Minecraft: How To get Armadillo Scutes

To satisfy your curiosity, here is how you can get Armadillo Scutes in Minecraft and what items you can craft with it.

Minecraft Armadillo Scutes Cover
Here is what you need to know about Armadillo Scutes in Minecraft. (Source: Mojang)

Armadillo scutes have a nifty use in Minecraft, adding a good reason for you to get a few of them in the game. The 1.20.5 update adds these hard-shell mobs that spawn in warm biomes like the woodlands and savannas. When treated with care and proper tools, these mobs can drop a crafting material named Armadillo Scutes. You can use these items to craft wolf armor to protect your furry companions while adventuring in the wild.

If you are curious, here is all you need to know about  Armadillo Scutes in Minecraft and how to get them.

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Complete Steps on How to Get Armadillo Scures in Minecraft

Minecraft How to Get Armadillo Scutes
The Armadillo Scute in Miencraft (Source: Mojang)

Follow these steps to get Armadillo Scutes in Minecraft:

  • Craft a Brush
  • Find an Armadillo
  • Use the Brush on Armadillo

More information about each step can be found below.

Craft a Brush

To craft a brush in Minecraft, you need the following materials:

  • Feather 1x
  • Copper 1x
  • Stick 1x

You can get feathers from chickens. Copper, on the other hand, requires you to go down the mines and use your pickaxe to get copper chunks and smelt them in a furnace. As for the sticks, you can craft them from wooden planks.

Minecraft Brush Crafting Recipe
Crafting a brush in Minecraft. (Source: Mojang)

Simply place these materials in order vertically on a crafting table. Once you have your own brush, you can start looking for a biome where armadillos spawn and get scutes from them in Minecraft. You might need more than one brush so make sure to craft more if you can.

Find an Armadillo

An Armadillo usually spawns in a Savanna and Badlands Biome. Depending on your seed generation, it might take time to find one due to how expansive the procedurally generated world of Minecraft is. But there is a way to make the process a bit faster.

If you don’t mind using a few 3rd-party tools, you can use websites like Chunkbase to check the coordinates of the biomes you need to find. You need to provide your Seed number to the website in order for it to generate the coordinates. You can do this by typing “/seed” on the in-game chat. 

Minecraft Chunkbase
The Chunkbase website can show everything in your world seed. (Source: Mojang | Chunkbase)

You can previously see the world seed by pressing F3 on your keyboard. However, due to some players abusing this feature to gain an unfair advantage in PvP servers, this information was removed. 

Copy your world seed and paste it on the Chunkbase website. Once done, a map should be generated on the website where you can see all the points of interest and biomes. You can also filter the map to only mark key locations and landmarks you want.

However, remember that this may remove the enjoyment of discovering new locations and biomes in your world. By using this tool, you will be able to see everything your save world offers. With this tool, you will never get lost or worry about finding a specific structure again.

Use the Brush on Armadillo

Minecraft Armadillo Scutes Source
Use the brush to get armadillo scutes in Minecraft. (Source: Mojang)

Once you get the coordinates for a Savanna or Badlands Biome head to the location and start looking for armadillos in the area. Right-click your brush on an armadillo in Minecraft and they will drop a scute that you can pick up. Your brush can break easily while doing this so make sure you craft more than one.

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How To Use Armadillo Scutes in Minecraft

Minecraft Wolf Armor Recipe
The crafting recipe for Wolf Armor. (Source: Mojang)

You can use Armadillo Scutes to craft wolf armor in Minecraft. It’s one of the most requested items in the game due to how fragile tamed wolves are. You can craft one by using six armadillo scutes which can also be dyed to change its color. 

Unlike regular armor, wolf armor will absorb 100% of the damage received. However, this also means its durability won’t last long. There are also exceptions that ignore the damage absorption of the wolf armor like drowning, suffocation, wither effect, etc. So, you must be vigilant when exploring dangerous areas with your tamed wolf.

Can You Tame Armadillos in Miencraft?

For now, you cannot tame armadillos in Minecraft. However, you can tie a leash to bring them to your base and put a fence around them. This prevents them from escaping if you want more of their scutes. Additionally, you can breed them by feeding spider eyes. However, you might only need one to get multiple armadillo scutes. You just need to craft a ton of brush.

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