Here is the complete list of the cards found in the Space-Time Smackdown booster packs in Pokemon TCG Pocket.

The Space-Time Smackdown is a booster pack in Pokemon TCG Pocket that was released on January 30, 2025. The pack features two sets—one featuring Dialga and the second featuring Palkia. In addition to these legendary headliners, the second main expansion pack boasts a collection of over 200 cards, featuring a diverse lineup of Generation IV Pokemon, allowing players to revisit classic favorites.
Here is the complete list of all Space-Time Smackdown cards in the Pokemon TCG Pocket.
How Many Cards Are There in the Space-Time Smackdown Pack in Pokemon TCG Pocket?
There are a total of 207 cards found in the Space-Time Smackdown pack. This is divided into one pack containing Dialga and the other containing Palkia. Furthermore, you can also find cards with full-art illustrations, immersive cards, and gold crown rarity cards. Keep in mind that some cards are exclusive to one of the packs, while others can be found in both.
Complete List of All Space-Time Smackdown Cards in Pokemon TCG Pocket?
Here are all the cards you can get through the Space-Time Smackdown booster packs:
Card No. | Card Name | Rarity | Booster Pack | Type | HP | Ability/ Effect |
A2 001 | Oddish | Common (◇) | Dialga & Palkia Pack | Grass | 60 | Blot (10): Heal 10 damage from this Pokemon. |
A2 002 | Gloom | Common (◇) | Dialga & Palkia Pack | Grass | 80 | Razor Leaf (30) |
A2 003 | Bellossom | Uncommon (◇◇) | Dialga & Palkia Pack | Grass | 130 | Leaf Step (80) |
A2 004 | Tangela | Common (◇) | Dialga Pack | Grass | 70 | Vine Whip (30) |
A2 005 | Tangrowth | Uncommon (◇◇) | Dialga Pack | Grass | 130 | Mega Drain (90): Heal 30 damage from this Pokemon. |
A2 006 | Yanma | Common (◇) | Dialga Pack | Grass | 50 | Flap (20) |
A2 007 | Yanmega ex | Ultra Rare (◇◇◇◇) | Dialga Pack | Grass | 140 | Air Slash (120): Discard a random energy from this Pokemon. |
A2 008 | Roselia | Common (◇) | Dialga & Palkia Pack | Grass | 70 | Sting (20) |
A2 009 | Roserade | Uncommon (◇◇) | Dialga & Palkia Pack | Grass | 100 | Poisonous Whip (50): Your opponent’s active Pokemon is now Poisoned. |
A2 010 | Turtwig | Common (◇) | Palkia Pack | Grass | 80 | Bite (30) |
A2 011 | Grotle | Uncommon (◇◇) | Palkia Pack | Grass | 100 | Razor Leaf (60) |
A2 012 | Torterra | Rare (◇◇◇) | Palkia Pack | Grass | 160 | Frenzy Plant (150): During your next turn, this Pokemon can’t use Frenzy Plant. |
A2 013 | Kricketot | Common (◇) | Palkia Pack | Grass | 60 | Bug Bite (20) |
A2 014 | Kricketune | Common (◇) | Palkia Pack | Grass | 90 | Entrancing Melody (50): Your opponent’s active Pokemon is now Confused. |
A2 015 | Burmy | Common (◇) | Dialga & Palkia Pack | Grass | 60 | Tackle (10) |
A2 016 | Wormadam | Common (◇) | Dialga & Palkia Pack | Grass | 120 | Leaf Cutter (60+): Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 30 more damage. |
A2 017 | Combee | Common (◇) | Dialga Pack | Grass | 50 | Call for Family: Put 1 random basic Pokemon from your deck onto your bench. |
A2 018 | Vespiquen | Uncommon (◇◇) | Dialga Pack | Grass | 100 | Pierce (70) |
A2 019 | Carnivine | Uncommon (◇◇) | Palkia Pack | Grass | 90 | Flog (40+): Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 50 more damage. |
A2 020 | Leafeon | Rare (◇◇◇) | Dialga Pack | Grass | 90 | Leafy Cyclone (90): During your next turn, this Pokemon can’t attack. |
A2 021 | Mow Rotom | Common (◇) | Dialga & Palkia Pack | Grass | 80 | Energy Cutoff (30): Flip a coin. If heads, discard a random energy from your opponent’s active Pokemon. |
A2 022 | Shaymin | Rare (◇◇◇) | Dialga Pack | Grass | 60 | Flop (30) |
Fragrant Flower Garden (Ability): Once during your turn, you may heal 10 damage from each of your Pokemon. | ||||||
A2 023 | Magmar | Common (◇) | Palkia Pack | Fire | 80 | Stoke: Take fire energy from your energy zone and attach it to this Pokemon. |
