Monster Hunter Wilds: How To Beat Blagonga (Weaknesses and Rewards)

Here’s what you need to know about Blagonga in Monster Hunter Wilds, including details on its strengths, weaknesses, how to beat it, and more.

Blagonga is back and ready to fight (Image via CAPCOM)
Blagonga is back and ready to fight (Image via CAPCOM)

Blagonga is a returning monster from Monster Hunter Generations. In Monster Hunter Wilds, he now roams around in the Iceshard Locale along with many Blango in its pack. This is a very straightforward fight compared to other monsters in this region. However, Blagonga is adept at using the environment around itself to its advantage. The fight can quickly get difficult without knowledge of its strengths and weaknesses.

This guide includes every detail about Blagonga, including its strengths, weaknesses, and how you can hunt it with ease.

Blagonga Overview

Field guide description of Blagonga (Image via CAPCOM | Deltias Gaming)
Field guide description of Blagonga (Image via CAPCOM | Deltias Gaming)

Blagonga is a Large Monster found roaming around in Iceshard Cliffs. It belongs to the Fang Beast species and looks like a large ape. Blagonga is an Ice elemental monster that it uses during the Frost Breath attack. The shape of this ape is similar to most other fanged beasts, such as Congalala and Ajarakan. It has muscly arms and nimble feet, which results in strong yet agile attacks.

Blagonga has one specialty that can become problematic for the Hunter. It is a very crafty monster that knows how to use its surroundings to its advantage. Due to Blagongas’ adaptability to its surroundings, it can use snow around it for surprise attacks on the Hunter. Additionally, another specialty of Blagonga is its social connection to other monsters in the area. A Blagonga can always be found moving around with its pack consisting of multiple Blango. Blango are similar, smaller ape-like monsters that help Blagonga till they don’t deem it fit as their leader.

How To Unlock Blagonga in Monster Hunter Wilds

Blagonga is a 5-star difficulty monster that is unlocked once the hunter has unlocked High Rank in Monster Hunter Wilds. Moreover, you need to have Hunter Rank 10 at minimum.

Where To Find Blagonga

Once in High Rank and 10 HR, Blagonga can be seen roaming around in the Iceshard Cliffs, where you can engage it on sight. There are no certain places in the Iceshard Cliff that Blagonga frequents; therefore, you need to search thoroughly to find it.

Possible Turf Wars for Blagonga

Blagonga currently has only one possible turf war it can have with Hirabami. Hirabami is a serpent-like monster you can find in Iceshard Cliffs. It is highly recommended to start a turf war between these two whenever you can.

Blagonga Weaknesses

When it comes to weaknesses, Blagonga is quite weak to the Fire and Thunder elements. However, one thing that can be noted is that they are not resistant or immune to any status effect. Therefore, using Torch Pods and Thunder Pods can result in a quick buildup of Paralysis or Blastblight.

Blagonga Elemental Weaknesses

  • Fireblight
  • Thunderblight

Blagonga Status Weaknesses

  • Poison 
  • Sleep
  • Paralysis
  • Stun
  • Blastblight
  • Exhaust

Naturally, Blagonga, being one of the Ice Element monsters, is resistant to the Iceblight along with Dragonblight. Slash Damage, Blunt Damage, and Projectile Damage are all equally effective on Blagonga. Due to their high agility, slow weapons are not preferable during the fight.

Blagonga Weak Points

There are two weak points you should try to focus on during a fight with Blagonga. First, its rear is the most exposed part of its body and thus takes extra damage when attacked there. The other is its fangs; both fangs of a Blagonga are separately breakable. Once broken, smaller Blango refuse to listen to the Blagonga due to losing its fangs. This can be a huge help, as you can have a proper duel with Blagonga once the other creatures leave.

Best Weapons for Blagonga in Monster Hunter Wilds

The best weapon you can use against Blagonga is anything that you can hit it with. Fast weapons such as Dual Blades and Long Swords can be quite useful due to their high-speed attacks. Moreover, Greatswords and Hammers can also deal massive amounts of damage, given that you hit the monster. The only thing you need to keep wary of is the Frostblight buildup on yourself during the fight. Being stuck in ice can give the Blagonga multiple openings to hit you. For Elemental Damage, try to use a Fire or Thunder element weapon, as that can help you speed up the fight by quite a lot.

Here are some weapons that can be used against Blagonga effectively:

  • Great Sword
  • Dual Blades
  • Hammer
  • Long Sword

Items To Carry for the Battle

These are some items that we recommend you carry while fighting against a Balagonga:

  • Mega Potions
  • Nulberry
  • Cleanser
  • Energy Drinks
  • Armorskin Potions
  • Might Seeds
  • Flash Pods
  • Shock Traps
  • Pitfall Traps

How To Beat Blagonga in MH Wilds

Hunter blocking a Blagonga (Image via CAPCOM)
Hunter blocking a Blagonga (Image via CAPCOM)

When you engage a Blagonga, try not to get overwhelmed due to the multiple Blango it summons. The main attack you want to avoid at all costs is its Frost Breath attack. While this attack isn’t powerful on its own, it can easily build up Iceblight on you. Having your mobility deteriorate can be quite detrimental to this fight. However, the Ice Breath attack has a long animation time. With proper movement, you can use this time to close in on Blagonga and attack its weak points.

The first part you want to focus on is Blagongas’ Fangs. Hammers and Greatswords seem to be quite effective if you can manage to land hits on the fangs. Once both of these are broken, the fight gets much easier when the Blagonga is unable to summon allies for help. Most of its other attacks are quite physical, which include punches, kicks, and leap attacks. Most of these are quite easy to dodge due to their long charging times. The leap attack especially gives quite some time to prepare for it as Blagonga jumps a few times in place before leaping towards you. Moreover, the Blagonga lands with a slide, which gives plenty of opportunity to attack its rear.

Blagonga can also use the snow around the area to its advantage. One of Blagonga’s attacks has it bury its arms in snow and throw it in front of them. Be sure to keep a good distance when it buries its hands into the snow. The last attack you need to be careful of is the Dig attack. Blagonga jumps into the snow for a few seconds and jumps out at the hunter. This can be easily dodged due to you being able to track the monster beneath the snow using your lock-on feature.

Tips To Defeat Blagonga

Here are some tips that can help you easily defeat Blagonga:

  • Try to break off the fangs as soon as you can. This can stop Blagonga from summoning allies.

  • Blagonga has long attacking windows after its attacks. Use this time to close in and deal damage. The window of opportunity you get after the Leap Attack is your best chance to hit its weak points.

  • Traps of all sorts are useful against this monster; lay them around the arena and bait Blagonga into them. Use Flash Pods to stun Blagonga when you are ready to deal damage.

  • You can use weapons from the Rathalos and Nu Udra tree to effectively damage Blagonga with Fire Element. Thunder Element weapons can also work just fine when fighting this monster.

  • Armor from the Hirabami tree is quite resistant to Ice Elements, which can be quite effective when fighting Blagonga due to it being able to inflict Frostblight with its Ice Breath.

Blagonga Dropped Materials (Rewards)

Here are all the the materials you can obtain from Blagonga:

Material NameHow To Obtain
Blangonga Fang+Broken Part (Head x2), Carving, Target Reward
Blangonga Pelt+Wound Destroyed, Carving, Target Reward
Blangonga TailBroken Part (Tail), Carving, Target Reward
Blangonga WhiskerTarget Reward, Carving
Blangonga Certificate(s)Target reward
Beast GemTarget Reward, Carving

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