Let’s learn the process of creating and setting up everything to run the Minecraft Java Edition server.

Minecraft is the ultimate sandbox game where players can create almost anything. The game is loved by millions for its creativity and freedom. Players play the game by connecting to servers; some are free while some are paid, but nothing beats the accomplishment of creating their own Minecraft server. However, creating a server is no joke and can be very confusing.
Therefore, in the guide, we will guide the players through the meticulous process of creating their own Minecraft Java Edition server.
Creating The Server

As we said earlier, creating a Minecraft server is a very complicated task involving many tasks. But before following the guide, players need to install Java on their computer. After installing Java, follow these steps carefully:
- Download the server.jar file
- Create server config file
- Port forwarding
- Tweaking server properties
1. Downloading The Server.jar File
Download the Minecraft server file from this website. The file should look like minecraft_server.X.XX.X.jar. Create a folder, name it what you like, and save the server.jar file in that folder. After the above steps, run the .jar file with this command:
java -Xmx1024M -Xms1024M -jar minecraft_server.1.21.4.jar nogui
2. Creating The Server Config File
The config files will be created automatically after running the .jar file. A lot of files will start appearing, but players only need to open the eula.txt file. Change the value eula=false to eula=true. Before checking true, make sure to read the EULA (End User License Agreement).
3. Port Forwarding
After successfully completing the above-mentioned tasks, players will be able to run the Minecraft server, but only friends on the same internet connection will be able to join your server. However, players need to set up port forwarding if they want their friends to join from different internet connections.
Every router has a different process for port forwarding, so make sure to follow the respective guide. When the port forward process is complete, players can share their IP address with friends and don’t forget to add 25565 at the end of the IP address. It should look like 12.34.567.89:25565.
4. Tweaking Server Properties
Everything is set; players can start the server, and their friends can also join. However, players might want to change the server settings, and to do that they just need to change a few things. Open server.properties in the server folder via Notepad, and change difficulty, level-seed, max-players, pvp, and other settings. After tweaking, players can enjoy their very own Minecraft Java Edition server.
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