Persuasion Guide for Kingdom Come Deliverance 2

Discover everything you need to know about the Persuasion guide in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 and its unique mechanics.

Persuasion Guide for Kingdom Come Deliverance 2
Persuasion Guide for Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 (Source: Plaion)

Persuasion in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 is the way to convince NPCs to act in a way that benefits you. It is based on dialogue interactions where your character’s stats, skills, and even reputation influence the outcome. The speech skill is the ability to engage the NPCs with words to negotiate and convince them.

Charisma is influenced by your appearance and the quality of the clothes you wear while interacting with the people in the town. Your reputation is the main factor that highly affects persuasion in the game. You will face multiple dialogue options during conversations and each option depends on speech, charisma, and reputation. In this guide, we’ll discuss how persuasion works in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 and the best way to increase it while exploring the world.

How does Persuasion Work in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2?

A way to assert yourself in conversation using your eloquence and cleverness. A high reputation will help you succeed. The Persuasion stat is derived from your Speech level, and to a lesser extent Charisma. It allows you to convince people to do things for you. You need powers of persuasion to achieve your goals. Also, you can choose what kind of impression you want to make on people. You can solve a lot of situations by convincing the other side. In dialogues, you will have a chance at some of the options that define how you will react. Persuasion requires the other party to believe you. Many situations can be solved by reasoning with the other party.

Persuasion is not about picking the highest number, it’s about who you’re talking to, what you look like, and what your reputation is. Threatening a bunch of thugs with violence alone is usually pointless. People can be afraid to cross you if you look dangerous. You will also be more willing to assign risky tasks to you. You can also bribe people in the same way as shopping. Keep in mind that different approaches work on different people.

All Six Methods of Persuasion

all methods of persuasion kcd2
all methods of persuasion kcd2

Clearing up situations and assuring the NPCs is crucial in the game. In most situations, you will get choices that determine how the people will react.

  • Speech- You can handle the situation without any clash if your speech skills are high enough. You can increase your speech skills by interacting with the people in the town.
  • Charisma- Your charisma plays a crucial role due to your good reputation among the NPCs and in towns. Wear clean clothes and wash yourself regularly to enhance your charisma.
  • Might- It affects your character’s physical strength and combat abilities. This contributes to dialogues where a physical presence is crucial.
  • Coercion- You can manipulate your words during ongoing dialogues to get your way. Your lies seem the truth and the NPCs believe everything you say to them.
  • Domination- This involves leveraging power, reputation, and fear to control, making them think that you’re a bigger person.
  • Dread- You can threaten the NPC you’re currently interacting with them to act as you want.

You don’t need to select the option that high points but you must consider to whom you’re talking. While talking with the normal NPCs and bandits, you can choose to select the Domination option for the better outcome of the interaction. However, you will not get all six options at once. Sometimes you can get 2~3 persuasion options while mostly you get 1~2 options, so choose the best one according to the situation.

Increase Speech Skills to boost Persuasion

Speech determines the character’s ability to talk his way out of situations and eloquence. The more you talk to people the more eloquent you become. Engage yourself in as many conversations as possible, especially with merchants. Persuading people in dialogues gives you Speech experience. You can neglect conflicts before they even start by becoming a better speaker. Your speech stat allows you to disarm someone by argument who you wouldn’t be able to beat in combat. Persuasion is a tutorial codex entry that is not determined by comparing your Speech level to that of NPCs. You can gain speech stat by using the perks like.

  • Silver Tongue- You get a +4 Speech bonus when haggling, making it easier to negotiate better prices.
  • Jack of All Trades- You get a bonus of +2 to skill checks. You will also get twice the amount of experience from these skill checks.

