Monster Hunter Wilds: Where Is Kanya?

Kanya is an NPC in Monster Hunter Wilds, and this article explains where she is situated and how you can easily find her.

Where is Kanya in Monster Hunter Wilds?
Kanya is found in the Base Camp in Scarlet Forest (Image via Deltia’s Gaming || Capcom)

Monster Hunter Wilds has a plethora of NPCs, each with their unique personality and skill sets. Some of these characters will also open up new mission opportunities, which can reward you with high-tier items. One of these NPCs that you will meet is Kanya, whom you will generally find fishing in one corner of a certain base camp.

Kanya will also start the fishing side mission line, which will give you some of the rarer cooking ingredients. However, you will need to find this NPC first in order to start the questline. In this article, we will explain where Kanya is in Monster Hunter Wilds and how you can find her easily.

Where To Find Kanya in Monster Hunter Wilds?

Kanya's location in Monster Hunter Wilds.
Kanya’s location in the game (Image via Deltia’s Gaming || Capcom)

Kanya is located at the far end of the Scarlet Forest Base Camp in Monster Hunter Wilds. Once you reach this Base Camp, keep heading to the far end where there are water bodies. You will find Kanya atop a rock with her fishing rod. Kanya is an expert fisher and will easily catch many if you wait a while and watch her.

After you interact with Kanya for the first time, she will give you a Fishing Rod and some bait. This will also start her side quest line, which has the following missions:

  • Fishing: Life in Microcosm
  • Seeking the Goldenfish
  • Fishing for Flavor
  • The Catch of a Lifetime!
  • Razzle Dazzle

After the Monster Hunter Wilds Title Update 1, you will also have to find and talk to Kanya to unlock the Mizutsune hunt. As such, it is important to know where you can find this NPC before you take on the new aquatic monster.

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