A2 024 | Magmortar | Rare (◇◇◇) | Palkia Pack | Fire | 130 | Bursting Inferno (100): Your opponent’s active Pokemon is now Burned. |
A2 025 | Slugma | Common (◇) | Dialga & Palkia Pack | Fire | 70 | Flare (20) |
A2 026 | Magcargo | Uncommon (◇◇) | Dialga & Palkia Pack | Fire | 120 | Searing Flame (30): Your opponent’s active Pokemon is now Burned. |
A2 027 | Chimchar | Common (◇) | Palkia Pack | Fire | 60 | Scratch (20) |
A2 028 | Monferno | Uncommon (◇◇) | Palkia Pack | Fire | 80 | Fiery Punch (30) |
A2 029 | Infernape ex | Ultra Rare (◇◇◇◇) | Palkia Pack | Fire | 170 | Flare Blitz (140): Discard all fire energy from this Pokemon. |
A2 030 | Heat Rotom | Common (◇) | Dialga & Palkia Pack | Fire | 80 | Heat Breath (30+): Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 30 more damage. |
A2 031 | Swinub | Common (◇) | Dialga Pack | Water | 60 | Headbutt (40) |
A2 032 | Piloswine | Uncommon (◇◇) | Dialga Pack | Water | 110 | Hammer In (60) |
Thick Fat (Ability): This Pokemon takes -20 damage from attacks from fire or water Pokemon. | ||||||
A2 033 | Mamoswine | Rare (◇◇◇) | Dialga Pack | Water | 160 | Frosty Flattening (120) |
Thick Fat (Ability): This Pokemon takes -30 damage from attacks from fire or water Pokemon. | ||||||
A2 034 | Regice | Uncommon (◇◇) | Palkia Pack | Water | 110 | Frost Smash (50) |
Crystal Body (Ability): Prevent all effects of attacks used by your opponent’s Pokemon on this Pokemon. | ||||||
A2 035 | Piplup | Common (◇) | Palkia Pack | Water | 60 | Nap: Heal 20 damage from this Pokemon. |
A2 036 | Prinplup | Uncommon (◇◇) | Palkia Pack | Water | 90 | Surf (30) |
A2 037 | Empoleon | Rare (◇◇◇) | Palkia Pack | Water | 150 | Aqua Jet (80): This attack also does 30 damage to 1 of your opponent’s benched Pokemon. |
A2 038 | Buizel | Common (◇) | Dialga & Palkia Pack | Water | 60 | Water Gun (20) |
A2 039 | Floatzel | Uncommon (◇◇) | Dialga & Palkia Pack | Water | 90 | Jet Screw (30+): Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 30 more damage. |
A2 040 | Shellos | Common (◇) | Palkia Pack | Water | 70 | Mud-Slap (30) |
A2 041 | Gastrodon | Uncommon (◇◇) | Palkia Pack | Water | 120 | Muddy Water (60): This attack also does 20 damage to 1 of your opponent’s benched Pokemon. |
A2 042 | Finneon | Common (◇) | Dialga & Palkia Pack | Water | 50 | Elegant Swim (10): Flip a coin. If heads, during your opponent’s next turn, prevent all damage from: and effects of: attacks done to this Pokemon. |
A2 043 | Lumineon | Uncommon (◇◇) | Dialga & Palkia Pack | Water | 90 | Waterfall (50) |
A2 044 | Snover | Common (◇) | Dialga & Palkia Pack | Water | 70 | Ice Shard (10+): If your opponent’s active Pokemon is a fighting Pokemon, this attack does 30 more damage. |
A2 045 | Abomasnow | Uncommon (◇◇) | Dialga & Palkia Pack | Water | 140 | Frost Breath (120) |
A2 046 | Glaceon | Rare (◇◇◇) | Palkia Pack | Water | 90 | Ice Beam (60): Flip a coin. If heads, your opponent’s active Pokemon is now Paralyzed. |
A2 047 | Wash Rotom | Common (◇) | Dialga & Palkia Pack | Water | 80 | Wave Splash (30) |
A2 048 | Frost Rotom | Common (◇) | Dialga & Palkia Pack | Water | 80 | Blizzard (30): This attack also does 10 damage to each of your opponent’s benched Pokemon. |
A2 049 | Palkia ex | Ultra Rare (◇◇◇◇) | Palkia Pack | Water | 150 | Slash (30) |
Dimensional Storm (150): Discard 3 water energy from this Pokemon. This attack also does 20 damage to each of your opponent’s benched Pokemon. | ||||||
A2 050 | Manaphy | Uncommon (◇◇) | Palkia Pack | Water | 50 | Oceanic Gift: Choose 2 of your benched Pokemon. For each of those Pokemon, take water energy from your energy zone and attach it to that Pokemon. |
A2 051 | Magnemite | Common (◇) | Dialga & Palkia Pack | Lightning | 60 | Ram (10) |
A2 052 | Magneton | Uncommon (◇◇) | Dialga & Palkia Pack | Lightning | 80 | Lightning Ball (50) |
A2 053 | Magnezone | Rare (◇◇◇) | Dialga & Palkia Pack | Lightning | 140 | Thunder Blast (110): Discard lightning energy from this Pokemon. |
