Pistons are a great way of achieving the push and pull mechanic in Minecraft. Learn how to craft this useful block and also its uses.

The world of Minecraft is made up of different kinds of blocks. Each has a distinct color, attribute, and usage. Some players just drop into the world for the survival adventure; on the other hand, some show their creativity by making impressive structures and mechanisms. A piston is a kind of block that can push and pull other blocks. Players use pistons in a variety of ways in Minecraft, such as creating doors, bridges, and many other useful things. Every player uses this block at least once during their Minecraft adventure, but some new players might not be familiar with the process of making it.
In this guide, we shall learn how to make a piston and its various uses in Minecraft.
How To Make Pistons

A piston is crafted with the help of a bunch of materials found in the overworld. All the required materials should be placed exactly in order to craft the correct item. Here’s the list of materials needed:
- 3x Wooden planks: Wooden planks are obtained from tree logs.
- 4x Cobblestones: Mine a stone block with the help of an axe in order to collect cobblestones.
- 1 Iron ingot: Place raw iron in the furnace, which will give an iron ingot as a result. Additionally, in survival mode players have to use 9 iron nuggets or 1 iron block to craft an iron ingot.
- 1 Redstone dust: Redstone dust is obtained from redstone blocks, which are mined with the help of a diamond pickaxe, iron pickaxe, or netherite pickaxe.
Uses of Pistons

How pistons work in Minecraft is pretty simple: they push or pull blocks with the power of Redstone dust. This block is used to create hidden passageways, hidden floor traps, a piston drawbridge, a variable enchanting table, and many other useful things. However, even pistons cannot move some blocks. Here’s the list of unmovable blocks:
- Barrier blocks
- Beacons
- Bedrock
- Obsidian
- Conduit
- Nether portal
- Command block
- Crying obsidian
- Enchanting table
- End portal
- End gateway
- End portal frame
- Ender chest
- Reinforced deepslate
- Jigsaw block
- Grindstone
- Lodestone
- Respawn anchor
- Sculk Catalyst
- Sculk Sensor
- Sculk Shrieker
- Piston head
- Spawner
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