1)
  • Downton Brooklyn: Aviary Hunter Blinds (2), Abandoned army supply Hunter Base (1)

All of the locations together can feel a little difficult at times, but it is not as hard as it looks. Now, we are going to take a comprehensive look at the locations in each district.


Screenshot of the harlem district map
Harlem Hunter Blinds (Source: Insomniac Games)

Hunter Blinds

  • The first Motorpool Hunter Blind in Harlem is located right in the middle of the district, on the rooftop of a building.
    • Rewards: 1000XP, 5 Rare Tech Parts, and 150 Tech Parts.
  • The second Hunter Blind can be found on the rooftop of another building, west of the first Hunter Blind.
    • Rewards: 1000XP, 5 Rare Tech Parts, and 150 Tech Parts.
  • You can find Harlem’s last Hunter Blind on the northwest edge of the district. Similar to the previous two, it is on top of a building.
    • Rewards: 1000XP, 5 Rare Tech Parts, and 150 Tech Parts.

Hunter Base

  • The Hunter Base of Harlem is set in an abandoned school, which is located in the northwestern part of the district.
    • Rewards: 1500XP, 350 Tech Parts, and 5 Rare Tech Parts.

Upper West Side

Screenshot of Upper West Side map Spider-Man 2
Upper West Side Hunter Blinds (Source: Insomniac Games)

Hunter Blinds

  • The first of the Arsenal Hunter Blinds in the Upper West Side can be found on the rooftops of a multi-story building in the northeastern part of the district.
    • Rewards: 1000XP, 150 Tech Parts, and 5 Rare Tech Parts.
  • The second Hunter Blind is on the east side of the Upper West Side district near the border.
    • Rewards: 1000XP, 150 Tech Parts, and 5 Rare Tech Parts.
  • You can find the Upper West Side’s last Hunter Blind on the west side of the district, on the rooftop of a building in true Hunter Blind fashion.
    • Rewards: 1000XP, 150 Tech Parts, and 5 Rare Tech Parts.

Hunter Base

  • The Upper West Side’s Hunter Base can be found in the west part of the district. It is located inside an abandoned hotel.
    • Rewards: 1500XP, 5 Rare Tech Parts, and 350 Tech Parts.

Financial District

Screenshot of Financial District Map, Spider-Man 2
Financial District Hunter Blinds (Source: Insomniac Games)

Hunter Blinds

  • The first Garden Hunter Blind is located on the south edge of the Financial District.
    • Rewards: 1000XP, 5 Rare Tech Parts, and 150 Tech Parts.
  • The second Hunter Blind in the Financial District can be found north of the first Hunter Blind.
    • Rewards: 1000XP, 5 Rare Tech Parts, and 150 Tech Parts.
  • You can find the last of the Financial District Hunter Blinds on the east side of the district, near the second bridge.
    • Rewards: 1000XP, 5 Rare Tech Parts, and 150 Tech Parts.

Hunter Base

  • The Garden Hunter Base of the Financial District can be found in the eastern part of the district, near the entrance of a bridge. This base is underground.
    • Rewards: 1500XP, 5 Rare Tech Parts, and 350 Tech Parts.

Downtown Brooklyn

Screenshot of Brooklyn map, Spider-Man 2
Brooklyn Hunter Blinds (Source: Insomniac Games)

Hunter Blinds

  • You can find the first Aviary Hunter Blind right in the middle of the district, on the rooftops of a building near the entrance of the second bridge.
    • Rewards: 1000XP, 150 Tech Parts, and 5 Rare Tech Parts.
  • The second Hunter Blind is in the northeastern part of the district. It is also on the rooftops of a building, similar to the previous Blind.
    • Rewards: 1000XP, 150 Tech Parts, and 5 Rare Tech Parts.

Hunter Base

  • The Aviary Hunter Base of Downtown Brooklyn is in an abandoned warehouse, far north of the district.
    • Rewards: 1500XP, 350 Tech Parts, and 5 Rare Tech Parts.

We have provided a comprehensive look at all the Hunter Blinds and Base locations in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2. Follow this guide to track down and take out all of Kraven’s bases across the city, and turn the hunter into the hunted.

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