A2 054 | Voltorb | Common (◇) | Dialga & Palkia Pack | Lightning | 60 | Big Explosion (30): This Pokemon also does 10 damage to itself. |
A2 055 | Electrode | Uncommon (◇◇) | Dialga & Palkia Pack | Lightning | 80 | Rolling Attack (50) |
A2 056 | Electabuzz | Common (◇) | Dialga Pack | Lightning | 80 | Charge: Take lightning energy from your energy zone and attach it to this Pokemon. |
A2 057 | Electivire | Rare (◇◇◇) | Dialga Pack | Lightning | 120 | Exciting Voltage (40+): If this Pokemon has at least 2 extra lightning energy attached, this attack does 80 more damage. |
A2 058 | Shinx | Common (◇) | Dialga Pack | Lightning | 60 | Hide: Flip a coin. If heads, during your opponent’s next turn, prevent all damage from: and effects of: attacks done to this Pokemon. |
A2 059 | Luxio | Uncommon (◇◇) | Dialga Pack | Lightning | 90 | Electric Claws (40) |
A2 060 | Luxray | Rare (◇◇◇) | Dialga Pack | Lightning | 130 | Volt Bolt: Discard all lightning energy from this Pokemon. This attack does 120 damage to 1 of your opponent’s Pokemon. |
A2 061 | Pachirisu ex | Ultra Rare (◇◇◇◇) | Dialga Pack | Lightning | 120 | Sparking Gadget (40+): If this Pokemon has a Pokemon Tool attached, this attack does 40 more damage. |
A2 062 | Rotom | Common (◇) | Palkia Pack | Lightning | 70 | Assault Laser (20+): If your opponent’s active Pokemon has a Pokemon Tool attached, this attack does 30 more damage. |
A2 063 | Togepi | Common (◇) | Dialga & Palkia Pack | Psychic | 50 | Pound (20) |
A2 064 | Togetic | Uncommon (◇◇) | Dialga & Palkia Pack | Psychic | 80 | Fairy Wind (40) |
A2 065 | Togekiss | Rare (◇◇◇) | Dialga & Palkia Pack | Psychic | 140 | Overdrive Smash (60): During your next turn, this Pokemon’s Overdrive Smash attack does +60 damage. |
A2 066 | Misdreavus | Common (◇) | Palkia Pack | Psychic | 60 | Mumble (20) |
A2 067 | Mismagius ex | Ultra Rare (◇◇◇◇) | Palkia Pack | Psychic | 140 | Magical Delusion (70): Your opponent’s active Pokemon is now Confused. |
A2 068 | Ralts | Common (◇) | Dialga Pack | Psychic | 60 | Teleport: Switch this Pokemon with 1 of your benched Pokemon. |
A2 069 | Kirlia | Common (◇) | Dialga Pack | Psychic | 80 | Slap (20) |
A2 070 | Duskull | Common (◇) | Dialga Pack | Psychic | 60 | Will-O-Wisp (20) |
A2 071 | Dusclops | Uncommon (◇◇) | Dialga Pack | Psychic | 90 | Psypunch (50) |
A2 072 | Dusknoir | Rare (◇◇◇) | Dialga Pack | Psychic | 130 | Devour Soul (70) |
Shadow Void (Ability): As often as you like during your turn, you may choose 1 of your Pokemon that has damage on it, and move all of its damage to this Pokemon. | ||||||
A2 073 | Drifloon | Common (◇) | Dialga Pack | Psychic | 50 | Expand (10): During your opponent’s next turn, this Pokemon takes -20 damage from attacks. |
A2 074 | Drifblim | Uncommon (◇◇) | Dialga Pack | Psychic | 100 | Balloon Strike (60) |
A2 075 | Uxie | Uncommon (◇◇) | Dialga & Palkia Pack | Psychic | 70 | Mind Boost (20): Take psychic energy from your energy zone and attach it to Mesprit or Azelf. |
A2 076 | Mesprit | Rare (◇◇◇) | Dialga & Palkia Pack | Psychic | 70 | Supreme Blast (160): You can use this attack only if you have Uxie and Azelf on your Bench. Discard all energy from this Pokemon. |
A2 077 | Azelf | Uncommon (◇◇) | Dialga & Palkia Pack | Psychic | 70 | Psychic Arrow: This attack does 20 damage to 1 of your opponent’s Pokemon. |
A2 078 | Giratina | Rare (◇◇◇) | Palkia Pack | Psychic | 120 | Spooky Shot (70) |
Levitate (Ability): If this Pokemon has any energy attached, it has no retreat cost. | ||||||
A2 079 | Cresselia | Rare (◇◇◇) | Palkia Pack | Psychic | 110 | Moonlight Gain (50): Heal 20 damage from this Pokemon. |
A2 080 | Rhyhorn | Common (◇) | Palkia Pack | Fighting | 80 | Horn Attack (40) |
A2 081 | Rhydon | Uncommon (◇◇) | Palkia Pack | Fighting | 110 | Wrack Down (70) |
A2 082 | Rhyperior | Rare (◇◇◇) | Palkia Pack | Fighting | 160 | Mountain Swing (150): Discard the top 3 cards of your deck. |
A2 083 | Gligar | Common (◇) | Dialga Pack | Fighting | 60 | Pierce (20) |