Boost Charisma for Persuasion

perks that boost charisma
perks that boost charisma

Charisma is also affected by how clean, dirty, or bloody Henry’s attire is. Charisma is a measure of how well a character can impress people and is a main factor of persuasion. It represents how good you look. Your total charisma is the average of the charisma value of the individual pieces of your clothing or armor that are visible. Increase your character’s charisma stat by weapon high-quality clothes. You can visit a Tailor to repair damaged or dirty clothing. Taking a bath in the bathhouse not only treats your wound but also cleans your clothes. You can also increase your charisma by using perfumes, which can be prepared in alchemy. You can use several perks to increase charisma that will further influence persuasion.

  • Flower Power- If you have more than 30 fresh or dried herbs (not spoiled) in your inventory, your charisma will count as 2 more.
  • Fundamentals of Law- When dealing with guards, your speech and charisma will count as 2 higher. The total fine will be 20% lower.

Improve Reputation for Persuasion

charisma reputation kcd2
charisma reputation kcd2

You can improve your reputation by social interaction with the different NPCs available in the town. However, getting caught stealing or being rude will lower your reputation. Sell different items to the merchants and give them a little extra money. If your reputation gets ridiculously bonked, you can approach any guard in town, and then surrender. Your reputation will then be reset to a level where most people will talk to you again unless you specifically did a crime against them.

You have to endure jail time in order to reset your reputation. Advancing the main quest line largely boosts your reputation. You will also gain a reputation with a trader by accepting lower prices on sold items when the trader does not have enough money to cover the full cost. Reputation is also altered by choices made by the player when answering questions.

Persuasion Mechanics in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Explained

speech skills for persuasion kcd2
speech skills for persuasion kcd2

Persuasion requires a combination of improving your character’s speech skills, charisma, and reputation. It reflects your social interaction where your reputation, appearance, and words influence how NPC responds. Charisma is influenced by clothing and appearance. Speech is based on how convincing your words are during dialogues. The higher the speech, charisma, and reputation the more chance you gain for passing persuasion checks. You must save the game before dialogues to reload if you want to experiment with different persuasion options.

The persuasion is partly based on your speech/charisma level, but very much influenced by your reputation with the NPC you’re interacting with. You can use the money to do the talking for you if sweet talking fails during interaction. The quality of attire and how well-groomed you are, together with the reputation can make a big difference to how people respond to you. You can also try Henry’s other skills like Horsemanship in special cases.

Persuasion Tips and Tricks in KCD2

Here are the tips and tricks to increase persuasion in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2.

  • Sell your items to the specific merchant one at a time if you want to build up your reputation with an individual trader.
  • Engage in as many dialogues with different NPCs to boost speech skills. Each conversation can contribute to leveling up your speech attribute in the game.
  • You also boost your Speech experience by winning arguments or debates during conversations.
  • Equip clean clothes while talking to the NPCs. Dirty clothes can negatively impact your persuasion. Select the outfit that offers a balance between protection and charisma
  • Complete quests and don’t commit crimes to increase your persuasion and reputation in the town.
  • Use the Silver Tongue perk to improve the chances of success when persuading people.
  • Save before you start any dialogues with an NPC as if you fail, you can reload the game without affecting your speech skill and persuasion.
  • Bribery can also work sometimes if you’re struggling to persuade someone. You can use coins or valuable items to win someone’s favor but it can sometimes affect your reputation as well.
  • Keep a balance in speech, charisma, and reputation for maximum persuasion stats in the game.

FAQs about Persuasion guide in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

What is Persuasion in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2?

Persuasion is a way to assert yourself in conversation using your eloquence and cleverness. A high reputation will help you succeed. The Persuasion stat is derived from your Speech level, and to a lesser extent Charisma.

How to Maximize Persuasion in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2?

You can increase persuasion by increasing your speech skills, charisma, and reputation. Wear neat & clean clothes, interact with the NPCs as much as you can, and build your reputation in the town. You can also bribe the NPCs to act as you need them to be.

Can Persuasion skills affect your gameplay in KCD 2?

Yes, persuasion highly influences your gameplay in KCD 2. The lower the persuasion the harder tasks you need to complete for further progression.

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