A2 084 | Gliscor | Uncommon (◇◇) | Dialga Pack | Fighting | 100 | Acrobatics (20+): Flip 2 coins. This attack does 20 more damage for each head. |
A2 085 | Hitmontop | Common (◇) | Dialga Pack | Fighting | 80 | Spinning Attack (50) |
A2 086 | Nosepass | Common (◇) | Dialga & Palkia Pack | Fighting | 70 | Ram (30) |
A2 087 | Regirock | Uncommon (◇◇) | Dialga & Palkia Pack | Fighting | 120 | Boulder Crush (100) |
Exoskeleton (Ability): This Pokemon takes -20 damage from attacks. | ||||||
A2 088 | Cranidos | Uncommon (◇◇) | Dialga Pack | Fighting | 90 | Headbutt (50) |
A2 089 | Rampardos | Rare (◇◇◇) | Dialga Pack | Fighting | 150 | Clutch (80): During your opponent’s next turn, the defending Pokemon can’t retreat. |
A2 090 | Wormadam | Common (◇) | Dialga Pack | Fighting | 120 | Land Crush (70) |
A2 091 | Riolu | Common (◇) | Dialga Pack | Fighting | 60 | Jab (20) |
A2 092 | Lucario | Rare (◇◇◇) | Dialga Pack | Fighting | 100 | Submarine Blow (40) |
Fighting Coach (Ability): Attacks used by your fighting Pokemon do +20 damage to your opponent’s active Pokemon. | ||||||
A2 093 | Hippopotas | Common (◇) | Palkia Pack | Fighting | 80 | Rolling Tackle (60) |
A2 094 | Hippowdon | Uncommon (◇◇) | Palkia Pack | Fighting | 140 | Earthen Press (120) |
A2 095 | Gallade ex | Ultra Rare (◇◇◇◇) | Dialga Pack | Fighting | 170 | Energized Blade (70+): This attack does 20 more damage for each energy attached to your opponent’s active Pokemon. |
A2 096 | Murkrow | Common (◇) | Dialga Pack | Darkness | 60 | Peck (20) |
A2 097 | Honchkrow | Uncommon (◇◇) | Dialga Pack | Darkness | 100 | Skill Dive: This attack does 50 damage to 1 of your opponent’s Pokemon. |
A2 098 | Sneasel | Common (◇) | Palkia Pack | Darkness | 60 | Double Scratch (20x): Flip 2 coins. This attack does 20 damage for each head. |
A2 099 | Weavile ex | Ultra Rare (◇◇◇◇) | Palkia Pack | Darkness | 140 | Scratching Nails (30+): If your opponent’s active Pokemon has damage on it, this attack does 40 more damage. |
A2 100 | Poochyena | Common (◇) | Dialga & Palkia Pack | Darkness | 60 | Bite (20) |
A2 101 | Mightyena | Uncommon (◇◇) | Dialga & Palkia Pack | Darkness | 90 | Darkness Fang (60) |
A2 102 | Stunky | Common (◇) | Dialga Pack | Darkness | 70 | Scratch (10) |
A2 103 | Skuntank | Uncommon (◇◇) | Dialga Pack | Darkness | 100 | Poison Gas (50): Your opponent’s active Pokemon is now Poisoned. |
A2 104 | Spiritomb | Uncommon (◇◇) | Palkia Pack | Darkness | 80 | Swirling Disaster: This attack does 10 damage to each of your opponent’s Pokemon. |
A2 105 | Skorupi | Common (◇) | Dialga & Palkia Pack | Darkness | 70 | Pierce (30) |
A2 106 | Drapion | Uncommon (◇◇) | Dialga & Palkia Pack | Darkness | 120 | Cross Poison (40x): Flip 4 coins. This attack does 40 damage for each head. If at least 2 of them are heads, your opponent’s active Pokemon is now Poisoned. |
A2 107 | Croagunk | Common (◇) | Dialga Pack | Darkness | 60 | Group Beatdown (20x): Flip a coin for each Pokemon you have in play. This attack does 20 damage for each head. |
A2 108 | Toxicroak | Uncommon (◇◇) | Dialga Pack | Darkness | 90 | Group Beatdown (40x): Flip a coin for each Pokemon you have in play. This attack does 40 damage for each head. |
A2 109 | Darkrai | Rare (◇◇◇) | Dialga Pack | Darkness | 110 | Dark Void (60): Your opponent’s active Pokemon is now Asleep. |
A2 110 | Darkrai ex | Ultra Rare (◇◇◇◇) | Dialga Pack | Darkness | 140 | Dark Prism (80) |
Nightmare Aura (Ability): Whenever you attach a dark energy from your energy zone to this Pokemon, do 20 damage to your opponent’s active Pokemon. | ||||||
A2 111 | Skarmory | Uncommon (◇◇) | Dialga & Palkia Pack | Metal | 80 | Metal Arms (20+): If this Pokemon has a Pokemon Tool attached, this attack does 30 more damage. |
A2 112 | Registeel | Uncommon (◇◇) | Dialga Pack | Metal | 110 | Metal Claw (90) |
A2 113 | Shieldon | Uncommon (◇◇) | Palkia Pack | Metal | 100 | Headbutt (50) |
A2 114 | Bastiodon | Rare (◇◇◇) | Palkia Pack | Metal | 160 | Headbang (80) |
Guarded Grill (Ability): If any damage is done to this Pokemon by attacks, flip a coin. If heads, this Pokemon takes -100 damage from that attack. | ||||||
A2 115 | Wormadam | Common (◇) | Palkia Pack | Metal | 110 | Iron Head (50+): Flip a coin until you get tails. This attack does 30 more damage for each head. |
A2 116 | Bronzor | Common (◇) | Dialga Pack | Metal | 60 | Tackle (30) |
A2 117 | Bronzong | Uncommon (◇◇) | Dialga Pack | Metal | 120 | Guard Press (60): During your opponent’s next turn, this Pokemon takes -20 damage from your attacks. |
A2 118 | Probopass | Uncommon (◇◇) | Dialga & Palkia Pack | Metal | 130 | Triple Nose (30+): Flip 3 coins. This attack does 50 more damage for each head. |
A2 119 | Dialga ex | Ultra Rare (◇◇◇◇) | Dialga Pack | Metal | 150 | Metallic Turbo (30): Take 2 metal energy from your energy zone and attach it to 1 of your benched Pokemon. |
Heavy Impact (100) | ||||||
A2 120 | Heatran | Rare (◇◇◇) | Dialga Pack | Metal | 120 | Steel Tackle (110): This Pokemon also does 20 damage to itself. |
A2 121 | Gible | Common (◇) | Palkia Pack | Dragon | 60 | Gnaw (20) |
A2 122 | Gabite | Uncommon (◇◇) | Palkia Pack | Dragon | 90 | Slash (60) |
A2 123 | Garchomp | Rare (◇◇◇) | Palkia Pack | Dragon | 140 | Dragon Claw (100) |
Reckless Shearing (Ability): You must discard a card from your hand in order to use this Ability. Once during your turn, you may draw a card. | ||||||
A2 124 | Lickitung | Common (◇) | Palkia Pack | Colorless | 80 | Tongue Slap (50) |
A2 125 | Lickilicky ex | Ultra Rare (◇◇◇◇) | Palkia Pack | Colorless | 160 | Licking Fury (100+): Flip a coin until you get tails. This attack does 40 more damage for each head. |
A2 126 | Eevee | Common (◇) | Dialga & Palkia Pack | Colorless | 60 | Quick Attack (10+): Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 20 more d |
A2 127 | Porygon | Common (◇) | Palkia Pack | Colorless | 60 | Beam (20) |
A2 128 | Porygon2 | Uncommon (◇◇) | Palkia Pack | Colorless | 80 | Sharpen (30 |
A2 129 | Porygon-Z | Rare (◇◇◇) | Palkia Pack | Colorless | 140 | Buggy Beam (80): Change the type of the next energy that will be generated for your opponent to 1 of the following at random: grass, fire, water, lightning, psychic, fighting, dark, or metal. |
A2 130 | Aipom | Common (◇) | Dialga & Palkia Pack | Colorless | 60 | Tail Jab (20) |
A2 131 | Ambipom | Common (◇) | Dialga & Palkia Pack | Colorless | 90 | Double Hit (40x): Flip 2 coins. This attack does 40 damage for each head |
A2 132 | Starly | Common (◇) | Palkia Pack | Colorless | 50 | Pluck (20): Before doing damage, discard all Pokemon Tools from your opponent’s active Pokemon. |
A2 133 | Staravia | Common (◇) | Palkia Pack | Colorless | 80 | Wing Attack (40) |
A2 134 | Staraptor | Uncommon (◇◇) | Palkia Pack | Colorless | 140 | Clutch (80): During your opponent’ next turn, the defending Pokemon can’t retreat. |
A2 135 | Bidoof | Common (◇) | Dialga Pack | Colorless | 60 | Super Fang: Halve your opponent’s active Pokemon’s remaining HP, rounded down. |
A2 136 | Bibarel | Common (◇) | Dialga Pack | Colorless | 110 | Rolling Tackle (60) |
A2 137 | Buneary | Common (◇) | Dialga Pack | Colorless | 60 | Splash (10) |
A2 138 | Lopunny | Common (◇) | Dialga Pack | Colorless | 90 | Jump Kick (20): This attack also does 20 damage to 1 of your opponent’s benched Pokemon. |
A2 139 | Glameow | Common (◇) | Palkia Pack | Colorless | 60 | Pose (40): Flip a coin, if tails, this attack does nothing. |
A2 140 | Purugly | Uncommon (◇◇) | Palkia Pack | Colorless | 110 | Interrupt (60): Your opponent reveals their hand. Choose a card you find there and shuffle it into your opponent’s deck. |
A2 141 | Chatot | Common (◇) | Palkia Pack | Colorless | 70 | Fury Attack (20x): Flip 3 coins. This attack does 20 damage for each head. |
A2 142 | Fan Rotom | Common (◇) | Dialga & Palkia Pack | Colorless | 80 | Spin Storm: Flip a coin. If heads, put your opponent’s active Pokemon into their hand. |
A2 143 | Regigigas | Rare (◇◇◇) | Dialga & Palkia Pack | Colorless | 140 | Raging Hammer (50+): This attack does more damage equal to the damage this Pokemon has on it. |
A2 144 | Skull Fossil | Common (◇) | Dialga Pack | Item | 40 | Play this card as if it were a 40-HP basic colorless Pokemon. At any time during your turn, you may discard this card from play. This card can’t retreat. |
A2 145 | Armor Fossil | Common (◇) | Palkia Pack | Item | 40 | Play this card as if it were a 40-HP basic colorless Pokemon. At any time during your turn, you may discard this card from play. This card can’t retreat. |
A2 146 | Pokemon Communication | Uncommon (◇◇) | Dialga Pack | Item | — | At the end of each turn, if the Pokemon this card is attached to is affected by any special conditions, it recovers from all of them and discards this card. |
A2 147 | Giant Cape | Uncommon (◇◇) | Dialga Pack | Pokemon Tool | — | The Pokemon this card is attached to gets +20 HP. |
A2 148 | Rocky Helmet | Uncommon (◇◇) | Palkia Pack | Pokemon Tool | — | If the Pokemon this card is attached to is in the active spot and is damaged by an attack from your opponent’s Pokemon, do 20 damage to the attacking Pokemon. |
A2 149 | Lum Berry | Uncommon (◇◇) | Palkia Pack | Pokemon Tool | — | Clutch (80): During your opponent’s next turn, the defending Pokemon can’t retreat. |
A2 150 | Cyrus | Uncommon (◇◇) | Palkia Pack | Supporter | — | Switch in 1 of your opponent’s benched Pokemon that has damage on it to the active spot. |
A2 151 | Team Galactic Grunt | Uncommon (◇◇) | Dialga Pack | Supporter | — | Put 1 random Glameow, Stunky, or Croagunk from your deck into your hand. |
A2 152 | Cynthia | Uncommon (◇◇) | Palkia Pack | Supporter | — | During this turn, attacks used by your Garchomp and Togekiss do +50 damage to your opponent’s active Pokemon. |
A2 153 | Volkner | Uncommon (◇◇) | Dialga Pack | Supporter | — | Choose 1 of your Electivire or Luxray. Attach 2 lightning energy from your discard pile to that Pokemon. |
A2 154 | Dawn | Uncommon (◇◇) | Dialga Pack | Supporter | — | Move energy from 1 of your benched Pokemon to your active Pokemon. |
A2 155 | Mars | Uncommon (◇◇) | Palkia Pack | Supporter | — | Your opponent shuffles their hand into their deck and draws a card for each of the remaining points needed to win. |
A2 156 | Tangrowth | Illustration Rare (☆) | Dialga Pack | Grass | 130 | Mega Drain (90): Heal 30 damage from this Pokemon. |
A2 157 | Combee | Illustration Rare (☆) | Dialga Pack | Grass | 50 | Call for Family: Put 1 random basic Pokemon from your deck onto your bench. |
A2 158 | Carnivine | Illustration Rare (☆) | Palkia Pack | Grass | 90 | Flog (40+): Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 50 more damage. |
A2 159 | Shaymin | Illustration Rare (☆) | Dialga Pack | Grass | 60 | Flop (30) |
Fragrant Flower Garden (Ability): Once during your turn, you may heal 10 damage from each of your Pokemon. | ||||||
A2 160 | Mamoswine | Illustration Rare (☆) | Dialga Pack | Water | 160 | Frosty Flattening (120) |
Thick Fat (Ability): This Pokemon takes -30 damage from attacks from fire or water Pokemon. | ||||||
A2 161 | Gastrodon | Illustration Rare (☆) | Palkia Pack | Water | 120 | Muddy Water (60): This attack also does 20 damage to 1 of your opponent’s benched Pokemon. |
A2 162 | Manaphy | Illustration Rare (☆) | Palkia Pack | Water | 50 | Oceanic Gift: Choose 2 of your benched Pokemon. For each of those Pokemon, take water energy from your energy zone and attach it to that Pokemon. |
A2 163 | Shinx | Illustration Rare (☆) | Dialga Pack | Lightning | 60 | Hide: Flip a coin. If heads, during your opponent’s next turn, prevent all damage from: and effects of: attacks done to this Pokemon. |
A2 164 | Rotom | Illustration Rare (☆) | Palkia Pack | Lightning | 70 | Assault Laser (20+): If your opponent’s active Pokemon has a Pokemon Tool attached, this attack does 30 more damage. |
A2 165 | Drifloon | Illustration Rare (☆) | Dialga Pack | Psychic | 50 | Expand (10): During your opponent’s next turn, this Pokemon takes -20 damage from attacks. |
A2 166 | Mesprit | Illustration Rare (☆) | Dialga Pack | Psychic | 70 | Supreme Blast (160): You can use this attack only if you have Uxie and Azelf on your Bench. Discard all energy from this Pokemon. |
A2 167 | Giratina | Illustration Rare (☆) | Palkia Pack | Psychic | 120 | Spooky Shot (70) |
Levitate (Ability): If this Pokemon has any energy attached, it has no retreat cost. | ||||||
A2 168 | Cresselia | Illustration Rare (☆) | Palkia Pack | Psychic | 110 | Moonlight Gain (50): Heal 20 damage from this Pokemon. |
A2 169 | Rhyperior | Illustration Rare (☆) | Palkia Pack | Fighting | 160 | Mountain Swing (150): Discard the top 3 cards of your deck. |
A2 170 | Lucario | Illustration Rare (☆) | Dialga Pack | Fighting | 100 | Submarine Blow (40) |
Fighting Coach (Ability): Attacks used by your fighting Pokemon do +20 damage to your opponent’s active Pokemon. | ||||||
A2 171 | Hippopotas | Illustration Rare (☆) | Palkia Pack | Fighting | 80 | Rolling Tackle (60) |
A2 172 | Spiritomb | Illustration Rare (☆) | Palkia Pack | Darkness | 80 | Swirling Disaster: This attack does 10 damage to each of your opponent’s Pokemon. |
A2 173 | Croagunk | Illustration Rare (☆) | Dialga Pack | Darkness | 60 | Group Beatdown (20x): Flip a coin for each Pokemon you have in play. This attack does 20 damage for each head. |
A2 174 | Heatran | Illustration Rare (☆) | Dialga Pack | Metal | 120 | Steel Tackle (110): This Pokemon also does 20 damage to itself. |
A2 175 | Garchomp | Illustration Rare (☆) | Palkia Pack | Dragon | 140 | Dragon Claw (100) |
Reckless Shearing (Ability): You must discard a card from your hand in order to use this Ability. Once during your turn, you may draw a card. | ||||||
A2 176 | Staraptor | Illustration Rare (☆) | Palkia Pack | Colorless | 140 | Clutch (80): During your opponent’ next turn, the defending Pokemon can’t retreat. |
A2 177 | Bidoof | Illustration Rare (☆) | Dialga Pack | Colorless | 60 | Super Fang: Halve your opponent’s active Pokemon’s remaining HP, rounded down. |
A2 178 | Glameow | Illustration Rare (☆) | Palkia Pack | Colorless | 60 | Pose (40): Flip a coin, if tails, this attack does nothing. |
A2 179 | Regigigas | Illustration Rare (☆) | Dialga Pack | Colorless | 140 | Raging Hammer (50+): This attack does more damage equal to the damage this Pokemon has on it. |
A2 180 | Yanmega ex | Special Illustration Rare (☆☆) | Dialga Pack | Grass | 140 | Air Slash (120): Discard a random energy from this Pokemon. |
A2 181 | Infernape ex | Special Illustration Rare (☆☆) | Palkia Pack | Fire | 170 | Flare Blitz (140): Discard all fire energy from this Pokemon. |
A2 182 | Palkia ex | Special Illustration Rare (☆☆) | Palkia Pack | Water | 150 | Slash (30) |
Dimensional Storm (150): Discard 3 water energy from this Pokemon. This attack does 20 damage to each of your opponent’s benched Pokemon. | ||||||
A2 183 | Pachirisu ex | Special Illustration Rare (☆☆) | Dialga Pack | Lightning | 120 | Sparking Gadget (40+): If this Pokemon has a Pokemon Tool attached, this attack does 40 more damage. |
A2 184 | Mismagius ex | Special Illustration Rare (☆☆) | Palkia Pack | Psychic | 140 | Magical Delusion (70): Your opponent’s active Pokemon is now Confused. |
A2 185 | Gallade ex | Special Illustration Rare (☆☆) | Dialga Pack | Fighting | 170 | Nightmare Aura (Ability): Whenever you attach dark energy from your energy zone to this Pokemon, do 20 damage to your opponent’s active Pokemon. |
A2 186 | Weavile ex | Special Illustration Rare (☆☆) | Palkia Pack | Darkness | 140 | Scratching Nails (30+): If your opponent’s active Pokemon has damage on it, this attack does 40 more damage. |
A2 187 | Darkrai ex | Special Illustration Rare (☆☆) | Dialga Pack | Darkness | 140 | Dark Prism (80) |
Nightmare Aura (Ability): Whenever you attach a dark energy from your energy zone to this Pokemon, do 20 damage to your opponent’s active Pokemon. | ||||||
A2 188 | Dialga ex | Special Illustration Rare (☆☆) | Dialga Pack | Metal | 150 | Licking Fury (100+): Flip a coin until you get tails. This attack does 40 more damage for each head. |
Heavy Impact (100) | ||||||
A2 189 | Lickilicky ex | Special Illustration Rare (☆☆) | Palkia Pack | Colorless | 160 | Nightmare Aura (Ability): Whenever you attach dark energy from your energy zone to this Pokemon, do 20 damage to your opponent’s active Pokemon. |
A2 190 | Cyrus | Special Illustration Rare (☆☆) | Palkia Pack | Supporter | — | Switch in 1 of your opponent’s benched Pokemon that has damage on it to the active spot. |
A2 191 | Team Galactic Grunt | Special Illustration Rare (☆☆) | Dialga Pack | Supporter | — | Put 1 random Glameow, Stunky, or Croagunk from your deck into your hand. |
A2 192 | Cynthia | Special Illustration Rare (☆☆) | Palkia Pack | Supporter | — | During this turn, attacks used by your Garchomp and Togekiss do +50 damage to your opponent’s active Pokemon. |
A2 193 | Volkner | Special Illustration Rare (☆☆) | Dialga Pack | Supporter | — | Choose 1 of your Electivire or Luxray. Attach 2 lightning energy from your discard pile to that Pokemon. |
A2 194 | Dawn | Special Illustration Rare (☆☆) | Dialga Pack | Supporter | — | Move energy from 1 of your benched Pokemon to your active Pokemon. |
A2 195 | Mars | Special Illustration Rare (☆☆) | Palkia Pack | Supporter | — | Your opponent shuffles their hand into their deck and draws a card for each of the remaining points needed to win. |
A2 196 | Yanmega ex | Special Illustration Rare (☆☆) | Dialga Pack | Grass | 140 | Air Slash (120): Discard a random energy from this Pokemon. |
A2 197 | Infernape ex | Special Illustration Rare (☆☆) | Palkia Pack | Fire | 170 | Flare Blitz (140): Discard all fire energy from this Pokemon. |
A2 198 | Pachirisu ex | Special Illustration Rare (☆☆) | Dialga Pack | Lightning | 120 | Sparking Gadget (40+): If this Pokemon has a Pokemon Tool attached, this attack does 40 more damage. |
A2 199 | Mismagius ex | Special Illustration Rare (☆☆) | Palkia Pack | Psychic | 140 | Magical Delusion (70): Your opponent’s active Pokemon is now Confused. |
A2 200 | Gallade ex | Special Illustration Rare (☆☆) | Dialga Pack | Fighting | 170 | Energized Blade (70+): This attack does 20 more damage for each energy attached to your opponent’s active Pokemon. |
A2 201 | Weavile ex | Special Illustration Rare (☆☆) | Palkia Pack | Darkness | 140 | Scratching Nails (30+): If your opponent’s active Pokemon has damage on it, this attack does 40 more damage. |
A2 202 | Darkrai ex | Special Illustration Rare (☆☆) | Dialga Pack | Darkness | 140 | Dark Prism (80) |
Nightmare Aura (Ability): Whenever you attach a dark energy from your energy zone to this Pokemon, do 20 damage to your opponent’s active Pokemon. | ||||||
A2 203 | Lickilicky ex | Special Illustration Rare (☆☆) | Palkia Pack | Colorless | 160 | Licking Fury (100+): Flip a coin until you get tails. This attack does 40 more damage for each head. |
A2 204 | Palkia ex | Immersive Cards (☆☆☆) | Palkia Pack | Water | 150 | Slash (30) |
Dimensional Storm (150): Discard 3 water energy from this Pokemon. This attack does 20 damage to each of your opponent’s benched Pokemon. | ||||||
A2 205 | Dialga ex | Immersive Cards (☆☆☆) | Dialga Pack | Metal | 150 | Metallic Turbo (30): Take 2 metal energy from your energy zone and attach it to 1 of your benched Pokemon. |
Heavy Impact (100) | ||||||
A2 206 | Palkia ex | Hyper Rare (♛) | Dialga & Palkia Pack | Water | 150 | Slash (30) |
Dimensional Storm (150): Discard 3 water energy from this Pokemon. This attack does 20 damage to each of your opponent’s benched Pokemon. | ||||||
A2 207 | Dialga ex | Hyper Rare (♛) | Dialga & Palkia Pack | Metal | 150 | Metallic Turbo (30): Take 2 metal energy from your energy zone and attach it to 1 of your benched Pokemon. |
Heavy Impact (100) |
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